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姓名 劉名寰(Ming-Huan Liou)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 經濟學系
論文名稱 國際經濟學的三篇實證研究
(Essays on International Economics)
★ 中國出口對鄰近東亞國家之影響★ 貿易自由化對中國對外出口之影響
★ 從產業關聯表檢視美國再工業化成效★ 出口、外人直接投資與勞動產出份額:中國的實證研究
★ 技術變動對薪資影響之研究-以臺灣製造業為例★ 高等教育投資值得嗎? 研究所教育報酬之探討
★ 中國旅遊需求分析:世界遺產的影響★ 中國銀行效率分析
★ 遠來的和尚會念經?NBA球員之薪資與效率分析★ 開放政策,人力資本與區域經濟發展─越南的實證研究
★ 環境管制、研發與生產力:台灣製造業實證研究★ 國家研發效率與生產力之分析
★ 外人援助,貪污,與經濟成長:門檻迴歸模型的應用★  Three essays on China's regional economic analysis
★ 要素配置、結構調整和生產力動態 —印尼製造業的研究★ 運動經濟學的三篇實證研究
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摘要(中) 過去數十年間,受到全球化與經濟自由化趨勢的影響,國際經濟環境遭逢巨變。在此時代巨輪變遷的過程中,除了為許多國家帶來前所未有的發展機會與挑戰,同時也衍生出諸多值得深入探究的經濟現象與課題。本論文之要旨,即透過詳細的觀察、整理與歸納大量統計數據,經由嚴謹的計量模型估計,系統性地針對三個當今廣受討論的國際經濟議題進行實證研究。
  議題一整理中國與其前49大貿易對手國的商品進出口統計,並根據聯合國商品分類系統(BEC System)將商品析分成三大類:原物料、中間財、最終財,藉以分析人民幣升值對不同財貨之影響。研究發現,中國三大出口商品對匯率的敏感程度大於進口。匯率升值除了減少中國出口,其中間財進口需求也將因出口下降而減少,從而抵銷部份匯率升值對順差的抑制效果。此外,中國內需規模對於改善順差的效果明顯,顯示中國經濟轉型實為改善全球貿易失衡不可或缺的因素。
  議題二驗證產業內貿易發展程度與勞動市場雇用變化之間的關係。有別於李嘉圖比較利益理論的預測,近十來年受到新興國家加入全球生產供應鏈的行列,以及運輸、通訊成本降低的影響,全球產業內貿易發展快速。根據『平滑調整假說』(Smooth Adjustment Hypothesis, SAH),倘若一國的貿易型態偏重於產業內貿易,則其生產要素的投入波動受到貿易的衝擊將小於產業間貿易。
摘要(英) This dissertation is organized by three essays attempting to empirically explore issues regarding international economics. We aim to clarify the following questions: (1) Does RMB revaluation have limited effect on China’s trade surplus? (2) Does the growth of intra-industry trade pattern indeed lower the labor market variation in Taiwanese manufacturing industries? (3) What determines firm’s performance in shipping to more oversea markets, selling more products, and exporting product of higher quality?
The first essay examines the influence of the RMB variation on trades of primary, intermediate, and final goods between China and its 49 major trading partners. The empirical result shows that China’s exports are more sensitive to exchange rate than imports. Among the results, we find a counterintuitive one that an RMB appreciation will reduce China’s intermediate goods imports. This finding, along with the other one that the final goods exports, the major source of the surplus, are not sensitive to exchange rate change, are probably the main reasons why the RMB appreciation has limited effect on restraining China’s rising surplus. To deal with the trade imbalance issue between China and its partners, other than the RMB revaluation, our estimation results suggest that China needs to also speed its economic transformation from export-led to domestic-oriented model.
The second essay investigates the relationship between intra-industry trade (IIT) expansion and labor market adjustment in Taiwan. We adopt a panel dataset containing detailed employment information and utilize various measures of labor market adjustment to conduct empirical estimations. After controlling for industry-specific effects and the structure of occupational composition, the empirical results demonstrate that IIT expansion does have a smoothing effect on labor market adjustment. In addition, industries with abundant skilled workers experience lower employment adjustment costs.
The final essay explores what kinds of exporters perform better in three aspects: export to more destinations, export more varieties of products, and export products of higher quality. Using a comprehensive firm-level panel data of China’s electronics industry during 2003-2006 which is compiled from firm survey and Custom dataset, this study provides, one of the first systematically studies, the firm-level panel evidence to deal with this issue. We find that firm productivity matters not only in the two extensive margins in export destinations and varieties of products as expected, but in export quality, so far novel in the existing heterogeneous-firm trade literature. Moreover, exporters’ financing ability is found to be influential in all three aspects of performance. To deal with the sample selection as well as endogenous problems, we adopt also various datasets and variable measurement to implement empirical estimations. Most evidences support the importance of productivity on export performance.
關鍵字(中) ★ 中國
★ 人民幣
★ 產業內貿易
★ 異質性廠商
★ 貿易
關鍵字(英) ★ China’s Trade
★ China’s Exchange Rate
★ Intra-Industry Trade
★ Heterogeneous Firms
★ Trade
論文目次 Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 RMB Revaluation and China’s Trade: Does RMB Have Limited Effect on China’s Surplus? 4
2.1 Introduction 4
2.2 Literature Review 8
2.3 Data and The Stylized Facts of China’s Trade 9
2.4 Empirical Specification 14
2.5 Empirical Results 18
2.5.1 The Effect of the RMB Appreciation on China’s Total Trade 18
2.5.2 The Effect of the RMB Appreciation on China’s Trade by Stages of Production 20
2.6 Conclusions 26
Chapter 3 Intra-Industry Trade and Labor Market Adjustment in Taiwan 28
3.1 Introduction 28
3.2 Literature Review 32
3.3 Labor Adjustment and MIIT Index 35
3.4 Data Description and Empirical Specification 37
3.4.1 Data Description 37
3.4.2 Empirical specification 39
3.5 Empirical Results and Discussions 43
3.5.1 Panel analysis: Dimension adjustment effect 43
3.5.2 Panel Analysis: Total Adjustment Effect 46
3.6 Conclusions 52
Chapter 4 Heterogeneous Firms and Trade: The Determinants of Exporters’ Performance in Destinations, Varieties, and Quality 54
4.1 Introduction 54
4.2 Related Literature 56
4.3 Data and Stylized Facts 59
4.3.1 Data 59
4.3.2 Stylized Facts of Export Heterogeneity in China’s Electronics Industry 60
4.4 Empirical Model and Measurement of Productivity 66
4.5 Empirical Results 71
4.5.1 The Determinants of the Two Types of Export Extensive Margins 71
4.5.2 The Determinants of Export Quality 78
4.5.3 Robustness Check 84
4.6 Conclusions 90
Chapter 5 Concluding Remarks and Policy Implications 92
References 94
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指導教授 楊志海(Chih-Hai Yang) 審核日期 2013-7-15
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