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姓名 歐智文(Chih-Wen Ou)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
(CSPWN: A Solution to Protect HTTPS-based Services From Compromised Internet-of-Things)
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摘要(中) 隨著這幾年雲端物聯網裝置產品快速普及,其與桌上終端,或是手機平板 等等的行動終端不同的地方主要有兩點。第一點,雲端物聯網裝置的 產品成本通常較桌上與行動終端低,因此多數的雲端物聯網產品的安 全性無法滿足基本的資安要求。第二點,雲端物聯網裝置的使用者介 面明顯不同於桌上行動終端。物聯網裝置的操作介面大多數只是簡 單的燈號,除非透過專業工具,否則一般使用者難以於日常使用中 快速發覺物聯網裝置的異常運作行為。調查發現,部分雲端物聯網 裝置設有基於HTTPS的設定網頁提供給使用者去進行裝置設定,這 些HTTPS網頁已成為雲端物聯網殭屍網路入侵的主要目標。對於網路 服務提供者以及大多數雲端物聯網裝置產品而言,他們預期的客戶應 請求來自於桌上或行動終端的瀏覽器,或是自家開發的客戶端App, 來自於陌生的雲端物聯網裝置的服務請求基本上是在預期之外的。若 網站服務端的管理者以及雲端物聯網裝置可偵測出遠端的客戶裝置屬 於物聯網裝置而非預期的桌上或行動終端瀏覽器時,網站服務端以及 雲端物聯網裝置便可根據預先定義的措施來處理這些來者不善的請 求,從而避免後續針對該網站以及雲端物聯網的潛在惡意行為。本研 究提出了可於雲端物聯網裝置運作之偵測連入裝置為雲端物聯網裝置 之技術,取名為CSPWN偵測器。本研究基於物聯網裝置與桌上型電 腦跟行動裝置先天性計算能力的差異,找出穩定性高且可識別偵測位 於遠端網路雲端物聯網裝置的方法。簡單而言,此方法取得遠端裝置 進行金鑰產製的計算時間,並利用此時間差異來做為判定裝置的依 據。此法不僅穩定可信避免特徵資料庫慣有的時效問題之外,即使雲 端物聯網裝置在遠端網路也能準確偵測。實驗結果顯示,CSPWN偵 測器偵測雲端物聯網裝置擁有九成以上的正確率,其中五個裝置的正 確率超過98%。偵測非雲端物聯網裝置也擁有八成的正確率,其中五 個非雲端物聯網裝置也擁有九成以上的正確率。
摘要(英) As Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices went popular in recent years, they have become ideal targets for malicious activists, especially for botnet activists. Due to the low cost nature of most IoT devices, the security protection among these cheap devices is often insufficient. Mi- rai botnet is a typical IoT botnet. It is composed of compromised IoT devices, and using these IoT devices to compromise other vulnerable IoT devices across Internet. The Web interface of these vulnerable IoT devices is a major target aimed by Mirai. Most of these targeted IoT devices run the Web interface over HTTPS. For most administrators of Web sites and owners of cloud IoT devices, they may expect that their clients use browsers or their proprietary client Apps to visit their Web interface. Hence, the visiting coming from unknown cloud IoT devices is basically unexpected or even undesired. Under the situation of so many unidentified cloud IoT devices on Internet, the IoT device detec- tion is ideal so that the Web interface can directly reject the connection from unexpected cloud IoT devices. In this dissertation, we propose an approach, named CSPWN Detector, protecting HTTPS-based Web ser- vices, including Web services running on the IoT devices, from accessed by other undesired cloud IoT devices on Internet. CSPWN Detector basically works on diversified key exchange calculation time during TLS negotiation between IoT and non-IoT devices. The result of accuracy evaluation shows that with a best threshold value, CSPWN Detector can detect six IoT devices with the accuracy of 91.6% at least. The accu- racy among five of these six IoT devices are at least 98.1%. Meanwhile, CSPWN Detector can detect six non-IoT devices with the accuracy of 82.5% at least. If the six year old tablet is excluded, the accuracy among rest five of these six non-IoT devices are at least 90.6%.
關鍵字(中) ★ 雲端
★ 物聯網
★ 識別
★ 傳輸層安全協定
★ 殭屍網路
關鍵字(英) ★ CPU
★ IoT
★ fingerprinting
★ negotiation
論文目次 中文摘要.............................. i
Abstract............................... iii
Acknowledgement ......................... v
Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii ListofFigures ........................... xi
List of Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii

1. Introduction ...................... 1
1.1 The case study of Mirai Botnet . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 Threats of Cloud IoT devices ............. 4
1.2.1 E-mail spamming ................... 5
1.2.2 Fraud.......................... 5
1.2.3 Vulnerability Mining.................. 6
1.3 Contribution ...................... 7
1.4 Organization ...................... 7

2. Background....................... 9
2.1 WBD: Web-basedBotnetDefender . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.1.1 Methodology of WBD ................. 13
2.1.2 Discussion of WBD .................. 18
2.1.3 Conclusion of WBD .................. 22
2.2 IoTD: E-mail Spamming IoT Devices Defender . . . 22
2.2.1 Background of TLS and SMTP............ 23
2.2.2 Threat Model of IoTD................. 25
2.2.3 IoTD System Design.................. 25
2.2.4 IoTD Threshold Selection............... 28
2.2.5 Discussion of IoTD................... 28
2.2.6 Conclusion of IoTD .................. 30
2.3 RethinkingWBDandIoTD.............. 31

3. RelatedWork...................... 35
3.1 IoTbotnet ....................... 35
3.2 Fingerprinting ..................... 38

4. Objective........................ 41
4.1 Motivation ....................... 41
4.2 ECDHE......................... 42
4.3 BetterApplicability .................. 44
4.4 Threat Model ..................... 44
4.5 Targeted IoT Devices ................. 44
4.6 Assumption and Objective .............. 45

5. ComputationandTLSNegotiation . . . . . . . . . . 47
5.1 TLSNegotiation.................... 47
5.1.1 Cipher Suites...................... 49
5.1.2 RSA for Key Exchange ................ 50
5.1.3 Diffie-Hellman Algorithm ............... 50
5.1.4 Elliptic Curve Diffie Hellman ............. 50
5.1.5 ForwardSecrecy: DHE and ECDHE . . . . . . . . . 51
5.1.6 Using RSA for Authentication . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
5.1.7 ECDSA......................... 52
5.2 Device Computation Capability and TLS negotiation 52
5.2.1 Targeted IoT Devices ................. 53
5.2.2 Diversified Time complexity.............. 55
5.2.3 Pre-Pwning Sample Devices.............. 57

6. CSPWN Detector ................... 63
6.1 System Implementation ................ 63
6.2 Threshold........................ 65

7. Evaluation ....................... 69
7.1 CSPWN Detector Prototype ............. 69
7.2 Devices for Evaluation................. 70
7.3 Accuracy of CSPWNDetector ............ 72

8. Discussion ....................... 77
8.1 Comparisons ...................... 77
8.1.1 Comparison to Nmap ................. 77
8.1.2 Comparison among Wi-Fi Device Fingerprinting Approaches ........................79
8.2 Limitation ....................... 80
8.2.1 IoT Devices behind Proxies .............. 80
8.2.2 Fake IoT Devices.................... 81
8.2.3 IoT Devices Mimic................... 81
8.3 PracticalDeployment ................. 82

9. Conclusion ....................... 83
9.1 FutureWork ...................... 83
9.2 Contribution ...................... 84
9.3 Conclusion ....................... 85

索引 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
參考文獻 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
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指導教授 許富皓(Fu-Hau Hsu) 審核日期 2019-7-12
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