博碩士論文 975201124 詳細資訊

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姓名 羅中宏(Chung-hung Lo)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 電機工程學系
論文名稱 應用於藍芽與全球衛星定位系統之電抗性負載型雙頻槽孔天線
(Design of Dual-Band Slot Antenna Loaded with Reactance for Bluetooth and GPS Applications)
★ 利用缺陷型接地結構之雙頻微型平面倒F天線設計★ 應用於第三代行動電話之倒F天線設計
★ 使用寄生元件之平面式倒F型雙頻天線設計★ 利用寄生元件之平面式倒 F 型三頻天線設計
★ 無線通訊之三頻天線設計★ 無線通訊之雙頻與三頻槽孔型天線設計
★ 應用於智慧型行動裝置之LTE/WWAN多頻單極天線設計★ 應用於行動手持裝置之LTE/WWAN天線設計
★ 利用背腔式槽孔線結構之多頻段天線設計★ 利用缺陷地面共振電路之介質量測技術
★ 帶通圓形極化頻率選擇面之設計★ 啞鈴型缺陷地面之介質量測電路分析與設計
★ 雙頻圓極化微波極化器設計★ 利用微小共振電路之多頻段天線設計
★ 應用於X-band平面吸波器之薄型負載電路設計★ 應用於X-band平面吸波器之阻抗倒轉器設計
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摘要(中) 摘要
本論文提出一個利用電抗性負載元件來減小面積的雙頻槽孔天線,此天線設計應用於全球衛星定位系統(GPS L1 band:1.575 GHz)及藍芽傳輸(Bluetooth 2.4~ 2.484 GHz)的頻段上。
本論文提出的電抗性負載型雙頻槽孔天線,可使用厚度為0.8mm的FR4基板,與市售晶片型被動元件製作。雙頻槽孔天線在低頻量測的共振頻率為1.575 GHz,其頻寬為1.555~1.595 GHz;高頻量測的共振頻率為2.450 GHz,頻寬2.400~2.500 GHz,而天線增益峰值在1.575 GHz為2.52dBi;2.4~2.485 GHz增益峰值在0~0.5 dBi之間。
摘要(英) Abstract
In the thesis, a design of the dual-band slot antenna loaded with reactance is presented. The proposed antenna is applied for GPS (L1:1.575GHz) and Bluetooth (2.4~2.484GHz) applications.
For a conventional open-end slot antenna, the operation frequency is mainly determined by the slot length, which is generally of a quarter wavelength. An open-end microstrip line is conventionally adopted to feed the antenna through electromagnetic coupling. Impedance matching for this structure can be controlled by the length of open stub, and the feeding position. In order to reduce the length of the slot antenna from a quarter wave-length to one- eighth the effective wavelength, we add a load capacitor inside slot. The inductor connected to the ground behind capacitor can be used to adjust the resonant frequency by using different value. Besides, antenna characteristic impedance is also tunable by using different values of inductor which is added at the end of the feed line connected to the ground plane. For dual-band antenna design, a series capacitor is adopted to branch a new antenna resonant current path. Therefore, the proposed dual-band antenna design is achieved in one slot.
Antenna measurements regarding with the return loss, radiation pattern, and axial ratio are conducted for design validation. It is found that the simulation and measurement are in good agreement.
關鍵字(中) ★ 雙頻天線
★ 電抗性負載
★ 開路槽孔天線
★ 槽孔天線
關鍵字(英) ★ open-end slot antenna
★ antenna loaded with reactance
★ dual band
★ slot antenna
論文目次 摘要.............................................................................................................. i
Abstract ..................................................................................................... ii
致謝........................................................................................................... iii
表目錄..................................................................................................... viii
第一章 緒論 ............................................................................................... 1
1.1研究動機.............................................................................................................. 1
1.2文獻回顧.............................................................................................................. 2
1.3論文架構.............................................................................................................. 5
第二章 天線原理與參數介紹 ................................................................... 6
2.1天線原理簡介...................................................................................................... 6
2.2天線極化.............................................................................................................. 8
第三章 微型化單頻槽孔天線 ................................................................. 11
3.1簡介.................................................................................................................... 11
3.2天線架構與模擬結果........................................................................................ 12
3.3天線參數探討.................................................................................................... 19
3.4天線量測與比較................................................................................................ 22
3.5結論.................................................................................................................... 28
第四章 微型化雙頻槽孔天線 ................................................................. 29
4.1簡介.................................................................................................................... 29
4.2天線結構與模擬結果........................................................................................ 30
4.3天線參數探討.................................................................................................... 37
4.4天線量測與比較................................................................................................ 39
4.5結論.................................................................................................................... 45
第五章 電抗負載型槽孔天線應用......................................................... 46
5.1手持效應分析.................................................................................................... 46
5.2線性極化GPS天線實測 .................................................................................. 48
5.3天線位置與輻射效率........................................................................................ 49
第六章 結論 ............................................................................................. 50
參考資料 .................................................................................................. 53
參考文獻 參考資料
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指導教授 丘增杰(Tsen-chieh Chiu) 審核日期 2012-7-19
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