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姓名 李雙安(Shuang-an Lee)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 環境工程研究所
論文名稱 多孔材料添加廢玻璃燒結調濕陶瓷之探討
(Sintered ceramic made by mixing waste glass and porous material with controlling humidity ability)
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摘要(中) 本研究探討利用多孔性材料與廢玻璃混合燒製調濕性建材之可行性,主要針對配比、溫度、持溫時間實驗研究。分析燒結體燒失率、體變化縮率、抗折強度、吸水率及孔洞分佈,並藉由孔洞特性進一步探討多孔建材的調濕功能性。
本研究選擇廢玻璃、火山灰、鹿沼土作為混合配比之材料,燒製條件分別設定在800、815、830 oC,持溫時間控制在5、10分鐘,由以上之條件進行燒成實驗,燒製完成之材料分析燒結體的基本特性及調濕建材功能性。
在燒結件基本性質分析中,火山灰陶瓷的機械強度皆高於7MPa,高於鹿沼土陶瓷;而陶瓷抗折強度除了800 oC持溫5分鐘鹿沼土含量35~40%,800 oC持溫10分鐘鹿沼土含量40%,兩種配比抗折強度低於6MPa以下,其餘配比皆符合面磚的抗折強度規範。
由孔徑分析中,鹿沼土800 oC持溫5、10分鐘與815 oC持溫5分鐘的三種環境下,其孔徑分佈大部分介於3~12nm,7~8nm之間孔容積達到最大量;但溫度升高至815 oC持溫10分鐘的孔徑分佈,10nm以下的孔容積大幅減少,7~8nm的波峰逐趨轉變為直線。至於火山灰陶瓷持溫5分鐘的陶瓷的孔容積量,遠大於持溫10分鐘的孔容積量,持溫10分鐘的火山灰陶瓷10nm以下幾乎無孔洞存在。
藉由調濕功能性分析,鹿沼土陶瓷的調濕性能遠大於火山灰陶瓷。鹿沼土陶瓷除了830 oC持溫10分鐘,其餘配比皆達到調濕性能,甚至部分範圍配比達到等級三或二的調濕性能。而火山灰陶瓷的只有800 oC持溫5分鐘火山灰含量30~40%,815 oC持溫5分鐘火山灰含量35~40%符合調濕性能,其餘皆未達規範。
藉由面磚強度與調濕功能性綜合分析,以調濕性能觀點,調濕建材最適配比為815 oC持溫5分鐘的40%鹿沼土。
摘要(英) Volcanic ash is high in mordenite, an mineral ingredient characterized by having a large specific area and being able to retain considerable quantities of moisture. On the other hand, Kanuma soil, the weathered volcanic ash, which is rich in allophane, also showing high performance with respect to moisture retention. These natural porous materials offer an opportunity to prepare a passive humidity-controlling material. This study investigated the feasibility of generating functional ceramics with controlled pore size and pore volume in an appropriate humid range of living environment, by sintering mixture of volcanic ash, Kanuma soil, and glass. The sintering conditions, including sintering time (holding time 5-10min), sintering temperature (ranging from 800-830oC), and mix design with various portion of glass amendment were tested. The resultant humidity-controlling ceramics samples were analyzed for their pore distribution and pore volume, adsorption and desorption characteristics, and engineering properties (ie., bending strength, water adsorption, bulk , density, and shrinkage).
The results indicate that for all tested conditions, the bending strength of all resultant volcanic ceramics samples were higher than 7MPa. And all Kanuma ceramics samples except those generated at 800oC 5min, with 65%(w/w) glass amendment, and 800oC 10min, with 60%(w/w) glass amendment, were all greater than 6MPa. The bending strength in both cases were all satisfying with the fractural intensity specification of ceramics (minimum 6MPa). The results of pore size distribution analysis indicate that volcanic ceramics samples tended to distribute in the range from 70-100nm(dia), whereas Kanuma ceramics samples in the range of 3-12nm(dia), the distribution suggesting that Kanuma ceramics samples are effective in moisture adsorption at lower relative humidity, and the volcanic ceramics samples on the contrary. The adsorption and desorption as tested by the Japanese test method for humidity-controlling building material shows that some volcanic ceramics samples fell in Level one moisture-controlling material (29 kg/m2x10-3), whereas some Kanuma ceramics samples reaching Level three (71 kg/m2x10-3).
In conclusion, this study demonstrated that humidity-controlling materials can be generated by sintering volcanic ash and/ Kanuma soil with glass amendment, taking advantage of the inherent porosity of the natural materials. Especially, ceramics samples prepared from Kanuma soil show excellent performance as a humidity controlling building material.
關鍵字(中) ★ 火山灰
★ 廢玻璃
★ 調濕功能性
★ 多孔性
★ 鹿沼土
關鍵字(英) ★ was
★ volcanic ash
★ multi-pore material
★ Kanuma soil
論文目次 摘要I
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2 研究目的 2
1-3研究內容 2
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2-1 調濕建材 3
2-1-1 濕度定義 3
2-1-2 濕度對財物與健康的影響 4
2-1-3 台灣相對濕度 5
2-2 調濕材料 6
2-2-1 調濕建材在生活上的機能 6
2-2-2 調濕材料的種類 7
2-3 燒結 8
2-3-1 燒結理論 8
2-3-2 燒結過程 9
2-3-3 組成成份對燒成影響 10
2-3-4 陶瓷調濕材料 11
2-4 調濕材料理論 13
2-4-1 調濕材料與蒸氣壓關係 13
2-4-2 Kelvin equation 理論 13
2-4-4 多孔凝聚吸附與Kelvin equation關係 17
2-4-5 調濕材料吸附模式 19
2-5-1 沸石簡介 21
2-5-2 沸石應用 22
2-5-3 火山灰 25
2-5-4 沸石調濕材料的研究 26
2-6-1 鹿沼土簡介 28
2-6-2 水鋁英石結構 28
2-6-3 水鋁英石性質 29
2-6-4 Allophane的合成 30
2-6-5 鹿沼土調濕材料的研究 30
第三章 研究設備與方法 32
3-1 實驗設計 32
3-2 實驗材料 33
3-2-1 廢玻璃 33
3-2-2 廢玻璃基本性質 34
3-2-3 火山灰與鹿沼土 35
3-3 實驗流程與配置 35
3-3-1 多孔材料添加廢玻璃流程 35
3-4 研究設備及方法 36
3-4-1 實驗設備 36
3-4-2 分析項目及方法 37
第四章 結果與討論 44
4-1 鹿沼土、火山灰、玻璃粉末的基本特性分析 44
4-1-1 原料基本性質 44
4-1-2 原料成份分析 45
4-1-3 重金屬成份分析與TCLP測試 46
4-1-4 原料的晶型物種 46
4-1-5 原料的微觀構造 48
4-2 多孔材料添加廢玻璃的基本特性 49
4-2-1 燒失量 49
4-2-2 體積變化率 53
4-2-3 吸水率 58
4-2-4 抗折強度 65
4-2-5 微細結構觀察 70
4-3 多孔材料燒結陶瓷孔洞特性與調濕性能 72
4-3-1 多孔陶瓷孔洞特性 72
4-3-2 平衡含水率曲線 74
4-3-3 48小時連續吸脫附測試 81
4-4 調濕建材之選擇 89
第五章 結論與建議 92
5-1 結論 92
5-2 建議 94
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