博碩士論文 972206023 詳細資訊

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姓名 陳虹伶(Hung-ling Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光電科學與工程學系
論文名稱 高品質環形光子晶體共振腔之研究
(High Quality Annular Photonic Crystal Resonator)
★ 平坦化陣列波導光柵分析和一維光子晶體研究★ 光子晶體波導與藕合共振波導之研究
★ 光子晶體異常折射之研究★ 光子晶體傳導帶與介電質柱波導之研究
★ 平面波展開法在光子晶體之應用★ 偏平面光子晶體能帶之研究
★ 通道選擇濾波器之探討★ 廣義光子晶體元件之研究與分析
★ 新式光子晶體波導濾波器之研究★ 廣義非均向性介質的光傳播研究
★ 光子晶體耦合濾波器之研究★ 聲子晶體傳導帶與週期性彈性柱波導之研究
★ 對稱與非對稱波導光柵之特性研究★ 雙曲透鏡之研究
★ 電磁波與聲波隱形斗篷之研究★ 一維光子晶體等效非均向介值之研究
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摘要(中) 光子晶體為週期排列的人工結構,可以使得某些頻段的光無法在結構中傳
摘要(英) Photonic crystals (PCs) are periodic dielectric or metal-dielectric structures exhibiting photonic band gaps (PBG). An electromagnetic wave cannot propagate in a PC if its frequency is located in a PBG of the PC. Based on this effect, many useful photonic elements can be designed, such as photonic crystal waveguides (PCWs) and photonic crystal cavities (PCCs).
Research concerning PCCs makes important progresses recently. These new achievements can be utilized to design photonic crystal semiconductor lasers and
single-photon source components. The goal is to design cavities having high-quality factor (Q factor) and small structure sizes. In this study, we design high Q cavities of
one-dimensional PCs (1D PCs). We calculated the band structures of these 1D PCs and simulated their optical properties such as transmission rates, and then bent them
to form the annular photonic crystal cavities (APCCs), which are the candidates of the desired high-Q cavities for confining light. We discuss and analyze how to achieve the high-Q requirements through reducing the vertical and horizontal leakage of energy. By examining a lot of candidates having different refractive index/layer-thickness distributions, we found systematic ways to select the desired
high-Q structures. All the simulations of field patterns in this thesis are implemented by using
Comsol simulation software. The maximum Q value in the horizontal plane is found to be 8*10^5, and the vertical leakage of this cavity is very small. The diameter of this
cavity is 16.6 μm, and the working wavelength is 1.2 μm.
關鍵字(中) ★ 水平與垂直方向光侷限與優化
★ 光子晶體共振腔
★ 高品質
關鍵字(英) ★ localization and optimization of the vertical
★ photonic crystal resonator
★ High quality factor
論文目次 第一章 光子晶體.................................... 1
1-1 光子晶體歷史與簡介.............................. 1
1-2 光子晶體能隙................................... 3
1-3 缺陷在二維光子晶體中的特性....................... 4
第二章 光子晶體基本理論 ............................ 7
2-1 平面波展開法.................................. 7
2-2 傳遞矩陣法 ................................... 9
2-3 光子晶體共振腔與自發輻射 ....................... 12
2-4 布拉格反射與全方位反射器 ....................... 14
2-5 有效折射率計算 ............................... 17
第三章 環形光子晶體共振腔 .......................... 21
3-1 圓環形光子晶體文獻回顧 ......................... 21
3-2 二維高品質光子晶體共振腔文獻回顧 ................. 23
3-3 高品質光子晶體設計與分析 ....................... 25
3-3-1 垂直方向高品質設計 .......................... 25
3-3-1 水平方向高品質設計 .......................... 27
第四章 光子晶體共振腔設計與模擬結果 .................. 29
4-1 水平方向結構優化 .............................. 32
4-1-1 變化中心半徑 ............................... 32
4-1-2 變化中心到外圍的折射率 ....................... 34
4-1-3 變化中心到外圍的週期比 ....................... 36
4-2 垂直方向結構優化 .............................. 38
4-2-1 變化中心半徑 ............................... 38
4-2-2 變化中心到外圍的折射率 ....................... 40
4-2-3 變化中心到外圍的週期比 ....................... 41
4-3 結合水平與垂直優化結果 ........... 43
4-4 不同結構之模擬結果 ............. 45
4-4-1 六角形環形光子晶體共振腔 ............. 45
4-4-2 正方形環形光子晶體共振腔 ............. 46
第五章 結論與未來展望 ............49
參考資料 .......... 51
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指導教授 欒丕綱(Pi-Gang Luan) 審核日期 2011-10-17
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