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姓名 安多明(Tom Anderson)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 網路學習科技研究所
論文名稱 設計迷你遊戲學習台灣國小英語字彙系統
(Design of an English Vocabulary Acquisition System with Mini-Games for Elementary School Students in Taiwan)
★ 探索電玩遊戲頻率對於視覺注意力表現能力的效應★ 代理表現學習模式—以動物同伴為例
★ 常用邏輯句型重組之學習★ 電腦支援國小數學文字題擬題活動初探
★ 解釋數學:透過科技支援創作與討論以增強小學生的數學溝通能力★ 提問式鷹架教學結合數位閱讀寫作系統對國小低年級學生語文能力的影響
★ 數學島:興趣驅動之國小數學線上平台設計與初步評估★ 以「猜擬題」活動增進學生數學文字題解題能力
★ 基於學生練習使用回饋之學習成效預測模型與動態題數練習機制★ 透過主題地圖與寵物同伴促進閱讀更深更廣的書籍
★ 具推薦書籍功能之閱讀島系統架構設計★ 透過學生影片創作進行國小數學學習:趣創者理論之應用
★ 英文單字樂園:學生自創字卡搭配複習機制強化英文字彙學習之系統設計及學習成效初探★ 設計與實作明日寫作系統增進國小學生寫作表現
★ 設計與實踐「提升式寫作」活動以提升國小學生寫作品質與寫作興趣★ TTPR:設計科技強化型全肢體反應為了小學生和國中生在印尼學習英語詞彙
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摘要(中) 此研究的目標在於架設一第二語言字彙的學習平台,藉由自動引起和呈現問題的方式來提升主動學習;以及透過迷你遊戲的有趣和吸引人的方式來學習。
研究目標在經由有吸引力的遊戲來創造教導高頻率字彙的學習系統—自動產生教育性教材,讓學習者不須教師直接指導就能使用。朝此目標, 此論文研究作者研發一個英語字彙學系系統(EVAS),在科技先進1:1無線網路教室中來遞送英文中文題目、影音圖像給獨立學習者。許多迷你遊戲設計富有多媒體影像的環境,用以激發學習者的好奇心以及提高學習動機。此系統重複測試小學學生,並且發現透過EVAS學習字彙有諸多的助益。
摘要(英) The main goals of this research were to scaffold the acquisition of second language vocabulary, to promote active learning by automatically generating and presenting questions, and to do so in a fun and engaging way through mini-games. Research has shown that the deliberate study of vocabulary is beneficial for language acquisition, yet many teachers marginalize vocabulary learning, thinking that vocabulary will be easily acquired in context. Accordingly, this research explores the potential benefits for elementary school students from computer based vocabulary instruction.
The goal was to create a learning system that could teach high frequency vocabulary through games in an engaging way—automatically generated instructional materials that could be used by learners without need for direct teacher supervision. Towards this goal, the author of this Master’’s research developed an English vocabulary acquisition system (EVAS) that delivers English and Chinese text, audio and images to individual learners in a state-of-the-art 1:1 wirelessly networked classroom. Several mini-games were designed to provide an environment filled with multimedia scenes that inspire curiosity and increase motivation. The system was iteratively tested with class of elementary school students, and several advantages to learning vocabulary with EVAS were found.
關鍵字(中) ★ 電腦輔助語言學習
★ 語言學習
★ 電腦支援
★ 字彙
★ 迷你遊戲
★ 以英語為第二語言
關鍵字(英) ★ English as a Foreign Language (EFL)
★ Language Acquisition
★ Mini-Games
★ Computer Supported
★ Vocabulary
★ Computer-Aided Language Learning (CALL)
論文目次 中文摘要 ....................................................................................................................................i
Acknowledgements .................................................................................................................. iii
Table of Contents.......................................................................................................................v
Figures ................................................................................................................................... viii
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................1
1.1. Background..................................................................................................................1
1.2. Research Goals ............................................................................................................2
1.3. Research Questions......................................................................................................2
1.4. Hypotheses...................................................................................................................3
1.5. Thesis Organization .....................................................................................................3
2. Literature Review ...................................................................................................................5
2.1. Design Considerations.................................................................................................6
2.1.1. Word Selection..................................................................................................6
2.2. Vocabulary ...................................................................................................................8
2.3. Words and Cognitive Activation..................................................................................9
2.3.1. Brain Imaging Studies ......................................................................................9
2.3.2. Brain differences between speakers of Chinese and English .........................12
2.4. Approaches to vocabulary learning ...........................................................................13
2.4.1. Decontextualized Learning of Vocabulary .....................................................14
2.4.2. Flash Cards .....................................................................................................18
2.4.3. Computer Supported Vocabulary Study .........................................................20
2.5. Mini-Games ...............................................................................................................22
3. System Design ......................................................................................................................25
3.1. Content Design ..........................................................................................................26
3.1.1. Content Sample Identification........................................................................27
3.1.2. Learning Assessment Goal .............................................................................35
3.1.3. Learning Flow.................................................................................................40
3.2. System Architecture...................................................................................................42
3.2.1. Client ..............................................................................................................43
3.2.2. View................................................................................................................44
3.2.3. Controller........................................................................................................47
3.2.4. Model..............................................................................................................48
3.2.5. Database..........................................................................................................49
3.2.6. Web Services ..................................................................................................49
3.2.7. System Structure.............................................................................................50
3.2.8. System Testing................................................................................................51
3.3. Activities and Mini-Games........................................................................................52
3.3.1. Build ...............................................................................................................53
3.3.2. Flash Card.......................................................................................................56
3.3.3. Freethrow........................................................................................................58
3.3.4. Soccer game....................................................................................................60
3.3.5. Asteroids 3D ...................................................................................................62
4. Pilot Study ............................................................................................................................67
4.1. Pilot Study Results.....................................................................................................68
4.2. Pilot Study Discussion...............................................................................................70
4.3. Pilot Study Conclusions.............................................................................................73
5. Main Experiment ..................................................................................................................75
5.1. Main Experiment Participants ...................................................................................75
5.1.1. Background Survey ........................................................................................76
5.2. Main Experiment Measures.......................................................................................77
5.3. Main Experiment Procedures ....................................................................................78
5.3.1. Pretest/Posttest Design ...................................................................................78
5.3.2. Immersion Questionnaire ...............................................................................79
5.3.3. System Setup ..................................................................................................79
5.3.4. Main Experiment Learning Flow ...................................................................80
5.3.5. Method of Observation...................................................................................81
6. Main Experiment Results and Discussion............................................................................83
6.1. Overview ...................................................................................................................83
6.2. Main Results ..............................................................................................................85
6.3. In-Game Data Results................................................................................................85
6.4. Immersion Questionnaire Results..............................................................................88
6.5. System Performance Analysis ...................................................................................89
6.6. Discussion..................................................................................................................90
6.7. Future Directions .......................................................................................................92
7. Conclusion...........................................................................................................................93
Bibliography .............................................................................................................................95
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指導教授 陳德懷、阮啟弘
(Tak-Wai Chan、Juan Rui-Hang)
審核日期 2009-7-24
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