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姓名 陳政成(Jeng-Chen Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 人力資源管理研究所在職專班
論文名稱 改善活動訓練成效評量之研究
(Estimate improvement activities training effects of study)
★ 組織精簡與員工態度探討 - 以A公司人力重整計劃為例。★ 訓練成效評估及影響訓練移轉之因素探討----一項時間管理訓練之研究
★ 主管領導風格、業務員工作習慣及專業證照對組織承諾與工作績效之相關研究★ 研發專業人員職能需求之研究-以某研究機構為例
★ 人力資本、創新資本與組織財務績效關聯性之研究★ 企業人力資源跨部門服務HR人員之角色、工作任務及所需職能之研究
★ 新進保全人員訓練成效之評估★ 人力資源專業人員職能之研究-一項追蹤性的研究
★ 影響企業實施接班人計劃的成功因素★ 主管管理能力、工作動機與工作績效之關聯性探討─以A公司為例
★ 影響安全氣候因子之探討-以汽車製造業為例★ 台電公司不同世代員工工作價值觀差異及對激勵措施偏好之研究
★ 不同的激勵措施對員工工作滿足及工作投入之影響性分析★ 工作價值觀、工作滿足對組織承諾之影響(以A通訊公司研發人員為例)
★ 薪資公平知覺與組織承諾關係之探討-以內外控人格特質為干擾變項★ 研發人員組織適配度與留任意願的關聯性探討-以人格特質為干擾變項
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摘要(中) 釹鐵硼磁石、軟磁鐵芯及矽鋼片鐵芯在主軸馬達、步進馬達、風扇馬達、蜂鳴器、機芯馬達之應用極為廣泛,目前國內所需之磁石、鐵芯相關材料,絕大部份由美日進口,個案公司是目前國內少數有辦法直接向原廠購買磁石原料及鐵芯材料並且能夠自製量產磁石、鐵芯的公司,由於在國際市場享有高知名度,被日本磁粉知名製造商MQI列為全球十大重點支持廠商,產能亦暫居全球三~五大名次內。此磁石及鐵芯產品雖毛利不高,然而客戶對其品質之要求極為嚴苛,和其他電機電子產品一樣,此類產品同時需面對市場價格的滑落,而客戶所要求的品質卻愈來愈高。因此,如何使製造成本能有效的控制及降低到合理水準,同時能提升原來之品質,便成了此產品能否繼續維持競爭力的重要因素。
有鑑於此,本研究以組織發展的立場,以改變為中心的觀點,透過員工改善活動訓練及成立跨部門專案改善小組方式導入應用QC統計手法、專案改善技巧及融入使用關鍵的問題分析解決方法-田口方法(Taguchi Method),在個案公司現有資源條件不變之下,一方面期望核心員工能在短時間內「學習」面的改變及「行為」面的改變均能產生正向顯著的變化,另一方面在「結果」面的改變上,亦深切期望能在最短時間以最低成本、最有效率、最簡便可行的統計分析方法下,來協助公司完成最適化產品及製程之穩健化設計。在改善「學習」面的產出目標,希望受訓員工的改善意識能夠明顯進步,在改善「行為」面的產出目標,希望受訓員工的品質意識及問題解決能力均能夠產生明顯提升,在改善「結果」面output目標,希望降低鐵芯不良率63%,下降磁石兩個主要規格產品平均不良率16%,另在outcome目標上希望能降低30%以上之製造成本並同時能提升原來之品質水準,並且達到降低產品變異、品質力有效提高、市場競爭能力提升進而營運績效大幅成長之目的。
經過實際訓練研究結果顯示,透過一系列改善活動的訓練,個案公司受訓員工在「學習」面改善測驗結果,落在優秀+卓越區間占80%,在「行為」面改善測驗結果,部門主管對受訓員工觀察,落在同意+很同意區間占97.1%,在「結果」成效面改善結果統計得知,品質力層面:產品不良率從2.8%逐漸下降趨近於0,製程能力大幅提升,而成本力層面:製造成本共節省約NTD 434萬元,而且是經過改善前與改善後的效果確認比較結果。因此,整體的改善效果是非常顯著的。因此,可以認定本改善活動訓練確實獲得良好改善成效,並達到預定目標。
摘要(英) Nd-Fe-B magnet, soft magnetic iron core and silicon steel core in the spindle motors, stepper motors, fan motors, buzzer, motor movement is extensively used, currently the required magnet, core materials, the vast some imports from the United States and Japan, currently a company of cases is there are ways to purchase directly from original raw materials and magnetic core material and the ability to self-production magnet core of the company, due to high visibility in the international market have been well-known manufacturer of magnetic MQI Japan as the world’’s top ten key support for manufacturers, production capacity has temporarily 3 ~ 5 ranking in the world. Although this magnet and the core product gross margin is not high, but the customers quality requirements of its extremely harsh, and other electrical and electronic products, such products also needs to face a market price decline, but the quality required by customers are more and more higher. Therefore, how to create cost effective control and reduce to a reasonable level, and can improve the quality of the original, has become the product can continue to maintain the competitiveness of important factors.
In view of this, this study is standing in organize development to change the center of opinion, through employees to improve activities training and establish cross department project improve team to transmit application of QC statistic method, improve project skill, and fit it to use key point problem to analyze solving method ─ the Taguchi method, under the same conditions in the existing resources, on one hand expect core employees can change learning and behavior stratification plane in shortest time, it produce positive outstanding change. On the other hand changing in result stratification plane, deeply look forward to in the shortest time, lowest cost, most efficency, the most simple and statistics method, to help the company complete optimization product and process parameters of robust design. Improve the producing target in learning stratification plane, hope trained employees improve consciousness has outstanding progress, improve producing target in behavior stratification plane, hope qualities consciousness and solve the problems’ ability are able to outstanding elevated, in improving result, hope that output target to reduce the rate of 63% core poor, down the two main specifications of products magnet average defect rate of 16%, another goal in the outcome more than 30% want to reduce the manufacturing cost and also can improve the quality of the original level, and to reduce product variability, improve the quality of power, and thus enhance the market competitiveness are elevated and make business performance can growth a lot to reach purpose.
Improve learning and behavior stratification plane, due to limited staffs aren’t enough, thus using sampling in convenient way to draw from sample, testing mode to estimate training effects after training. Improve result stratification plane, in this study case factory set improving theme, a Nd-Fe-B magnet for two to improve product processes and themes, and the core power early book production process to improve the theme as a subject of the improvement, based on Taguchi method of experimental design principles, the three topics separate from parameter design unfold experiment plan, carry out activities, through simple random sampling in experiment, they were measured for each subject to improve the topics’ target that quality characteristic values, to see whether the experiment actually achieve the objectives target, its through engineering presume and present experiment confirm, to view whether indeed to reach target in experiment, and through experiment and control to around and behind test to show four months performance, to reach essence confirmation, whether the result have effect to prove in training.
To sum up, this study’s core heart is developing organize effects to promote improving effect on the premise, through each improving action training and cross function teams is effective in motion and use Taguchi method’s application. The ultimate aim of this study; is expected in both costs, qualities, effects, under the success in case, improve company’s quality work, further to reach employees’ learning to promote, behavior change in positive and product harmful rate to reduce, manufacture ability to promote (and quality elevated), manufacture cost to reduce (and cost strength to descend), that can improve much effect.
Through reality training study that shows a series of training activities, in study case company training employees improve the test result in learning stratification plane, in great and excellent area occupy 80%, improve test result in behavior stratification plane, department manager observe training employees, in agree and very agree area occupy 97.1%, and result stratification plane effect improve from statistics, quality strength stratification plane:product’s bad rate from 2.8% to declined lim0, manufacture ability by a wide margin elevated, in cost stratification plane:Producing cost save total about NTD 4.34 million, and confirm comparatively the result how effect in before and after improving. Therefore, the whole improvement effect is very remarkable. Therefore, that can improve activities training indeed get better in improving effect, and reach the target in future.
關鍵字(中) ★ 跨功能團隊
★ 專案改善小組
★ 改善活動
★ 品質力
★ 成本力
★ 生產力
★ 田口方法
★ 組織發展
★ 績效改善
★ 以改變為中心
★ 穩健化設計
★ 再現性
關鍵字(英) ★ Change of center
★ Steady design
★ Improve effect
★ Organize development
★ Taguchi method
★ Productivity
★ Reproducibility
論文目次 中文摘要 i
英文摘要 iii
目錄 iii
圖目錄 x
表目錄 xi
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 問題背景 1
1-2 研究動機 1
1-3 研究目的 1
第二章 文獻探討 3
2-1 組織發展概說 3
2-2 以改變為中心的理論觀點 3
2-3 品質意識 11
2-4 組織行為改變 13
2-5 改善活動與管理、改善的目的關係及意義 14
2-6 追求品質與生產力的提升─全面品質管理(TQM) 17
2-7 員工投入 18
2-8 問題分析與解決流程 19
2-9 QC七大統計手法 20
2-10 改善活動實施步驟 22
2-11 田口手法 23
2-12 改善活動實施步驟與參數設計實驗主要步驟關係 33
2-13 訓練成效評估 33
第三章 研究方法 36
3-1 個案簡介 36
3-1-1 產業簡介 36
3-1-2 產業簡介 36
3-2 問題分析 39
3-2-1 問題陳述 39
3-2-2 原因分析 40
3-3 研究流程 41
3-4 研究方法 42
3-4-1 資料來源 42
3-4-2 抽樣方法 43
3-4-3 有效樣本數 43
3-4-4 資料分析方法 43
3-4-5 成效評估方法 44
第四章 研究結果 45
4-1 學習面改善結果 45
4-2 行為面改善結果 46
4-3 結果成效面改善結果 49
4-4 改善活動成效總結果 52
第五章 結論與建議 53
5-1 結論 53
5-2 管理意涵 55
5-3 研究限制 56
5-4 建議事項 57
參考文獻 59
附  錄  一 61
附  錄  二 71
附  錄  三 73
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指導教授 林文政(wen-jeng Lin) 審核日期 2010-7-21
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