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陳淑文(Shu-wen Chen)
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高階主管企管碩士班 |
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摘要(中) |
企業的e化已成為普遍的現象,隨著資訊化時代的來臨,企業欲加強其本身的競爭力,資訊科技的應用是必然的趨勢,在這之中企業資源規劃(ERP)系統的使用乃是最多企業的選擇,而ERP的財務模組更是增加競爭力的重要核心因素之一。原因在於財務系統影響到資金能否有效管理,關係著企業生存、發展與獲利的空間。擁有正確的財務管理與分析能力,企業主才能清楚掌握資金的流向與流量,進而精確掌握經營成效,立即做出因應對策。資訊技術的廣泛運用雖然帶來極大的好處,相對地,對資訊系統依賴程度也就愈來愈高。如何評估資訊系統的成效,系統是否符合使用者需求,如何作好評估及改善系統成為值得重視的課題。本研究之目的在於透過系統使用情境的介紹後,利用軟體品質模型探討系統現況。本研究整理軟體品質模型相關之文獻,並介紹目前產業現有之財務資訊系統。以個案C公司的財務資訊系統為例,探討其財務資訊系統使用情境。根據先前文獻整理後,本研究採用CNS 14948-1軟體品質標準,挑選出十項品質特性,分別從使用者觀點、開發者觀點、管理者觀點切入,剖析個案C公司的財務資訊系統現況,探討系統之缺失與不足之處,並給予未來改進的建議與規劃。最後針對本研究之結果提出結論及對個案C公司的建議。
摘要(英) |
E-business has become a common phenomenon. With the coming of information technology era, apply information technology is an inevitable trend to enhance competitiveness of businesses. Most businesses choose enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, and among ERP systems, financial module is even more important to increase the competitiveness of businesses. The reason is that the financial systems affect whether businesses could effectively manage the capital which relates to business survival, development and making profits or not. With the correct financial management and analysis capabilities, business owners could clearly monitor capital flows, precisely control operating effectiveness, and make an immediate response to difficulties. The extensive application of information technology has brought great benefits, and the dependence of businesses on information systems is also higher than before. How to assess the effectiveness of information systems, if the system meets user’s needs, and how to improve the system become important topics that businesses should emphasize on. In this study, after introducing the scenario of system, the purpose of this study is to use the software quality model to research into the system status. This study use literature related to software quality models and the existing financial information systems in this industry. This study takes the financial information system of C company for example, and explores scenarios of the system. Based on previous literature review, this study adopts CNS 14948-1 software quality criteria, selects 10 quality characteristics, analyzes C company’s existing financial information system from the point of users, developers and managers, explore the deficiencies and weaknesses of the system, and give recommendations for future improvements and planning. At last, concludes with the results of this study and give suggestions to the cases of C Company.
關鍵字(中) |
★ CNS 14948-1 ★ 財務資訊系統 ★ 軟體品質模型 |
關鍵字(英) |
★ CNS 14948-1 ★ Financial information system ★ Software quality model |
論文目次 |
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 2
第三節 研究流程 3
第四節 論文架構 4
第二章 文獻探討 6
第一節 軟體品質介紹 6
第二節 軟體品質模型 11
第三節 現有財務資訊系統之探討 30
第三章 系統描述 35
第一節 財務資訊系統背景 35
第二節 使用情境介紹 43
第四章 以CNS 14948-1剖析與改進系統品質 82
第一節 使用者觀點 82
第二節 開發者觀點 84
第三節 管理者觀點 89
第四節 對系統的建議 94
第五章 結論與建議 98
第一節 結論 98
第二節 建議 100
第三節 研究限制與未來研究方向 100
參考文獻 102
中文文獻 102
英文文獻 103
參考文獻 |
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Sunazuka, T. and M. Azuma (1985). Software Quality Measurement and Assessment Technology. Proc. 8th ICSE, 99, 142-148.
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審核日期 |
2010-3-22 |
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