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姓名 陳詳翰(Xiang-han Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 運用演化式 PageRank之期刊排名演算法
(The Evolutionary PageRank Approach for Journal Ranking)
★ 零售業商業智慧之探討★ 有線電話通話異常偵測系統之建置
★ 資料探勘技術運用於在學成績與學測成果分析 -以高職餐飲管理科為例★ 利用資料採礦技術提昇財富管理效益 -以個案銀行為主
★ 晶圓製造良率模式之評比與分析-以國內某DRAM廠為例★ 商業智慧分析運用於學生成績之研究
★ 運用資料探勘技術建構國小高年級學生學業成就之預測模式★ 應用資料探勘技術建立機車貸款風險評估模式之研究-以A公司為例
★ 績效指標評估研究應用於提升研發設計品質保證★ 基於文字履歷及人格特質應用機械學習改善錄用品質
★ 以關係基因演算法為基礎之一般性架構解決包含限制處理之集合切割問題★ 關聯式資料庫之廣義知識探勘
★ 考量屬性值取得延遲的決策樹建構★ 從序列資料中找尋偏好圖的方法 - 應用於群體排名問題
★ 利用分割式分群演算法找共識群解群體決策問題★ 以新奇的方法有序共識群應用於群體決策問題
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摘要(中) 由於學術績效評價的需要,期刊排名問題已經引起各領域研究者的廣泛關注。過去研究主要集中在解決期刊的排名問題,無論是根據主觀態度的專家調查法或是基於客觀的引文評價方法。但是這兩種方法都有各自的優缺點,而且它們通常互補;另一方面,分級排名常用來提供決策制定與獎勵配置,是實務上相當有價值的方法。然而它是一種資源分配與組合最佳化問題,難以直接透過傳統引文分析方法得到結果,因此本研究試圖提出了兩種全新的方法,前者整合主客觀觀點,後者解決分級排名問題。
摘要(英) The journal ranking problem has drawn a great deal of attention from researchers in various fields due to its importance in the evaluation of academic performance. Most previous studies solved the journal ranking problem with either a subjective approach based on expert survey metrics or an objective approach based on citation-based metrics. Since both approaches have their own advantages and disadvantages, and since they are usually complementary, this work proposes a brand new approach that integrates the two previous approaches. In addition, the class-ranking is quite valuable method to provide decision makers with the incentive preparation in practice. However, it is a resource allocation and combinatorial optimization, so it is difficult to get results by the traditional citation analysis method. To this end, we propose the second approach in this study to solve the class-ranking with citation-based data.
In this study, we propose two evolutionary PageRank algorithms. The first method uses the Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization to balance citation analysis and expert opinion. Experiments evaluating ranking quality were carried out with citation records and experts’ surveys to show the effectiveness of the proposed method. The results indicate that the proposed method can improve PageRank journal ranking results. The second method uses a tree-based chromosome to represent a class-ranking problem. This encoding can be combining all assigned classes and prestige values in a chromosome effectively. We, also, use the Genetic Algorithm to determine an optimal graded assignment based on the citations and users constraints. Experimental results also proved that this method can be allocation classes precisely, and ensure the similarity between the members of the same class.
關鍵字(中) ★ 期刊排名
★ 專家限制
★ 網頁排名法
★ 粒子群最佳化
★ 遺傳演算法
關鍵字(英) ★ Journal Ranking
★ Experts’ Constraints
★ PageRank
★ Particle Swarm Optimization
★ Genetic Algorithm
論文目次 中文摘要.................................................................................................... i 英文摘要................................................................................................... ii
目錄........................................................................................................ iv
圖目錄.................................................................................................... vii
表目錄..................................................................................................... ix
第一章 緒論................................................................................................1
1.1 研究動機 ............................................................................................ 3
1.2 研究目的 ............................................................................................ 5
1.3 方法簡介 ............................................................................................ 5
1.4 研究貢獻 ............................................................................................ 8
1.5 論文架構 ............................................................................................ 9
第二章 文獻回顧.......................................................................................10
2.1 PageRank 演算法 ..............................................................................10
2.2 演化式演算法 ................................................................................... 12
2.2.1 粒子群演算法................................................................................. 13
2.2.2 遺傳演算法.................................................................................... 15
2.3 分群方法 ......................................................................................... 17
第三章 專家知識導向的 PageRank 演算法 ................................................. 20 3.1 研究問題定義.....................................................................................21
3.1.1 定義期刊排名解 ............................................................................. 22
3.1.2 定義專家意見................................................................................. 23
3.1.3 定義問題目標................................................................................. 23
3.2 演算法............................................................................................. 27
3.2.1 粒子編碼....................................................................................... 29
3.2.2 初始化階段.................................................................................... 29
3.2.3 非支配解集合................................................................................. 30
3.2.4 位置更新....................................................................................... 31
3.2.5 吸引因子選擇................................................................................. 31
3.2.6 突變操作....................................................................................... 32
3.3 實驗測試.......................................................................................... 33
3.3.1 結果分析....................................................................................... 33
3.3.2 排名產生....................................................................................... 34
3.3.3 滿意度調查(與其他方法比較) ........................................................... 38
3.3.4 滿意度調查(與專家排名比較) ........................................................... 40
3.3.5 參數與效能分析.............................................................................. 42
第四章 分級 PageRank 演算法 ................................................................. 44
4.1 問題定義............................................................................................46
4.1.1 染色體編碼 .................................................................................... 46
4.1.2 定義問題目標................................................................................. 47
4.1.3 定義目標函式................................................................................. 48
4.1.4 模式基本性質................................................................................. 48
4.2 演算法.............................................................................................. 50
4.2.1 初始化階段..................................................................................... 50
4.2.2 演化階段........................................................................................ 52
4.2.3 基因修復機制................................................................................. 59
4.3 實驗測試........................................................................................... 62
4.3.1 實驗設計........................................................................................ 62
4.3.2 結果分析........................................................................................ 62
4.3.3 參數與效能分析.............................................................................. 67
第五章 結論..............................................................................................69
5.1 研究結論............................................................................................69
5.2 研究範圍與限制..................................................................................69
5.3 未來發展............................................................................................71
參考文獻................................................................................................. 72 附錄一.................................................................................................... 80
附錄二.................................................................................................... 83
附錄三.................................................................................................... 85
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指導教授 陳彥良(Yen-Linag Chen) 審核日期 2014-3-24
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