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姓名 李宛霖(Wan-lin Lee)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 組織氣候與個人動機對知識分享意圖之影響
(The influence of organizational climate and personal motivations on intention to share knowledge)
★ 以個案研究法探討機械式組織之資訊系統導入★ 銀行企業內部網路導入TCP/IP通信協定之研究
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摘要(中) 隨著網路技術的蓬勃發展及網路使用者的逐日增加,這樣的便利性將世界上的人們都連結在一起。因此,人們可以不受到距離和時間上的限制,自由地與他人溝通。同時,網路的便捷性也改變了人們聚集的方式,特別是受到虛擬社群的所帶來的巨大影響。通常來說,虛擬社群提供了一種線上的平台,可以讓人們針對自己喜歡的社群內容或是擁有共同興趣,做進一步的交流、溝通以及分享知識。然而,現今網路上愈來愈多虛擬社群擁有各自不同的風格和社群類型,吸引不同的使用者聚集於此。
摘要(英) With the prosperous development of Internet and increasing internet users, the convenience connects people worldwide. Thus, people are freely able to communicate with each other without the limitation of time and distance. Also, they way people to gather are changed dramatically by the Internet, especially the virtual communities (VCs). In general, virtual communities provide the online platform for people to interact with each other, and share knowledge based on the specific and favorable topics. However, there is a wide variety type of virtual communities which contains different type of professional content, which is also called knowledge communities. The most critical issue is that sharing knowledge is an important factor in discourse on motivations and organizational context, that is, organizational climate, which is rarely discussed in virtual communities in the previous literatures. In this study, “Personal and Community-related Outcome expectations”’, “Reciprocity”, “Knowledge sharing self-efficacy” and “Enjoy helping others” are included in motivational factors. And, “organizational climate” ranges from structure, support and reward in the survey.
Therefore, this study analyzes the influence of motivational factors and organizational climate, and further adopted on TRA-based (Theory of Reasoned Action) model, in order to examine the knowledge sharing attitude, subjective norm, and further, to intention. The object of research is the well-known professional Java language communities in Taiwan— “JavaWorld@TW”. The survey is supported by respondents who have experiences in participating in JavaWorld@TW.
The questionnaire was publicly published in BBSs and JavaWorld@TW. Total 207 samples were collected from the web-based survey, and 1 invalid sample was deleted. Consequently, total 206 valid samples were collected. The result shows motivational factors (“Reciprocity” and “Community-related outcome expectations”) has positive influence on “Attitude toward knowledge sharing”, and “Organizational Climate” (Structure, Support, Reward) is also significant in this study. Furthermore, “Subject Norm” and “Attitude toward knowledge sharing” affects individuals’ intentions to share knowledge.
關鍵字(中) ★ 理性行為理論
★ 動機
★ 虛擬社群
★ 知識分享
★ 組織氣候
關鍵字(英) ★ Virtual Communities
★ Knowledge sharing
★ Motivation
★ Theory of Reasoned Action
★ Organizational Climate
論文目次 Table of Content
中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝辭 iii
List of Figures vi
List of Tables vii
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Research background and motivation 1
1.2 Research objectives 3
1.3 Research procedure 5
2 Theoretical Foundation 8
2.1 Knowledge sharing 8
2.1.1 Definition of knowledge 8
2.2 Organizational Climate 11
2.3 Knowledge sharing self-efficacy 13
2.4 Community 14
2.4.1 Definition of Virtual community 15
2.4.2 The definition of Community of practice, CoPs) 18
2.5 Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) 19
2.6 Individual motivations 20
2.7 Barriers to participate in virtual communities 21
3 Research Method 24
3.1 Research model 24
3.2 Research Hypothesis 27
3.2.1 Outcome expectations 27
3.2.2 Reciprocity 28
3.2.3 Knowledge Sharing Self-Efficacy 28
3.2.4 Enjoy Helping Others 30
3.2.5 Organizational Climate 30
3.2.6 Attitude toward knowledge sharing 32
3.2.7 Subjective norm 32
3.3 Constructs Definition and Operationalization 33
3.4 Research Design 36
3.4.1 Questionnaire Design 37
3.4.2 Data collection 38
4 Data Analysis 40
4.1 Descriptive Statistics 41
4.2 Questionnaire data analysis 45
4.2.1 Convergent validity. 45
4.2.2 Discriminant Validity 47
4.2.3 Reliability 49
4.3 Hypotheses Testing 49
5. Conclusions and Suggestions 52
5.1 Results 52
5.2 Contributions 55
5.3 Managerial implications 55
5.4 Research Limitations 57
Reference 59
Appendix 64
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指導教授 范懿文(Yi-wen Fan) 審核日期 2009-6-23
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