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姓名 董聖龍(Shen-Lung Tung)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 電機工程學系
論文名稱 粒子群演算法於二階時變系統穩定分析與穩定化設計
(Stability and Stabilization for Second-Order Time-Varying Systems Based on PSO Algorithm)
★ 小型化 GSM/GPRS 行動通訊模組之研究★ 語者辨識之研究
★ 應用投影法作受擾動奇異系統之強健性分析★ 利用支撐向量機模型改善對立假設特徵函數之語者確認研究
★ 結合高斯混合超級向量與微分核函數之 語者確認研究★ 敏捷移動粒子群最佳化方法
★ 改良式粒子群方法之無失真影像預測編碼應用★ 粒子群演算法應用於語者模型訓練與調適之研究
★ 粒子群演算法之語者確認系統★ 改良式梅爾倒頻譜係數混合多種語音特徵之研究
★ 利用語者特定背景模型之語者確認系統★ 智慧型遠端監控系統
★ 正向系統輸出回授之穩定度分析與控制器設計★ 混合式區間搜索粒子群演算法
★ 基於深度神經網路的手勢辨識研究★ 人體姿勢矯正項鍊配載影像辨識自動校準及手機接收警告系統
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摘要(中) 本論文係研究二階向量微分線性時變系統之指數穩定性分析及穩定化控制設計,研究的範疇包含奇異與非奇異等兩大系統,而且系統中含有的非線性擾動因子,也在本文的探討之列。本研究之技術關鍵,乃藉由估算線性時變系統狀態軌跡大小的邊界,將時變系統的穩定問題,轉換為非時變系統的穩定問題。進而,推導出時變系統的指數型穩定性分析及穩定化設計準則。而且為解出最佳的指數型穩定分析準則與穩定化控制器,本論文也提出一種命名為「適應性模糊粒子群最佳化演算法」(AFPSO)。此AFPSO乃是利用模糊理論,適應性地動態調整粒子群最佳化演算法(PSO)之兩個加速度參數,以改善粒子搜尋的精準度與效率性。而AFPSO又可彈性的衍生出多種的變種演算法則,進一步地改善粒子全域搜尋的能力與效率。例如,結合二次插補交叉的計算,形成AFPSO-QI演算法;或併入限制因子,形成AFPSO-cf演算法。最後,本論文提出的穩定化設計法則,應用至三個自由度(3DOF)的雙軸拖曳車之前軸避震系統上。經由模擬的結果顯示,本法可使得車輛的震動及擺動狀態,快速達到指數式的衰減穩定,改善駕駛的舒適感與車輛的操控性。
摘要(英) Stability and Stabilization for Second-Order Time-Varying Systems Based on PSO Algorithm
In this dissertation, uniformly exponential stability analysis and stabilization design of linear time-varying systems represented by the second-order vector differential equations are concerned. The systems with a singular or a nonsingular leading coefficient matrix and with bounded nonlinear uncertainties are all discussed. Using bounding techniques on the trajectories of linear time-varying systems, the stability problem of linear time-varying systems is transformed to that of linear time-invariant systems. Then the sufficient conditions for uniformly exponential stability and stabilization are derived. Besides, an adaptive fuzzy particle swarm optimization (AFPSO) algorithm is also proposed for solving the optimization problems of uniformly exponential stability and stabilization. The proposed AFPSO utilizes fuzzy set theory to adjust the PSO acceleration coefficients adaptively to improve the search accuracy and efficiency. Two variants of AFPSO are constructed by incorporating with the quadratic interpolation and the crossover operator called the AFPSO-QI as well as integrating with a constriction factor called the AFPSO-cf, these may further improve global searching ability and effectiveness. Finally, the proposed method is applied to active suspension systems for a three-degree-of-freedom (3-DOF) twin-shaft vehicle of front axle suspension. The simulation results show that all the states of vehicle can be guaranteed in an optimal exponential decay in nearly real-time.
關鍵字(中) ★ 時變系統
★ 二階向量
★ 粒子群最佳化演算法
關鍵字(英) ★ time-varying system
★ second-order vector
論文目次 List of Figures III
List of Tables V
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation and review of related research 1
1.2 Organization of this dissertation 5
Chapter 2 Preliminaries for second-order systems and AFPSO 7
2.1 Notations 7
2.2 AFPSO for multimodal functions 10
2.2.1 Standard PSO algorithm 10
2.2.2 Proposed AFPSO algorithm 13
2.2.3 A variant of AFPSO: AFPSO-QI 19
2.2.4 Simulation results 19
2.2.5 Results for 10-Dimension minimization problems 24
2.2.6 Results for 30-Dimension minimization problems 29
2.3 Summary 33
Chapter 3 Exponential stability of second-order systems 35
3.1 Singular case 35
3.2 Nonsingular case 42
3.3 Simulation results 45
3.4 Summary 49
Chapter 4 Exponential stability of second-order systems with bounded nonlinearities 50
4.1 Problem formulation 50
4.2 Singular case 50
4.3 Nonsingular case 56
4.4 Simulation results 60
4.5 Summary 63
Chapter 5 AFPSO for exponential stabilization of second-order systems 64
5.1 Stabilization for second-order systems 64
5.2 A variant of AFPSO: AFPSO-cf 66
5.3 Simulation results 67
5.4 Summary 72
Chapter 6 Exponential stabilization in active suspension systems 73
6.1 Overview of suspension systems 73
6.2 Plant model of a tractor with the front axle suspension 75
6.3 Stabilization for second-order systems with bounded nonlinearities 77
6.4 Controller design 79
6.5 Frequency domain analysis 81
6.6 Time domain analysis 84
6.7 Summary 89
Chapter 7 Conclusions 90
References 93
Publication List 102
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指導教授 莊堯棠(Yau-Tarng Juang) 審核日期 2011-5-27
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