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姓名 張尹玲(Yin-ling Chang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系
論文名稱 ERP系統應該好玩嗎?
(Should ERP system be enjoyable?)
★ 在社群網站上作互動推薦及研究使用者行為對其效果之影響★ 以AHP法探討伺服器品牌大廠的供應商遴選指標的權重決定分析
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摘要(中) 企業資源規劃(Enterprise Resource Planning, ERP)系統長期以來對於企業營運績效的成敗具有莫大的影響力。傳統看待此系統的眼光都是以功利性的觀點出發,不論是供應商或企業單位強調的是系統是否有助於提昇員工生產力、增進生產效率之有用性。「有沒有用?」與「有不有趣?」,後者往往在有意無意之中被略而不談。當企業選擇導入ERP系統之後,惟有內部員工具有持續使用該系統的意願,從而引發實際的使用行為,才有可能將導入ERP系統帶來的潛在利益逐一實現。本研究將玩樂因子融入資訊系統期望確認模型之架構中,並將玩樂此一因素概念化為知覺玩樂性。實證數據顯示知覺玩樂性、知覺有用性、使用者滿意度對於持續使用傾向皆具有顯著的預測與解釋能力,其中尤以知覺玩樂性最具影響力,其次則為知覺有用性,使用者滿意度再次之。由此可知在實務上,即便在本質上傾向被定位為功利性之ERP系統,系統有用性、系統有趣性兩者相較之下,後者才是影響持續使用行為最為關鍵的因素。
摘要(英) The implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning system (ERP system) has long been considered a useful way to increase a firm’s operating performance. It’s believed that the stronger the users’ willingness to use the system to do their jobs, the greater the possibility to gain the expected benefits brought by the system. This study incorporates the concept of perceived enjoyment into the expectation-confirmation paradigm, and attempts to examine whether if the ERP system, which has been taken as a serious, utilitarian-oriented system ever since it was born, should also be enjoyable. The results suggest that continuance intention toward ERP system use is primarily determined by perceived enjoyment, and followed by perceived usefulness and user satisfaction. Thus the concern of “the system is useful or not?” is overwhelmed by the idea of “the system is fun or not?” when it comes to continuing using the ERP system. The larger effect size of perceived enjoyment and perceived usefulness, relative to user satisfaction, indicate that even if the users dissatisfied with the ERP system they are using, it’s still possible to enhance users’ continuance intention. The empirical implications and the direction of future studies are also provided.
關鍵字(中) ★ 持續使用傾向
★ 使用者滿意度
★ 知覺玩樂性
★ 知覺有用性
★ 資訊系統期望確認模型
★ 企業資源規劃
關鍵字(英) ★ Continuance Intention
★ User Satisfaction
★ Perceived Usefulness
★ ERP System
★ Perceived Enjoyment
★ Expectation-Confirmation Paradigm
論文目次 中文摘要..................................................i
2-1 資訊系統期望確認理論(ECT-IS)..........................5
2-2使用者滿意度(User Satisfaction, US)....................7
2-3知覺有用性(Perceived Usefulness, PU)...................9
2-4確認程度(Confirmation, CON)...........................10
2-5持續使用傾向(Continuance Intention, CI)...............11
2-6知覺玩樂性(Perceived Enjoyment, PENJ).................12
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指導教授 許秉瑜(Ping-yu Hsu) 審核日期 2009-6-17
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