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姓名 張哲瑋(Matt Che-Wei)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 學生的學習動機、網路自我效能與系統滿意度之探討-以e-Portfolio為例
(The impact of students' learning motivation, Internet self-efficacy and system satisfaction toward the use of e-Portfolio)
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摘要(中) 本研究在基於e-Portfolio系統之下,探討學習者的學習動機、網路自我效能以及系統使用滿意度之間的關係和影響。採用實驗研究法,以台灣北部一所大學為研究母體,共計回收有效問卷443,並分成了實驗組(e-Portfolio系統使用者)與對照組(非系統使用者)。統計分析的結果顯示,學習動機、網路自我效能與系統使用滿意度皆達正相關。而性別在網路效能上則無顯著的差異。此外,實驗組與對照組在學習動機和網路自我效能答顯著差異。更近一步的在迴歸分析指出,學習動機能有效的預測網路自我效能以及網路自我效能可以有效的預測系統使用滿意度。根據實驗結果指出,教育者和研究者必須注意這些因素的影響,並且把這些因素納入e-Portfolio中。最後,本篇總結了一些未來的研究建議。
摘要(英) In this study, we investigated the impact of students’ learning motivation, Internet self-efficacy and system satisfaction toward the use of e-Portfolio. The experimental method was used; counting of 443 questionnaires was received, and the students in our research were divided into two groups, experimental group (e-Portfolio users) and control group (non-users). The statistical analysis exhibited that there were positive correlations among learning motivation, Internet self-efficacy, and system satisfaction. The result revealed that there were no significant Internet self-efficacy differences on gender. Besides, there were the significant differences in learning motivations and in Internet self-efficacy between two groups. Furthermore, the multistep regression analysis indicated that the learning motivation was the significant predictor of Internet self-efficacy, and Internet self-efficacy was the significant predictor of system satisfaction. Base on the findings, educators and researchers need to pay attention to these influences and take these factors into consideration in e-Portfolio. Finally, this study concludes ideas for future research.
關鍵字(中) ★ 系統使用滿意度
★ 網路自我效能
★ 學習動機
★ e-Portfolio
關鍵字(英) ★ e-Portfolio
★ learning motivation
★ Internet self-efficacy
★ system satisfaction
論文目次 Table of Contents
List of Figures.......v
List of Tables.......vi
1. Introduction.......1
2. Literature review.......3
2.1. E-Portfolio.......3
2.2. The learning motivation.......3
2.3. The Internet self-efficacy.......3
2.4. The system satisfaction.......5
3. The major function of e-Portfolio.......6
4. Research hypothesis.......8
4.1. For responding the research question 1.......8
4.2. For responding the research question 2.......8
4.3. For responding the research question 3.......9
5. Methodology.......11
5.1. Participants.......11
5.2. Factor analysis.......12
6. Results.......17
6.1. Correlations among learning motivation, Internet self-efficacy and system satisfaction.......17
6.2. T-test for gender and group differences.......18
6.3. Stepwise multiple regression analysis.......20
7. Discussions.......23
7.1. Gender differences in Internet self-efficacy.......23
7.2. Stepwise multiple regression analysis among variables.......24
7.3. Groups differences in intrinsic goal orientation of learning motivation and Internet self-efficacy.......25
8. Conclusions.......26
Appendix A. Questionnaire factors and items........30
List of Figures
Fig. 1 System architecture and major functions........6
Fig. 2 E-Portfolio homepage........7
Fig. 3 Experimental flow chart.......12
Fig. 4 The results in this study........22
List of Tables
Table 1 Subject demographic (n=433).......11
Table 2 Rotated factor loading and Cronbach’ α values for two factors of learning motivation (n=125).......13
Table 3 Rotated factor loading and Cronbach’ α values for three factors of Internet self-efficacy (n=125).......14
Table 4 Rotated factor loading and Cronbach’ α values for two factors of system satisfaction (n=125).......16
Table 5 Descriptive statistics, correlation among study variables (n=296).......18
Table 6 Gender Comparisons on the scales of the Learning Motivation and the Internet Self-efficacy survey.......19
Table 7 Groups Comparisons on the scales of the Learning Motivation and the Internet Self-efficacy survey.......19
Table 8 The result of predicted path relationships.......20
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指導教授 楊鎮華(Stephen Jenn-Hwa Yang) 審核日期 2010-7-6
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