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姓名 林尚儀(Shang-I Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 營建管理研究所
論文名稱 永續道路工程影響因子與人力推估模式之建立
★ 電廠工程工期相關衍生費用處理機制之研究★ 應用建築資訊模型與傳統估價於工程數量計算效能比較之研究
★ 特種貨物稅及勞務稅條例對房地產的影響-以大臺北為例★ 房地合一與所得稅改對於建設公司稅制利得與經營模式之個案研析
★ 營建工程現場之人力配置決策模式★ 以財務比率導向建構使用衍生性金融商品避險之預測模式-以建設公司及營造廠為例
★ 生命週期管理導入軍艦採購模式之探討★ 建築預鑄結構體生產難易度分級與分析之研究
★ 運用關聯法則探討預鑄構件生產派工之研究★ Automatic Porosity Detection for Permeable Concrete using X-ray CT Images
★ 運用巨量資料與系統模擬建構預鑄產業人力彈性運用之決策評估模型★ 國立大學工程設施BOT財務可行性評估流程之研究-以育成中心與宿舍為例
★ 露天開挖相關安全衛生設施標準之研究 -例外情事檢討與剖析★ 公共工程進度計算方式之認定研究
★ 工程技術顧問業融資因素分析之研究★ 以機關角度對於促進公共工程規劃設計資源再利用之法規研究
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摘要(中) 永續道路工程影響因子與人力推估模式

摘要(英) Identifying and developing impact factors and human allocation model for sustainable road construction


This research is firstly to identify impact factors in both cost and benefit aspects using quantitative techniques and then to determine their corresponding weights for sustainable road engineering projects. The second objective is to develop a human allocation model for sustainable road construction based on the findings from the first goal. The impact factors are initially gathered from literature review and expert interviews, resulting in a total of 10 factors for questionnaire development. A 5-scale Likert questionnaire is accordingly developed for a survey. With the fulfillment of statistical criteria, 54 of 120 questionnaires are returned and a reliability test is employed to examine sampling adequacy in the beginning stage of data analysis. Therefore, we are able to identify the impact factors by the use of eight tests of missing value, mean, standard deviation, skewness, t-testing, correlation coefficients, factor loading, and measures of sampling adequacy (MSA). To determine the weight of each factor, the principle component analysis combined with orthogonal rotation best fit this research. Therefore, the analysis yields the results showing that 3 components include 9 factors in the cost aspect and 2 components include 6 factors in the benefit aspect. The finding is anticipated to benefit practitioners in the designing, planning, budgeting, and controlling phases of road engineering projects.

Based on the finding, a database for assessing human resource allocation in pavement engineering was established by collecting detailed information from various construction projects. Fourteen influence factors were summarized through literature review and consultation with experts in the field. Thirty two road-smoothing projects were then randomly selected. Using the rough set approach and an artificial neural network model, a model for assessing human resource allocation in pavement engineering was developed. The model validity is verified by an average accuracy of 88.63%. Therefore, this proposed model can be viewed as a useful tool for estimating human resource demand in pavement engineering. It can also effectively alert the authority to avoid a shortage in manpower, preventing the construction project from falling behind schedule or even early termination as a result of inappropriate resource allocation.

Keywords: sustainable road construction, human allocation, questionnaire survey, factor analysis, rough set, pavement engineering, artificial neural network.
關鍵字(中) ★ 永續性道路影響因子
★ 因素分析
★ 專案工程人力
★ 約略集
★ 類神經網路
關鍵字(英) ★ sustainable road construction
★ factor analysis
★ human allocation
★ rough set
★ artificial neural network
論文目次 目 錄
摘要 i
誌謝 iii
目 錄 iv
圖 目 錄 vi
表 目 錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 研究目的 4
1.4 研究範圍與限制 5
1.5 研究流程與步驟 7
第二章 文獻回顧 11
2.1 永續工程的定義 11
2.2 永續道路工程的因子類型 18
2.2.1 「道路建設綠營建評估指標系統之研究」 18
2.2.2 「建立道路工程綠營建審議指標之研究」 20
2.2.3 「道路建設與生態工法」 22
2.2.4 影響永續道路規劃設計因子 23
2.3 營造工程的專案特性 25
2.4 專案工程人力管理及預估 27
2.4.1 專案工程人力管理 27
2.4.2 各國人力供需推估研究 28
2.4.3 利用類神經網路和約略集的應用管理 35
第三章 研究方法 37
3.1約略集演算法架構 39
3.1.1 資訊系統與決策表 39
3.1.2 不可分辨關係 41
3.1.3 下限與上限近似 41
3.1.4 簡化集合及核心屬性 44
3.1.5 應用領域 46
3.2 類神經網路 47
3.3 因素分析 56
3.3.1 基本概念 56
3.3.2 因素模式 56
3.3.3 因素個數之決定 58
3.3.4 因素命名 60
3.3.5 因素的轉軸 62
3.3.6 因素分析之操作步驟 65
第四章 永續性道路工程影響因子 67
4.1 問卷設計與變數說明 67
4.2 問卷發放及回收 69
4.3 道路工程導入永續概念之影響層面 71
4.4 討論 81
第五章 道路工程人力推估模式 83
5.1 研究架構與步驟 83
5.2 資料來源 84
5.3 專家訪談 85
5.4 變數說明 86
5.5 模式說明 88
5.5.1 模式1:倒傳遞類神經網路 88
5.5.2 模式2:約略集結合倒傳遞類神經網路 89
5.6 研究結果 93
5.6.1 K疊交叉驗證法 94
5.6.2 分析結果 96
5.7 研究發現 97
第六章 結論與建議 99
6.1 研究結論 99
6.2 研究建議與管理策略 102
參考文獻 105
參考文獻 參考文獻

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指導教授 陳介豪(Jieh-Haur Chen) 審核日期 2016-7-18
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