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姓名 許嘉瑞(Chia-Jui Hsu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系在職專班
論文名稱 科技產業組織診斷與分析之研究-以Q公司為例
(Research of Technology Industry Organizational Diagnosis-- A Case Study of Q Company)
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摘要(中) 電子科技日新月異,隨著高度資訊電子化需求,各廠商也推陳出新,各式各樣新穎從所未見的技術及運用持續進入日常生活中,雲端運算是近年來相當熱門的話題,從應用面來看確實也是一種需求,隨著越來越多需要上網的終端應用及終端消費產品推出,對伺服器供應商是一個龐大商機也是個案公司的一大挑戰。本研究以知名台灣代工系統廠的個案公司為研究樣本,該公司於1988年成立,並於1999年上市,持續在筆記型電腦領先同業,個案事業部相對來說是處於更競爭的產業環境。順應雲端運算趨勢,並且為因應未來的發展,該公司目前正積極擴大招募人力與擴充生產設備,並隨著公司策略投入研發資源、調整組織架構及發展方向。本研究希望能透過學術的研究方式,採用Cummings & Worley提出的診斷組織系統的完整模型(Comprehensive Model for Diagnosing Organizational Systems)作為組織診斷模型,針對個案公司做完整的組織診斷,以期能找出個案公司的問題所在。藉由資料蒐集與深度訪談的方式,運用組織診斷模型理論,先分析個案公司所處的外在環境與其競爭力,並進一步診斷目前的組織狀況與產出情形。依照診斷的結果,提出如下建議與改善方向供個案公司參考:
1. 個案公司伺服器事業部的組織運作上,整體而言具有相當良好的適配度,但評量系統未能有效與技術或人資系統做連結。
2. 針對跨部門資源整合進行流程再造。
3. 要打造有效、公平、及可見性的評量系統並與人資系統做連結,以達到有效激勵的效果。
4. 需要有整個雲端技術整合能力的人加強組織整合去支持組織技術面的問題。
摘要(英) Following high demanding of digital information and electronic technology advancement, those high-tech and join venture companies continuously developing various new technology and application to our daily life. Cloud computing is one of the most famous topic and real application we rely on recently, there is a potential demand and future from application point of view. There are more and more consumer products and hand-held devices do not need powerful processing capability but just need to hook to the internet browsing and cloud computing applications. The trend shows there is a massive demand in the server system provider and it is also a challenge to the case company. The essay is a case study of a famous leading OEM/ODM notebook and system provider in Taiwan which founding at 1988 and trading in Taiwan since 1999. Compare to notebook business, the case business unit is in even more competitive industry because of its economic scale. Not only the case business unit is aggressively recruiting and extending its manufactures but also strategically invest massive resources, adjust organization structure to adapt to the future demand following by cloud computing trend. The essay wants to find out the flaw either in process or strategic of the case business unit by conducting academic research such as adapting Cummings & Worley’s Comprehensive Model for Diagnosing Organization Systems as organization diagnosis model. The organization diagnosis step is first to collect public data and interview employees and then apply the analysis information to the organization diagnosis model. Analyze the business unit’s competitive capability also the environment it facing and further diagnosis the overall organization and its performance. Base on the diagnosis result, there are few suggestions below for the case business unit’s reference:
1. The design components in case business unit daily operation fit to each other in overall but the connections between measurement systems, human resources systems and technology are missing.
2. Restructuring the process of cross functional departments resources coordination.
3. Create a measurement system with availability, equity and visibility so that it has good connection to human resources system in order to effectively inspire employees.
4. Need someone able to consolidate overall cloud computing structure technology to enforce coordination between organizations and support organizational technology requirements.
關鍵字(中) ★ 診斷組織系統的完整模型
★ 組織診斷
★ 組織發展
關鍵字(英) ★ Organization development
★ Organization Diagnosis
★ Comprehensive Model for Diagnosing Organization
論文目次 中文摘要 i
目錄 iv
表目錄 v
圖目錄 vi
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景與動機 1
1-2 研究目的 2
1-3 研究流程 3
第二章 文獻探討 4
2-1 組織診斷概述 4
2-2 開放系統模型 6
2-3 組織系統診斷綜合模型 9
2-4 組織診斷之相關文獻 15
第三章 研究過程與研究方法 21
3-1 個案研究方法 21
3-2 資料蒐集方法 22
第四章 資料分析 29
4-1 公司概況 29
4-2 營運概況 32
4-3 伺服器產業競爭情形 32
4-4 產業發展趨勢 35
4-5 個案公司組織架構 38
4-6 輸出 49
第五章 結論及建議 55
5-1 研究結論 55
5-2 研究建議 59
5-3 研究限制 59
參考文獻 61
附錄一 65
附錄二 66
參考文獻 一. 英文部份
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三. 網站部份
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指導教授 李憶萱(Yi-Hsuan Lee) 審核日期 2010-7-15
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