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姓名 林侃逸(Kan-Yi Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 基於建構主義與社群的英語字彙學習流程於平台
(Constructivism- and Community-based E-Learning Processes and Platform for Acquiring English Vocabulary)
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摘要(中) 目前市面上的英語字彙學習工具(如一般字典、電子字典如Google Dictionary、Yahoo字典…等等)大多只提供了英語字彙學習者簡單的查閱功能。但是在學習的流程以及個人化的學習歷程卻相當缺乏。學習者沒有一個良好的學習流程可以使之持續不斷精進自己在字彙學習的方式,也無法得知自己在學習上是否有明顯的進步,那些英語字彙又是自己常常所遺忘的。
本論文研究將應用建構式學習以及網路學習社群的設計概念,發展出一套建構式的學習流程以及可靈活調整的階層性課程編排架構。此外也將有用的英語字彙學習策略(例如:單字卡、單字清單、字根字首拆解法)自動化,並且套用在本論文系統 - My VLS之上。以期望能夠對於英語字彙學習者的學習成果帶來明顯的成效與進步。
摘要(英) Most of the English vocabulary learning tool just provides vocabulary inquiry functions. These tools lack of vocabulary learning history for learners to understand there learning progress. Thus, learners can’t find out the insufficient parts of their vocabulary learning history and vocabularies they always forgot. Besides, there is no vocabulary learning process for learner, they should follow an effective learning process to improve their learning performance.
Depending on the context, English vocabulary has different meaning. However, Taiwanese EFL (English as a Foreign Language) learners are usually rote the form of English vocabulary. This kind of improper vocabulary learning strategy can’t keep long-term retention in learners’ mind. We have to use efficient vocabulary learning strategy to enhance the long-term retention of vocabulary.
This thesis focus on apply the constructive teaching/learning theory and the concept of web-base learning community to our learning platform. Based on these theories, we will design an agile hierarchical course content structure and constructive learning process depends on learning situation, teachers can free to adjust the course structure and learning process.
Besides, according to the concept of web-base learning community, our thesis system also will provide individual learning history and related-learning community information for vocabulary learners and teachers. Both them will clearly understand their learning situation and adjust their teaching/learning strategy. Through our learning process and agile hierarchical course content, learning performance will improved gradually.
關鍵字(中) ★ 網路學習社群
★ 建構式學習
★ My VLS
★ 數位學習
★ 英語字彙學習策略
關鍵字(英) ★ English Vocabulary Learning Strategy
★ E-Learning
★ Web-base learning community
★ Constructive learning
論文目次 目錄
摘要 ..........................................................................................................................V
表目錄 .................................................................................................................. VIII
圖目錄 .................................................................................................................... IX
第一章 緒論............................................................................................................. 1
第一節 研究背景與動機............................................................................................................... 1
第二節 研究問題 .......................................................................................................................... 3
第三節 研究目的 .......................................................................................................................... 4
第二章 文獻探討 ..................................................................................................... 7
第一節 目前台灣學習英語字彙現況與英語字彙學習策略 .................................................... 7
第二節 英語字彙學習中的評量標準 .................................................................................... 10
第三節 建構式教學 ............................................................................................................... 14
第四節 網路學習社群 ........................................................................................................... 20
第五節 小結 .......................................................................................................................... 22
第三章 應用建構式教學流程於英語字彙學習 ..................................................... 24
第一節 MY VLS的英語字彙學習模式 ................................................................................. 24
第二節 MY VLS在英語字彙課程結構上的設計 .................................................................. 25
第三節 MY VLS在建構式教學流程上的設計 ...................................................................... 28
第四節 MY VLS在建構式教學流程與課程結構上的細部設計 ........................................... 30
第四章 系統設計與實作 ....................................................................................... 46
第一節 使用案例 ........................................................................................................................ 46
第二節 系統設計與實作結果 ..................................................................................................... 49
第五章 結論........................................................................................................... 62
參考文獻 ................................................................................................................ 64
參考文獻 英文文獻
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指導教授 許智誠(Kevin C. Hsu) 審核日期 2009-7-10
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