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★ 證券公司財務比率與股價關係之探討—以三家證券公司為例★ 主管與部屬交換關係品質、心理賦能對員工工作滿足之影響─內外控人格干擾效果之探討
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★ 領導部屬交換關係、工作角色感知與工作績效之研究★ 工作角色感知、負向回饋探詢行為與工作績效之研究
★ 領導與部屬交換關係、組織公平知覺對員工的幫助行為意願與組織承諾之影響 — 以中國華東地區電子廠商為例★ 人格特質與心理契約對員工組織承諾與離職傾向之影響-以旅館飯店業為例
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★ 面試情境之個人與組織契合度知覺對工作錄取決定之影響★ 企業履行社會責任對於員工工作滿意度和組織承諾以及工作績效之影響
★ 以多層次觀點探討群體互賴與組織公民行為之關係:群體凝聚力的中介影響★ 後進者技術獲取模式之研究─以LED與太陽能產業為例
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摘要(中) Today, job design has great practical significance for organizations. It is a technique that humanizes work, improves job satisfaction, achievement, and quality, and helps solve employee problems. Organizations tend to adjust their strategies to maximize their best interests. They change, expand, and blend their strategies to gain a competitive advantage. Human resource management scholars view job design as an important organizational strategy.
Universities are the center of higher learning, and professors play an important role in ensuring high quality education. Quality of education is now an issue of global concern. Attention is increasingly focused on educational outcomes. Policy makers have undertaken a wide range of reforms to improve schools, ranging from setting new standards and tests to redesigning schools, new curricula, and new instructional strategies. Teachers are pressured to maintain skills and knowledge to achieve ambitious educational goals. Accordingly, scholars investigate job design related to teaching jobs in higher education. They classify teachers’ job characteristics into four groups: pedagogical, managerial, technical, and subject-designing. Success of job design for higher education is expected to affect positive outcomes, such as work motivation, individual and institutional performance, work satisfaction, and commitment; these in turn produce high quality students. But there is inconsistency regarding the effect of job design on higher education.
This study aims to investigate teachers’ job characteristics that influence performance in higher education. Individual and interpersonal characteristics affect the relationships between job characteristics and performance. This study makes a case for the collectivistic context. In most of the evaluations, Western higher education ranks higher than that in eastern society. In the individual context, people prefer to act as individuals rather than as a group and believe in individual rights above all else. Those in the collectivistic context expect others in the group to look after and protect each other. Therefore, given the collectivistic context of Indonesia, the purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of job design on teachers’ performance.
It is found that teachers’ job characteristics are found positively related to their performance. It is also found that P-J fit is not significant as a moderator in the relationship between job characteristics and teacher performance. In addition, servant leadership is significant in moderating the relationship between teachers’ job characteristics and their performance. Managerial implications and recommendations for future research are thus discussed.
摘要(英) 現今,工作設計(job design)技術在使工作人性化,改善工作滿意度,工作成就與工作品質,與幫助解決員工所碰到的問題上擁有現實意義。組織為了能以最大化最佳利益會在策略上進行調整,已獲得競爭優勢。因此,人力資源管理領域的學者將工作設計視為一個組織可採行的重要策略。
大學士高等教育的中心,教育的品質是全球所關注的,而教授更扮演了保證高等教育品質的重要的角色。教育的品質是全球所關注的,且教育的成效也逐漸被聚焦檢視,政策制定者已進行了廣泛的改革以改善學校教育,包含了制定新的標準和嘗試著重新設計學校,新的課程,新的教學策略。教師們被要求維持技能和知識以實現這個具有野心的教育目標。因此,學者們調查與高等教育工作相關的工作設計,他們將教師的工作特徵分類為四個類別: 教學,管理,技術和主題設計。成功的高等教育相關工作設計預期應是有著正向的結果,例如工作動機,個人與機構的績效,工作滿意度等,這些預期的效果可以產生高素質的學生,但實際上這個效果卻與預期不一致。
關鍵字: 工作特徵,績效,個人與工作適配,僕人式領導
關鍵字(中) ★ 工作特性
★ 性能
★ P-Ĵ合體
★ 僕人式領導
關鍵字(英) ★ job characteristics
★ performance
★ P-J fit
★ servant leadership
論文目次 MOTIVE AND DEDICATION ................................................................................ V
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...................................................................................... VII
ABSTRACT…………….. ......................................................................................... IX
TABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................................................... XIII
TABLE OF FIGURES ........................................................................................... XVI
LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................... XVII
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ................................................................................ 1
1.1. BACKGROUND AND RATIONALE .................................................................... 1
1.2. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM ...................................................................... 4
1.3. PURPOSE OF THE STUDY ................................................................................. 6
1.4. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY ........................................................................ 8
1.5. SUMMARY ..................................................................................................... 11
CHAPTER II REVIEW OF THE RELATED LITERATURE ............................ 13
2.1. JOB CHARACTERISTICS ....................................................................................... 14
2.2. JOB PERFORMANCE ............................................................................................. 18
2.3. PERSON-JOB FIT .................................................................................................. 24
2.4. SERVANT LEADERSHIP ........................................................................................ 27
2.5. RESEARCH HYPOTHESES ..................................................................................... 32
2.5.1. The Relationship between Job Characteristics and Teacher Performance
............................................................................................................................ 32
2.5.2. Moderation of P-J Fit on the Relationship between Job Characteristics
and Teacher Performance ................................................................................ 34
2.5.3. Moderation of Servant Leadership on the Relationship between Job
Characteristics and Teacher Performance ..................................................... 36
2.6. SUMMARY ............................................................................................................. 38
CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY ......................................................................... 41
3.1. RESEARCH DESIGN .............................................................................................. 41
3.2. MEASURING INSTRUMENTS ................................................................................. 42
3.2.1. Performance Measurement ............................................................................ 42
3.2.2. Job Characteristics Measurement ................................................................. 43
3.2.3. P-J Fit Measurement....................................................................................... 43
3.2.4. Servant Leadership Measurement................................................................. 44
3.2.5. Description of Demographic Variables ......................................................... 44
3.3. SAMPLE AND DATA COLLECTION ....................................................................... 44
3.4. DATA PROCESSING .............................................................................................. 45
3.5. DATA ANALYSIS ................................................................................................... 46
3.5.1. Consistency and Accuracy Measurement Tests ........................................... 46 Reliability............................................................................................... 46 Validity .................................................................................................. 48
3.5.2. Multiple Regression Analysis ......................................................................... 49
3.6. LIMITATION ......................................................................................................... 50
3.7. SUMMARY ............................................................................................................. 51
CHAPTER IV RESULTS ........................................................................................ 52
4.1. DEMOGRAPHIC DATA .......................................................................................... 52
4.2. CONSISTENCY AND ACCURACY OF MEASUREMENTS ......................................... 52
4.2.1. Reliability ......................................................................................................... 54
4.2.2. Validity ............................................................................................................. 54 Convergent Validity: Loading Factor and AVE values ......................... 54 Divergent Validity: Correlation Matrix and Discriminant Validity ...... 54
4.3. HYPOTHESES TESTING ........................................................................................ 55
4.3.1. Hypothesis-1 Testing ....................................................................................... 55
4.3.2. Hypothesis-2 Testing ....................................................................................... 56
4.3.3. Hypothesis-3 Testing ....................................................................................... 57
4.4. SUMMARY ............................................................................................................. 60
CHAPTER V SUMMARY AND CONCLUTION ................................................. 62
5.1. DISCUSSION OF THIS STUDY ................................................................................ 63
5.1.1. Relationship between Job Characteristics and Teachers’ Performance ... 63 Relationship between Job Autonomy and Teachers’ Performance ....... 63 Relationship between Task Variety and Teacher Performance ............. 65 Relationship between Task Significance and Teacher Performance ..... 65 Relationship between Task Identity and Teacher Performance............. 67 Relationship between Job Feedback and Teacher Performance ............ 68
5.1.2 Moderation of P-J Fit....................................................................................... 69
5.1.3. Moderation of Servant Leadership ............................................................... 70
5.2. LIMITATIONS ........................................................................................................ 71
5.3. MANAGERIAL IMPLICATIONS .............................................................................. 72
5.4. DIRECTION OF FUTURE RESEARCH..................................................................... 73
5.5. SUMMARY ............................................................................................................. 76
REFFERENCES ....................................................................................................... 78
........................................................................................................ 90
AND PERFORMANCE ............................................................... 94
APPENDIX-4 RELIABILITY TEST ...................................................................... 96
APPENDIX- 5 QUESTIONAIRE ............................................................................ 97
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指導教授 陳春希(Chun-hsi Chen) 審核日期 2013-7-17
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