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姓名 王彥傑(Yen-Chieh Wang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 設計可在混合實境互動的機器人來提昇學習環境中的臨場感與學習動機
(Designing a robot with mixed reality interaction mechanism to increase the presence and learning motivation in learning environment)
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摘要(中) 傳統的教學都是在教室內由教師單方面的傳授知識,但知識是學習者與環境互動的產物,學生應該要在真實的環境中學習,習得的知識才有意義。然而,在一般的課堂上很難創造一個真實的知識運用環境,有許多限制。擴增實境技術的進步,利用擴增實境有可能在教室內使用混合實境建構一個模擬真實的情境,呈現豐富的場景。若學生要能進入混合實境場景跟環境做互動,則需要建立的環境非常大、技術比較複雜、成本也較高,對於推廣到一般學校裡面或家庭中有實質上的困難,因此,必須找一個扮演學生代理人的角色,代替學生進入混合實境的場景中與場景做互動。玩具型和教育用機器人逐漸成熟,價格也慢慢降到可負擔範圍,因此本論文使用機器人做為學生的代理人,進入混合實境的場景來做互動。
摘要(英) The traditional instruction is carried out by the teacher in the class with single side. However, knowledge is the production of the interaction between learners and surroundings. It’s meaningful for students to learn in the physical surroundings. Actually, it’s hard to build a knowledge-manipulating surrounding which contains many limitations. With the advance of augmented reality techniques, building a mixed reality of rich scenes with augmented reality has come true in the class. To interact with the surroundings in the mixed reality is expensive and hard for students; it’s hard to promote the ideas to schools or family. Therefore, we had to find a student deputy as a representative to immerse in the mixed reality and to interact with the surroundings. Toy robots and robots for education become popular and the prices are acceptable within the budget, so we used robots as the student deputy to enter the mixed reality to interact with the surroundings.
In this research, we design a program, which can control robot in a mixed reality surroundings. Robot can interact with surroundings and learners. The program will read the map and robot’s coordinate in the scene. So robot knows where it is. Robot can detect the occurrence of events and deal with the boundary and exceptions by itself. We designed the interaction modes with learners by using the sensors which the robot built-in. We also expanded the robot’s ability in voice recognition and voice output. Learners can use multiple way to interact with the robot. Students will feel like learning in the physical surroundings.
In this research, the subjects are 36 second grade junior high school students. They used the mixed reality learning system with robot and the learning system which use robot icon substitute the physical robot. The experiment result shows that mixed reality learning system with robot, students feel more authentic and exciting. Students feel more interesting, engaging, and increasing the presence and learning motivation though interacting with robot.
關鍵字(中) ★ 機器人
★ 混合實境
★ 臨場感
★ 學習動機
關鍵字(英) ★ learning motivation
★ presence
★ robot
★ mixed reality
論文目次 中文摘要--------------------------------------- I
英文摘要--------------------------------------- II
誌謝------------------------------------------- III
目錄------------------------------------------- IV
圖目錄----------------------------------------- VI
表目錄----------------------------------------- VII
第一章 緒論----------------------------------- 1
1-1 研究背景------------------------------- 1
1-2 研究動機------------------------------- 3
1-3 研究目標------------------------------- 3
1-4 研究問題與對策------------------------- 4
1-5 論文架構------------------------------- 5
第二章 相關理論與研究------------------------- 6
2-1 相關理論--------------------------------- 6
2-1-1 臨場感(Presence)-------------------- 6
2-2 相關研究------------------------------- 7
2-2-1 機器人做為呈現教材互動的角色--- 8
2-2-2 利用混合實境加強機器人能力----- 9
2-2-3 “虛擬”和“實體”的比較------- 10
第三章 系統設計與實做------------------------- 12
3-1 機器人介紹----------------------------- 12
3-2 系統環境設定--------------------------- 13
3-3 整體架構------------------------------- 15
3-4 機器人程式系統 ------------------------- 15
3-4-1 與學習者互動------------------- 16
3-4-2 與環境互動--------------------- 18
3-5 設計機器人 ----------------------------- 22
第四章 實驗規劃與結果------------------------- 24
4-1 實驗背景------------------------------- 24
4-2 實驗目的------------------------------- 25
4-3 實驗流程------------------------------- 25
4-4 實驗畫面------------------------------- 26
4-5 實驗結果------------------------------- 31
4-6 討論----------------------------------- 35
第五章 結論----------------------------------- 37
參考文獻--------------------------------------- 39
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指導教授 陳國棟(Gwo-Dong Chen) 審核日期 2009-7-10
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