博碩士論文 963206022 詳細資訊

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姓名 林筱倫(Hsiao-lun Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 環境工程研究所
論文名稱 大宗矽甲烷儲存場所防爆特性研究
(Evaluation of Blast Wall Design Criteria of Bulk Silane Storage Facility)
★ 氫氟酸玻璃薄化製程之安全評估與風險控制★ 台北縣毒性化學物質運作場所災害潛勢分析
★ 潛盾隧道作業安全分析★ ISO 50001能源管理系統建置機制研究
★ 廢棄物管理e化系統設計與應用★ 印刷電路板製程高溫烘烤設備失效模式與效應分析研究
★ 承攬風險管理★ 光電業組立製程人因風險探討
★ 濺鍍耙材噴砂作業粉塵及噪音暴露危害評估★ 光電廠增光膜製程健康風險評估與控制
★ 行為安全執行策略探討-以某紡絲事業單位為例★ 高階製程安全管理架構
★ 工業化學品整合管理制度探討★ 半導體業承攬作業風險評估
★ 職業安全衛生績效管理機制★ 事件樹於職業安全風險評估應用研究
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摘要(中) 矽甲烷為半導體、平面顯示器及太陽能電池三大產業廣泛使用的特殊氣體,近年,隨著國內光電、半導體產業不斷擴建,加上太陽能產業迅速興起,矽甲烷使用量大幅提升,氣體供應的方式也由小鋼瓶逐漸轉為450升Y鋼供應。然而,矽甲烷在常溫、常壓下具有自燃特性,一旦發生外洩,極可能引發重大工安事故,過去國內、外均曾發生因矽甲烷外洩所引發的火災及爆炸案例。
摘要(英) Because of the highly successful development of the semiconductor and liquid crystal display industries and the rapidly emerging solar cell manufacturing in Taiwan, the consumption of silane has increased tremendously over the years. To meet the increasing demand, existing and new fabrication facilities have shifted from the traditional gas cabinet to bulk special gas supply system with cylinders 10 times larger than regular cylinders in volume. A distinct advantage of the so-called Y-cylinder, in addition to ample supply, is the reduced frequency of cylinder change since a notable percentage of accidents involving silane is caused by improper handling or erroneous cylinder change procedures.
  However, consequences of an accidental release of silane from Y-cylinders are much more severe than regular cylinders. Ignition and/or subsequent explosion of silane releases are difficult to predict because of the variations in gas yard geometry and the ambient conditions since it is required by Taiwan regulations to locate the gas yard outdoors. In addition, according to Public Hazardous Substances and Flammable Pressurized Gases Establishment Standards and Safety Control Regulations, a safety distance of 15 meters has to be maintained between an adjacent building and the hazardous substances if the floor area of the storage facility is greater than 25 square meters. Since such a safety distance is not readily available in most high-tech facilities, a compromised solution to reduce the safety distance by one half is the installation of blast wall between the building and the hazardous substances. Unfortunately, no specific design criteria such as shape, size, location, etc. have been provided by the competent authority.
  This study presents computer simulation results of silane release and subsequent explosion from the pressure relief device of a Y-cylinder. The Flame Acceleration Simulator is used in this study because of its flexibility in handling plant geometry and fuels. It is assumed that explosion characteristics of the released silane can be described by vapor cloud explosion. Effects of the blast wall’s shapes, dimensions and locations on reducing overpressure of the silane blast wave are studied in detail. To broaden the scope of this study, two silane release rates are employed. It is hoped that results of this study can be used to improve the design and installation of blast walls in bulk silane storage facilities.
關鍵字(中) ★ 蒸氣雲爆炸
★ 防爆牆
★ Y鋼
★ 矽甲烷
關鍵字(英) ★ Flame Acceleration Simulator
★ Blast Walls
★ Y-cylinder
★ Silane
★ Vapor Cloud Explosion
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 ix
致謝 x
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 3
1.3 研究方法及預期成果 4
第二章 矽甲烷火災、爆炸特性與儲存場所安全規範 6
2.1 矽甲烷危害特性 6
2.2 矽甲烷燃燒及爆炸特性 8
2.3 爆炸過壓對建築物影響 10
2.4 國內、外矽甲烷洩漏案例 12
2.4.1 國內太陽能廠矽甲烷漏火災、爆炸案例 12
2.4.2 國外矽甲烷漏案例 13
2.5 矽甲烷洩漏的安全距離 16
2.6 易燃性氣體釋放質量估算 18
2.7 矽甲烷儲存場所設置規範 19
2.8 國內外法規對於儲存場所及防爆牆設置規範 21
第三章 矽甲烷儲存場所火災爆炸後果模擬 24
3.1 蒸氣雲爆炸數值模擬 24
3.1.1 經驗模式 25
3.1.2 現象模型 26
3.1.3 數值模式 27
3.2 FLACS-v9.0電腦模擬軟體 30
3.3 FLACS模擬狀況設定 31
3.3.1 假設條件 33
3.3.2 Y鋼不同內部壓力之模擬設定 34
3.3.3 防爆牆形狀探討之模擬設定 36
3.3.4 矽甲烷洩漏爆炸對建築物影響之假設條件 39
3.3.5 最佳防爆牆面積之假設條件 41
第四章 結果與討論 43
4.1 Y鋼內部壓力與爆炸過壓 43
4.2 防爆牆形狀探討 46
4.2.1 2公尺高度防爆牆,爆炸過壓的影響範圍 47
4.2.2 不同防爆牆高度爆炸消減結果 49
4.2.3 不同防爆牆形狀對爆炸消減結果 53
4.3 矽甲烷洩漏爆炸對建築物影響 58
4.3.1 矽甲烷洩漏爆炸對建築物高度的影響 58
4.3.2 矽甲烷洩漏爆炸對建築物長度的影響 60
4.4 最佳防爆牆面積 63
4.4.1 儲存場所與防爆牆距離為2.5公尺,形狀A所需的最小防爆牆面積 63
4.4.2 儲存場所與防爆牆距離為2.5公尺,形狀B所需的最小防爆牆面積 65
4.4.3 儲存場所與防爆牆距離為5.0公尺,形狀A 66
4.4.4 儲存場所與防爆牆距離為5.0公尺,形狀B 66
第五章 結論與建議 71
5.1 結論 71
5.2 建議 73
參考文獻 75
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指導教授 于樹偉(Shuh-woei Yu) 審核日期 2009-7-27
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