摘要(英) |
The stock management is the main issue which Taiwan manufacturing industry faces together, because the economic environment change is fierce, the customer demand forecast inaccurate, to cause the material demand estimate difficulty, may also cause the dead stock materials, the Bullwhip Effect unavoidably in the production process obvious and so on; Therefore the stock management has been the extremely challenging work to the enterprise. Besides, in order to cope with the No.10 gazette and to meet with the worldwide trend on the environment protection, it’s important NOT ONLY on the reducing of the dead stock materials, the following processing cannot be careless as well. The staffs of the dead stock material need to get in touch with many brokers, and it takes time and the reselling prices were NOT good enough, its processing procedure is also difficult to be transparent. This research is discussing about the Teams-Resell (www.teams-resell.com ) the main concept is to provide an open WEB platform to let all resells to create simply on the bidding projects; it would expedite the speedy of treatment on the excess materials, enhance the visibility to the market and get the better price. All the bidders could get what they need via this platform to close the deal in a fair, open and objective norm and also solve the dead stock problem to make the best use of things to achieve the environmental protection goal. Quanta is hoping to give an impetus to TEAMS, and forms an alliance with the outstanding business partners, and pursues the rationalization cost as the prospect, continues to consolidate the status of Taiwan as the kingdom of manufacturing.
參考文獻 |
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