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姓名 江鑒恭(Chien-kung Chiang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 高階主管企管碩士班
論文名稱 民事執行委外拍賣的創新商業模式及關鍵成功因素探討─以台灣金服公司中部分公司為例
★ 以平衡計分卡做為策略管理工具—以政府某研究機構為例★ 我國證券商權證課稅爭議之研究
★ 以平衡計分卡提供獨立董事監督策略執行所需關鍵資訊-以某公司為例★ 研究機構價值報告之探討-以工研院為例
★ 中國大陸出口退免稅的租稅規劃與個案討論★ 以平衡計分卡架構探討新產品開發的績效評估 — 以某公司研發流程改善專案為例
★ 本國期貨商之策略分析與關鍵成功因素-以H公司為例★ 大陸台商移轉訂價策略探討-以Β公司個案為例
★ 企業成長的關鍵成功因素-以新銀行為例★ 大陸台商回台上市面臨之挑戰與對策
★ 自動化設備產業在大陸的經營策略-以M公司為例★ 以8十企業評價模式評估ESG基金投資組合之投資績效-以台灣上市股票為例
★ 公益型組織發展模式之研究─日本OISCA組織與台灣福智團體之比較分析★ 在電子產品低價風潮下半導體測試代工廠之商業模式─以個案公司為例
★ 中國五星級酒店在嚴峻市場挑戰下的策略佈局─以蘇州某五星級酒店為例★ 智慧行動通訊產品對筆記型電腦代工產業衝擊之研究-以廣達和仁寶為例
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摘要(中) 民事執行委外拍賣由行政、立法、司法體系共同推動,於民國89年金融機構合併法通過賦予民間公司承辦民事執行委外拍賣的法源,在唯一公正第三人台灣金融資產服務股份有限公司成立後正式啟動,期能引進民間公司的資源與效率,紓解各地方法院逐年增加的民事執行辦案壓力。惟經過十餘年,各地方法院的民事執行新收案件總量自90年的35餘萬件增加至100年的121萬件,委外拍賣的案件量卻自93年的半年實際送案4,428件、全年預定送案6,000件,至100年的實際送案僅2,840件,經統計100年委外拍賣的案件量僅佔民事執行不動產總案量不到5%,此項司法體系最大宗的政府事務委外政策推行績效不彰,尚待相關人等共同努力。
摘要(英) Auction Outsourcing of civil execution was set into action by the systems of administration, legislation and jurisdiction collaboratively. It assures the legal foundation to permit auction outsourcing of civil affairs undertaken by folk enterprises according to the Financial Institutions Merger Act approved in 2000. The only righteous third party- Taiwan financial asset service corporation initiated it officially after establishment. It anticipates inducing the resource and efficiency of folk enterprises to mitigate the increasing executive pressures of civil affairs performed by each district court year by year. After above 10 years passed, the total new case number of civil execution undertaken by each district court increased from above 350 thousand cases in 2001 to 1,210 thousand cases in 2011, while the actual case number of outsourcing auction declined from 4,428 for the half year of 2004 which expected 6000 cases as a whole year to 2,840 in 2011 actually. The total proportion of case number of outsourcing auctions to the total real estate of civil execution was under 5% according to the statistical analysis win 2011. It appears that the performance of promotion on the outsourcing policy of the biggest government affair under the system of jurisdiction is not ideal as anticipation and it shall be improved by the common endeavors from the related personnel.
The study aimed at exploring the feasibility and critical success factors of business model on auction outsourcing under civil execution. It explored the literatures of outsourcing theories concerning government affairs in order to understand why government delegated folk enterprises to conduct civil execution attributed to public administration and the spirits and regulations upon conducting. Further, it discussed a variety of researches on business model in order to assist folk enterprises who undertake the auction outsourcing of government affairs as well as the judiciary and district to reach a full view of comprehension on outsourcing transaction and establishment of business model upon the government affairs.
In terms of auction outsourcing of civil execution, the comprehensions of consigner and trustee is the most important mutual cognition regarding the establishment of business model on auction outsourcing of civil execution. After the discussions on the literatures, it took a newly- established company as the case study, conducting the auction outsourcing of civil execution as the main business. It employed “macro-environment analysis”, “three-step analysis of innovative commercial mode,””8+ business model approach” suiting for its attribution as the research methodology. It exerted the notion of business model to analyze and construct the macro-environment that the case company undertook auction outsourcing of civil execution. Further, it used three-step analysis of innovative business model step by step and suggested the opinions of customer value, designs of critical process, as well as deployment of critical sources after the analysis on the government outsourcing business under a price limitation to induce the rational profit formula in order to bring into the innovations of business model. Furthermore, it developed the analysis based on the eight factors of 8+business model to make completed comprehension on the innovative commercial modes as auction outsourcing of civil execution to intensify the insufficient parts for the purpose of sustainable business.
Finally, it exerted the ideas, notions and opinions concluded from the study to make suggestions for the auction outsourcing of civil execution as government promotion. It prospects to make benefits on the aspects of notion and practical implement and successive progress through the promotion of public affair outsourcing.
關鍵字(中) ★ 商業模式
★ 民事執行委外
★ 政府事務委外
關鍵字(英) ★ Public affair outsourcing
★ Civil execution outsourcing
★ Business Model
論文目次 一、緒論...................................................................1
1-1 研究背景.........................................................1
1-2 研究動機........................................................11
1-3 研究目的........................................................13
1-4 研究架構........................................................14
1-5 研究流程........................................................15
2-1 政府事務委外之理論與分類........................................16
2-1-1 公共選擇理論.............................................16
2-1-2 交易成本理論.............................................17
2-1-3 雇主-代理人理論..........................................17
2-1-4 政府事務委外之分類.......................................19
2-2 商業模式創新....................................................21
2-2-1 商業模式.................................................21
2-2-1 商業模式運用.............................................22
2-2-3 創新商業模式的運用.......................................29
2-2-4 小結.....................................................33
3-1 總體環境PETS分析................................................37
3-2 創新商業模式三步驟分析..........................................38
3-3 8+商業模式分析.................................................40
3-4 研究範圍與研究限制..............................................41
3-4-1 研究範圍.................................................41
3-4-2 研究限制.................................................42
4-1 民事執行委外拍賣業務............................................43
4-1-1 民事執行的意義...........................................43
4-1-2 民事執行的流程...........................................44
4-2 金服公司........................................................49
4-2-1 成立背景.................................................49
4-2-2 營業項目.................................................53
4-2-3 營業現況.................................................55
4-3 民事執行委外拍賣由金服公司承辦的歷程............................64
4-4 民事執行委外拍賣的計費方式......................................67
4-5 民事執行委外拍賣由金服公司承辦的業務情形........................68
4-5-1 整體業務情形.............................................68
4-5-2 中部法院民事執行委外拍賣的業務情形.......................71
4-6 民事執行委外拍賣存在的問題......................................72
5-1 第一步驟:找尋顧客的需求,找尋滿足顧客需求的機會.................76
5-2 第二步驟:研定在有利潤的前提下,能滿足顧客需求的計劃............79
5-2-1 計劃要素(1)提出顧客價值主張..............................79
5-2-2 計劃要素(2)合理利潤公式..................................92
5-2-3 計劃要素(3)關鍵流程規劃.................................104
5-2-4 計劃要素(4)關鍵資源配置.................................116
5-3 第三步驟:比較新模式和現有模式,評估改變多少才有機會滿足顧客需求.126
6-1 結論...........................................................127
6-2 建議...........................................................129
6-3 後續研究方向...................................................129
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指導教授 鄭漢鐔 審核日期 2012-7-12
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