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姓名 蔡孟甫(Meng-fu Tsai)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 化學工程與材料工程學系
論文名稱 探討Sulfobetaine高分子的水合性質及分子間之作用力與其在生物相容性方面之研究
(Effect of the Hydration Properties and Molecular Interaction of Sulfobetaine Polymer on Its Biocompatibility)
★ 類澱粉胜肽聚集行為之電腦模擬★ 溶解度參數計算及量測於HPLC純化胜肽程序之最佳化研究
★ 利用恆溫滴定微卡計量測蛋白質分子於溶液中之第二維里係數與自我聚集之行為★ 利用SPRi探討中性DNA探針相較於一般DNA探針在低鹽雜交環境下之優勢
★ 矽奈米線場效電晶體多點之核酸檢測研究★ 使用不帶電中性核酸探針於矽奈米線場效電晶體檢測去氧核醣核酸與微核醣核酸之研究
★ 運用nDNA 修飾引子於PCR及qPCR平台以提升專一性之研究★ 設計中性DNA引子及探針以提升PCR與qPCR專一性之研究
★ 使用中性不帶電去氧核醣核酸探針於矽奈米線場效電晶體檢測微核醣核酸之研究★ 使用不帶電中性核酸探針於原位雜交技術檢測微核醣核酸之研究
★ 設計不帶電中性核酸探針於矽奈米線場效電晶體來改善富含GC鹼基核醣核酸之檢測專一性★ 合成5’-MeNPOC-2’-deoxynucleoside p-methoxy phosphoramidite以作為應用於原位合成之新穎性中性核苷酸之研究
★ 立體紙基外泌體核酸萃取裝置應用於檢測不同微環境下癌細胞所釋放之外泌體與外泌體微小核醣核酸之表現量★ 利用抗原結合區段之抗體片段探針於矽奈米線場效電晶體來改善抗原檢測濃度極限之研究
★ 利用表面電漿共振影像儀驗證最適化之抗非專一性吸附場效電晶體表面於血清環境下之免疫測定★ 使用混合自組裝單層膜於矽奈米線場效電晶體檢測微小核醣核酸之研究
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摘要(中) 由於雙離子性的sulfobetaine methacrylate高分子具有良好的抗血小板或抗血漿蛋白質貼附的能力,因此很有潛力成為一個具備良好生物相容性的高分子生醫材料。然而許多研究指出材料本身與水的作用性質或水合作用和生物相容性息息相關,因此本研究選用了不同分子量(5~300kDa)的高分子聚合物poly(sulfobetaine methacrylate) PSBMA來進行水合作用的量測與分析,進一步的了解其與生物相容性的關聯性。
為了了解PSBMA與水的作用性質,本研究選用不同分子量的PSBMA,利用動態濕氣吸附分析儀(DVS)、動態雷射散射粒徑分佈儀(DLS)和恆溫滴定微卡計(ITC)來量測PSBMA與水的作用性質,期待能以以上實驗之結果與不同分子量PSBMA生物相容性之關係做出說明。藉由DVS來量測PSBMA在不同溼度下的吸脫水行為。結果顯示,隨著PSBMA分子量的增加,吸脫水速率下降,推測隨著分子鏈逐漸增長而造成自身分子鏈聚集摺疊,使得水分子不易與PSBMA分子鏈上的親水基團作用。然而在分子量為23 kDa時,其吸脫水速率卻介於小分子量(10kDa、37kDa)和大分子量(60kDa~300kDa)之間。
摘要(英) The zwitterionic poly(sulfobetaine methacrylate) (PSBMA) has potential to be a good biomaterial owing to high biocompatibility arisen from its adhesion resistances for platelet or plasma proteins from previous researches. In this study, the hydration behaviors of different molecular weights of zwitterionic PSBMA were investigated and the correlation between hydration behaviors of the polymers and its biocompatibility was further examined.
In this study, the hydration kinetics and affinity of different molecular weights of zwitterionic PSBMA were investigated by dynamic vapor sorption (DVS). The results indicated that the hydration and dehydration rates decrease as molecular weight increases. We inferred that with the increasing of PSBMA molecular weight, polymer aggregation made water difficult to interact with the hydrophilic groups of the polymer chain. However, the hydration and dehydration rates of 23 kDa PSBMA were slower because of stronger intrachain interaction compared with other low molecular weights(10、37kDa) PSBMA.
The molecular interaction of different molecular weights PSBMA in aqueous solution was investigated by dynamic light scattering (DLS) and isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC). The results showed that the hydrodynamic radius of PSBMA decrease with increased temperature. However, the hydrodynamic radius of PSBMA near 20kDa did not show obviously change at the temperature range of DLS experiment. Furthermore, the molecular weight of PSBMA near 20kDa showed higher dilution heat than those of other polymers in ITC experiment.
Combined the results of DVS、DLS and ITC experiments, we inferred that with the increasing of PSBMA molecular weight, the interchain interactions turned into intrachain interactions in aqueous PSBMA solution. When the molecular weight of PSBMA near 20kDa, the stronger intrachain interaction compared with other low molecular weights(10、37kDa) PSBMA made a few water molecules interact with the polymer chain. Therefore, the few bounded water molecules in polymer are needed as PSBMA solved in aqueous solution, PSBMA polymer had a very small effect on the structure of the hydrogen-bonded network of water molecules in aqueous solution.
This study also investigated the anticoagulant activity and the antihemolytic activity tests of different molecular weight of PSBMA. PSBMA performed higher blood compatibility when molecular weight near 20kDa. Compared with the hydration properties and biocompatibility of PSBMA, we inferred that if polymer had smaller effect on the structure of the hydrogen-bonded network of water molecules in aqueous solution, it seemed to give biocompatibility to the polymer.
關鍵字(中) ★ Sulfobetaine高分子
★ 水合能力
★ 分子交互作用力
★ 生物相容性
關鍵字(英) ★ hydration property
★ molecular interaction
★ biocompatibility
★ Sulfobetaine polymer
論文目次 中文摘要 I
Abstract III
誌謝 V
目錄 VI
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 XI
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 文獻回顧 2
2.1 生物相容性材料 2
2.1.1 聚乙烯乙二醇之簡介與發展 5
2.1.2 仿生雙離子性高分子之簡介與發展 7 PC 類雙離子性高分子 9 SB 類雙離子性高分子 13 CB 類雙離子性高分子 18
2.1.3 刺激應答型高分子 20 溫度應答型高分子Poly(NIPAAm) 21 SB類雙離子性高分子之溶液性質 22 雙重溫度應答型高分子 24
2.2 生物相容性 26
2.2.1 組織相容性 27 生物材料與發炎 27 生物材料與腫瘤 28
2.2.2 血液相容性 29 血液之組成 31 血液組成與表面的交互作用 33 材料與血液的相互關係 35 血小板 36 生物材料與血小板的相互關係 38 凝血機制 38 生物材料與凝血機制的相互關係 41
2.3 研究目的 42
第三章 實驗藥品、儀器及方法 48
3.1 實驗藥品 48
3.2 儀器設備 49
3.3 實驗方法 54
3.3.1 PSBMA高分子合成 54
3.3.2 動態雷射散射粒徑分佈儀之操作步驟 54
3.3.3 示差掃描熱卡計操作步驟 55
3.3.4 vp-ITC 操作步驟 58
3.3.5 溶血與凝血實驗 60
第四章 結果與討論 61
4.1 PSBMA之水合性質 61
4.2 PSBMA在溶液中分子間之作用力 67
4.3 材料生物相容性與其水合性質之關聯性 77
第五章 結論 87
第六章 參考文獻 89
第七章 附錄 97
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指導教授 陳文逸(Wen-Yih Chen) 審核日期 2010-7-30
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