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姓名 林欣瑾(Sin-Jin Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系
論文名稱 綠色建築專案評估之研究
(A Study on Green Building Projects Evaluation)
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摘要(中) 由於能源短缺與環境汙染問題,因而導致傳統建築專案成本價格之計算已經不敷使用,許多國家為了解決污染的問題紛紛施行碳稅,因此本研究將採用生命週期法計算每個建築專案之碳排放量,並在碳稅的架構下採用數學規劃模式進行最佳綠色建築專案之選擇,以提供建築公司有效的利用有限資源並極大化公司的利潤。進一步,建築公司為了解決相關環境問題,針對綠色建築專案藉由採用不同的建造方法,以達到環境永續經營。但建造方法之選擇為一項複雜的決策過程,因此建築公司必須著重在不同的環境永續影響因子上,並必須要考量將有限資源有效分攤至最適當的建造方法。為達到最適建造方法之選擇,本研究提出多準則決策模式(MCDM)。首先,本研究採用決策實驗室分析法(DEMATEL)用於探討影響環境永續之不同因子間的相互關係以及其網絡結構。其次,採用分析網路程序法(ANP)用於獲取各準則之權重,以及決策方案的重要優先順序。最後,採用01目標規劃法(ZOGP),在有限資源下選出每個綠色建築專案之最佳建造方法。本研究不僅提供完整及有系統的架構,可用於評估每個綠色建築專案之建造方法之重要優先順序,其結果亦可對於建築公司有實務上之貢獻。
摘要(英) The conventional cost pricing for building projects no longer apply as energy shortage and environmental pollution are new challenges faced by construction companies. Many countries have attempted to solve the CO2 emission problems by levying a carbon tax, which leads to a higher cost for construction companies. Therefore, this study aims to adopt life cycle assessment (LCA) in order to assess CO2 emission costs and apply a mathematical programming approach to allocate limited resources to maximize profits for construction companies. In addition, the construction companies attempt to solve these problems in order to improve the environmental sustainability of their green building projects by different construction methods. However, construction method selection for building projects is a complex decision-making process, and construction companies must examine various factors related to environmental sustainability when considering the allocation of limited resources to the most appropriate construction method. To solve this problem of construction method selection, this investigation presents an enhanced Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) approach. First, the Decision-Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory method (DEMATEL) is applied to determine the strength of relationships and to construct a network structure based on the various criteria to ensure environmental sustainability. Second, the Analytic Network Process (ANP) is used prior to the Zero-One Goal Programming (ZOGP) formulation to determine the relative weights of the criteria, as well as to generate the priorities of the decision alternatives. Finally, the ZOGP formulation is applied to determine the best construction method for each green building project based on the limited resources. This study yields a comprehensive and systematic structure that employs quantitative assessments for priority construction method selection for each green building project and also aids construction companies in regard to practical application.
關鍵字(中) ★ 生命週期法
★  碳稅
★  數學規劃模式
★  決策實驗室分析法
★  分析網絡程序法
★  0-1目標規劃
★  建造方法
★  環境永續經營
★  綠色建築專案
關鍵字(英) ★ Life Cycle Assessment
★  Carbon Tax
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Building Projects Selection 5
2.1 Research background 5
2.1.1 Carbon tax and CO2 emission costs 5
2.1.2 Application of LCA in the building project 6
2.2 Model formulation -assessing building project costs 8
2.2.1 Assumptions 9
2.2.2 A mathematical programming model 10
2.3 Data and description of a numerical example - building projects 20
2.3.1 Step 1: Determining the CO2 emission quantities of building project 23
2.3.2 Step 2: Determining the optimal building projects before adding the CO2 emission costs. 25
2.3.3 Step 3: Determining the optimal building projects after adding CO2 emission costs. 26
Chapter 3 Construction Method Selection for Green Building Project 28
3.1 Research background 28
3.1.1 Alternative construction methods - conventional on-site and prefabrication 28
3.1.2 Criteria of environment sustainability 29
3.2 Model formulation and methodology 35
3.2.1 Decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL) 35
3.2.2 Analytic network process (ANP) 37
3.2.3 Zero-one goal programming (ZOGP) 40
3.3 Evaluation process of the research 41
3.4 A Numerical example and a construction method decision 45
3.4.1 Data and description of a numerical example building project 45
3.4.2 Applications of the proposed method: three step analysis 45
3.5 Discussion 64
Chapter 4 Conclusions 66
References 68
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指導教授 蔡文賢(Wen-Hsien Tsai) 審核日期 2012-1-19
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