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姓名 蕭勝斌(Sheng-Pin Hsiao)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 生命科學系
論文名稱 探討Bhlhe40 對於肌肉特化性因子的調控機制
(The modulation of myogenic regulatory factor transactivation activity by Bhlhe40)
★ Thirst control of water-seeking behavior in Drosophila★ KLHL17在癲癇與自閉症中之角色
★ MyoD對於PGC-1α 基因表現之調控機制★ 雄性素受體對於肌肉前驅細胞決定的功用
★ Nanog和Oct4表現對肌肉分化之影響★ 大量表現幹細胞專有轉錄因子抑制肌肉細胞走向分化
★ FOXOs 轉錄調控因子家族對肌肉細胞末期分化的影響★ 大量表現 Oct4 與 Nanog 抑制肌纖維母細胞 C2C12 分化
★ 在終極肌肉分化時,肌肉性bHLH轉錄因子對PGC-1α的調控★ FoxOs 大量表現對肌肉細胞末期分化的影響
★ 觀察肌肉生成轉錄因子如何調控 M- 和N- cadherin 表現★ Oc4和Nanog共同抑制末端肌肉分化
★ FoxO6在肌原母細胞中的代謝及分化中所扮演的角色★ PGC-1α 與 Stra13 間之交互作用
★ 探討大量表現 FoxO6 對肌肉終極分化的影響以及尋找 FoxO6 蛋白質在 PGC-1 alpha 啟動子上的結合位★ 探討丙戊酸 (Valporic acid) 於肌肉細胞中活化 Oct4 promoter 的機制
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摘要(中) 骨骼肌的分化是經由一連串的複雜的生理反應以及機制所建構而成,成熟的骨骼肌必須具有肌肉收縮調節組織,肌原母細胞的細胞週期停止以及細胞間的融和,而進一步形成具有自主性收縮以及多核的肌肉細胞。這些步驟都受到肌肉特化性因子的調控,而肌肉特化性因子包含MyoD、Myf-5、Myogenin 和MRF4這四個成員。然而在肌肉分化過程中肌肉特化性因子會和 MEF2s 共同活化分化過程中所需的肌肉特化性基因的表現。在本研究中,我們發現Bhlhe40這個基因的表現量會隨著肌肉細胞進行終極分化的過程而逐漸上升,而在之前的研究指出Bhlhe40會廣泛表現於各器官組織中並扮演著轉錄抑制因子的角色,我們同時發現不管是在in vitro 亦或是 in vivo 狀態下Bhlhe40 都會直接結合到 PGC-1α, M-cadherin 和 Myogenin 的啟動子上面並抑制它們的轉錄作用。而且我們發現,當我們加入P/CAF這個重要的肌肉特化性因子共同活化子之後,Bhlhe40 對於肌肉特化性因子轉錄活性的抑制可以被回復。我們更證明 Bhlhe40 抑制肌肉特化性因子轉錄活化 M-cadherin 的表現是透過 HDAC 非依賴型的機制,在探討Bhlhe40 對於 M-cadherin 的轉錄抑制的同時我們發現 Bhlhe40 的 DNA 結合能力對於抑制M-cadherin 的轉錄機制是必須的但是卻還不足夠。然而 Bhlhe40 抑制 M-cadherin 啟動子的活性可能不僅僅只透過Bhlhe40直接結合到 M-cadherin 啟動子上的 E3-box,也有可能是藉由先結合到未知的bHLH 蛋白在進一步傳導抑制的能力。我們現在正嘗試分析這個未知的蛋白,並且未來希望更進一步觀察這些未知的蛋白跟肌肉特化性因子、Bhlhe40、P/CAF 或是其他的共同活化或抑制因子們在肌肉特化性基因啟動子上的相互作用為何? 基於我們對PGC-1α 和 M-cadherin 這兩個基因在轉錄調控機制上的了解,我們猜測MyoD 對於結合序列的專一性以及轉錄活性可能會受到專一結合序列旁的E-boxes 或E-boxes 上的結合蛋白所調節。我們目前正在分析 MyoD 和 Bhlhe40 在整個 genome 的結合情形並試著證明我們的假說。
摘要(英) The differentiation of functional skeletal muscle cells is characterized by the acquirement of contractile filaments, cell cycle exit, and fusion of myoblasts to form voluntarily contractible multinucleated myotubes. This process is critically regulated by a family of basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors, including MyoD, Myf-5, Myogenin and MRF4, called as myogenic regulatory factors (MRFs) that work together with myocyte enhancer factors (MEF2s) to activate the expression of muscle-specific genes required for myogenic differentiation. In this study, we found that the expression level of Bhlhe40, a ubiquitously expressed bHLH transcriptional repressor, was up-regulated during terminal myogenic differentiation and it could repress the MRF-activated transcription of PGC-1α, M-cadherin, and Myogenin by directly binding to their promoters in vitro and in vivo. Furthermore, we found that Bhlhe40-mediated repression of MRF transactivational activity could be relieved by over-expression of P/CAF, an essential coactivator of MRFs. We demonstrated that Bhlhe40 repressed MRF-activated M-cadherin transcription through a HDAC independent pathway and the DNA binding activity of Bhlhe40 was required but not sufficient to repress the M-cadherin expression. We also found that Bhlhe40-mediated repression of M-cadherin promoter activity may not only through its direct binding to the E3-box in the M-cadherin proximal promoter but also could be mediated by unknown bHLH proteins. We are currently identifying the unknown proteins and observing the interaction among MRFs, Bhlhe40, P/CAF, and other co-factors (co-activators or co-repressors) acting on muscle-specific gene promoters. Based on our observations on the regulation of PGC-1α and M-cadherin transcription, we speculate that the specificity of MyoD targeting and transactivation can be significantly determined by the E-boxes and their binding proteins adjacent to the MyoD binding sites. We are currently identifying genome-wide targeting sites of both MyoD and Bhlhe40 to prove this hypothesis.
關鍵字(中) ★ 肌原母細胞
★ 肌肉特化性因
★ 啟動子
關鍵字(英) ★ P/CAF
★ m-cadherin
★ Bhlhe40
論文目次 Declaration I
Acknowledgements III
Publications arising from this thesis V
Abstract VI
中文摘要 VIII
Table of contents X
Chapter I: General Introduction 1
MRF family 1
Classification of bHLH proteins 4
The Cadherin family and general function 7
The role of M-cadherin during myogenesis. 10
N-cadherin and its importance in terminal differentiation 12
The molecular characteristics of Bhlhe40 13
Transcriptional Cofactors 17
Figures 20
Figure I-1.Transcriptional hierarchy regulating the developmental program of myogenic progenitor cell. 20
Figure I-2. A schema of the phylogenic group of bHLH proteins. 21
Figure I-3. The schematic of classical cadherin mediated homophilic binding and the structure of cadherin-catenin complex. 22
Figure I-4. The Structure of skeletal muscle and the localization of M-cadherin positive satellite cells in adult rat skeletal muscle. 23
Figure I-5. Sequence alignment of mBhlhe40 and Bhlhe41. 24
Figure I-6. Table of the different way of Bhlhe40 to repress the transcription machinery. 25
Figure I-7. Chromatin remodeling at myogenic genes during myogenesis. 26
Chapter II: Materials and Methods 27
Construction of Plasmids 27
Cell Culture and Transient Transfection 28
Quantitative real-time RT-PCR 29
Electrophoresis Mobility Shift Assay (EMSA) 30
Chromatin immunoprecipitation assay 31
Western blot analysis 32
Immunofluorescence assay 33
Chapter III: Myogenic regulator factors regulate M-cadherin expression by targeting its proximal promoter. 34
Rationale 34
Results 36
Discussion 41
Figures 44
Figure III-1. The expression of M-cadherin is strikingly activated during terminal differentiation in vitro and in vivo. 45
Figure III-2. The expression of M-cadherin is activated by MRFs not MEF2. 47
Figure III-3. Defining the MyoD binding sites in M-cadherin promoters by 5’ and 3’ series deletions. 50
Figure III-4. The E4-box of M-cadherin proximal promoter is the most important MyoD targeting sites. 52
Figure III-5. MRF proteins bind directly to the E3- and E4-boxes in vitro. 55
Figure III-6. Bhlhe40 directly binds to the M-cadherin promoter and represses the MyoD transactivation. 59
Figure III-7. Both Bhlhe40 and MRFs bind to M-cadherin promoter in vivo. 60
Figure III-8. The conserved downstream element (CDE) plays essential role in MyoD transactivation. 62
Chapter IV: P/CAF rescues the Bhlhe40-mediated repression of MyoD transactivation 63
Rationale 63
Results 65
Discussion 69
Figures 72
Figure IV-1. The expression of the PGC-1 family, MyoD, Myogenin, P/CAF and Bhlhe40 during myogenesis. 72
Figure IV-2. Bhlhe40 directly binds to E1-Box of the PGC-1α promoter 75
Figure IV-3. The MyoD-mediated transactivation of PGC-1α and PRC promoters is repressed by Bhlhe40. 76
Figure IV-4. MyoD-mediated transactivation of myogenic gene promoters is abolished by Bhlhe40. 78
Figure IV-5. P/CAF rescues Bhlhe40-mediated repression of MyoD transactivation. 80
Figure IV-6. MyoD, Myogenin and Bhlhe40 bind to PGC-1α and Myogenin promoters in vivo. 82
Chapter V: The modulation of myogenic regulatory factor transactivation activity by Bhlhe40 83
Rationale 83
Results 85
Discussion 90
Figures 93
Figure V-1. DNA binding is not sufficient for Bhlhe40 to repress M-cadherin promoter activity. 94
Fig V-2. Bhlhe40-mediated repression of MyoD transactivation of M-cadherin promoter was HDAC independent. 95
Figure V-3. The E3-box is needed for Bhlhe40-mediated M-cadherin promoter activity repression. 98
Figure V-4. Identifying Bhlhe40 complex in Flag-Bhlhe40 overexpress C2C12 cells. 100
Figure V-5. Genome-wide analysis of Bhlhe40 targeting sites by ChIP on chip. 105
Figure V-6. Screening for the dominant negative effect from Bhlhe40 mutants. 108
Chapter VI: General discussion 109
References 116
Tables 137
Table 1: Primer sets used for amplifying M-cadherin promoter regions 137
Table 2. RT-PCR primers 139
Table 3: Primer sets used for amplifying Bhlhe40 and its mutation clone 141
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指導教授 陳盛良、劉淦光
(Shen-Liang Chen、Gan-Guang Liou)
審核日期 2011-9-28
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