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姓名 徐錦祥(Chin-Hsiang Hsu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 高階主管企管碩士班
論文名稱 大量客製化設計品質管理機制之探討-以D公司為例
(Study of Design Quality Control Mechanism of Mass Customization— Case Study of D Company)
★ 台灣TFT-LCD產業之競爭策略分析–以關鍵性零組件產業結構之研究★ 以價值鏈及SWOT分析來探討台灣聚酯產業之競爭優勢
★ 國際化之經營策略分析-以國際筆記型電腦廠商進入大陸市場為例★ 企業轉型策略之探討-以ABC公司為例
★ 跨國性企業併購之個案研究★ 金控公司顧客關係管理的運作流程與運用發展之探討-以C公司為例
★ 全民健保總額支付制度之探討-以教學醫院為例★ 台灣幼教業西進大陸經營策略分
★ 建立以顧客價值認知之服務行銷-以C公司為例★ 台灣地區啤酒銷售與行銷策略之探討 -以三家啤酒公司品牌經營為例
★ 休閒食品於中國大陸地區行銷策略之探討-以P公司爲例★ 以國外授權品牌進入台灣與中國市場的行銷策略-以製筆業 A公司為例
★ 工業電腦用電源供應器之國際行銷策略之研究 -以F公司為例★ 台灣進口車的競爭優勢策略研究-以個案公司之利基市場為例
★ 台商在大陸的經營策略之研究-以汽車銷售服務業H公司為例★ 在滬台籍人士就醫機構選擇因素之研究
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摘要(中) 設計/研發問題之考量,不僅是技術問題,也是制度、組織及管理問題,需經通盤考量,才能獲得徹底解決。散熱風扇產品要如何配合公司的經營策略,重新檢視與調整設計品質管理機制,讓客戶對產品或服務覺得「物超所值」,並發揮「創造價值」的綜效是本研究的基本動機。本研究之目的乃針對台灣散熱風扇業特性,探討如何運用權變理論的觀點,來選擇合適的設計品質管理機制,以發揮最大的綜效,及滿足各市場對風扇設計品質與服務的要求;並且以個案D公司的實際運作為例來評估與建議,應該增添那些管理機制,及何種管理機制是最易成功,且最適合台灣散熱風扇業廠商。本研究採用質性研究法,透過次級資料之蒐集分析與個案深度訪談的方式來進行。本研究選擇之個案研究對象D公司,多年來一直以創新、品質及快速服務獲得顧客的滿意與肯定,這也是D公司市場佔有率及營運持續成長的主要原因。D公司能成為散熱風扇世界第一的領導廠商,設計品質管理機制應該有值得台灣散熱風扇業者來探討與學習的地方,因此深具研究價值。本研究的架構建立,首先採用Porter (1980)的外部環境分析工具進行散熱風扇的產業環境分析,再探討個案D公司內部的環境分析,並做出個案公司的SWOT分析。其次本研究參考Kotler & Keller (2006)大量客製化(mass customization)的觀念,探討個案公司散熱風扇於PC市場應用領域的設計品質管理機制,最後,本研究歸納出個案D公司的關鍵成功因素。
研究結論發現個案D公司高階主管的領導風格與展現的管理績效,與Fiedler (1967)所提出的權變理論有很多不謀而合之處。D公司這種大量客製化的設計品質管理機制的運作模式與 Partanen & Haapasalo (2004)大量客製化主要的做法的觀點非常相似。具體而言,個案D公司的運作模式可以成功推動的關鍵成功因素,可歸納以下四點:堅持顧客導向的設計品質原則;發揮專案團隊合作的綜效運作;高階主管的重視與積極參與、完善的資訊技術應用層面與廣度。
摘要(英) Design R&D considerations are not only technical issues, but also issues regarding systems, organizations and management, which can be completely solved by comprehensive considerations. The study intends to explore how to cooperate with company’s management strategies to review and adjust design quality management mechanisms for fan cooler products, so that customers will feel that the products or services have “extra value”, and hence the synergy of “value creation” will be exerted. Aiming at the characteristics of the fan cooler industry in Taiwan, the study wants to explore how to use the perspective of Contingency Theory to choose a suitable design quality management mechanism to exert the greatest synergy and satisfy every market’s need for fan cooler design quality and services. Also, the study makes assessments and suggestions based on the real operations of D Company, to explore what management mechanism should be added, and what management mechanism is easiest to use and most suitable for fan cooler vendors in Taiwan.
The study conducts qualitative research through of literature search and analyses and in-depth interviews. A case study was made of D Company, which has earned customer satisfaction and recognition for its innovation, quality and fast service for many years— also the main reasons D Company has had continuous growth in its market share and operations. D Company is the leading vendor of fan coolers in the world. Its design quality control mechanism deserves Taiwan’s fan cooler manufacturers’ interest and study; therefore, it is worthy of being investigated. The study first adopts Porter’s (1980) External Environment Analysis Tool to conduct an analysis of the fan cooler industry. Then, an internal environment analysis and a SWOT analysis of D Company is performed. Second, referring to Kotler & Keller’s (2006) concept of “mass customization”, the study explores the case company’s design quality control mechanism for fan coolers in the application domain of the PC market. Finally, the study induces the key factors in the success of D Company.
The study results have found: the leadership styles of D Company’s high-level supervisors and management show similarities with the Contingency Theory proposed by Fiedler (1967). D Company’s operational model for design quality control mechanism of mass customization is similar to the main perspective of Partanen & Haapasalo’s approach to mass customization. Concretely speaking, the following four points are the key factors in the success of D Company’s operational model: Insistence on customer-oriented design quality; exertion of synergistic operations through project teamwork; high-level supervisors’ emphasis and active participation; and perfect level and scope of information technology applications.
To sum up, this study has found: no matter whether in design quality management or marketing, customer-oriented concepts and operational models are very important. D Company is effective; however, mass customization will be the mainstream in future developments. In the future, the development of the fan cooler will be as keen and fierce as other electronic industries, and profit margins will be thinner. Future developments will still be customer-oriented to satisfy customer needs.
關鍵字(中) ★ 大量客製化
★ 設計品質管理
★ 關鍵成功因素
關鍵字(英) ★ Key Success Factor
★ Mass Customization
★  Design Quality Management
論文目次 第一章 緒論....................................................1
第一節 研究背景與動機..........................................1
第二節 研究目的................................................5
第三節 研究流程................................................6
第二章 文獻探討................................................7
第一節 外部環境分析.................... ...............................7
第二節 大量客製化.................. ................................20
第三節 關鍵成功因素....................... ..........................30
第三章 研究方法...................................................38
第一節 研究架構.................................................38
第二節 研究方法.................................................39
第三節 研究對象.................................................40
第四章 個案分析..................................................42
第一節 外部環境分析.......................................42
第二節 內部環境分析.......................................62
第三節 大量客製化的設計品質管理機制.....................77
第四節 個案公司關鍵的成功因素.............................93
第五章 結論與建議................................................95
第一節 結論................................................95
第二節 建議................................................98
第三節 研究限制................................................99
網站部份................................................... ......... 107
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指導教授 李小梅 審核日期 2010-1-6
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