博碩士論文 982406003 詳細資訊

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姓名 張煒堃(Wei-Kun Chang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光電科學與工程學系
論文名稱 一維/二維晶疇工程準相位匹配元件作為Q調制器、(多)波長轉換器及頻譜電光調控器並應用於雷射及光參量振盪器之研究
(1D/2D domain engineered QPM devices for Q-switching, (multi-)wavelength conversion, and spectrum tailoring in lasers and optical parametric oscillators)
★ Continuous-wave narrow-line yellow laser generation in a diode-pumped Nd:YVO4 laser using volume Bragg gratings★ 半導體雷射泵浦內建式Q-調制Nd:MgO:PPLN雷射之研究
★ 主動式多通道窄頻寬通Ti:PPLN波導濾波及模態轉換器之研究★ 以鎂掺雜鈮酸鋰製作二倍頻藍光雷射波導元件之製程研究
★ 非週期性晶格極化反轉鈮酸鋰作為主動式窄頻寬通多波長濾波器及倍頻多波長濾波器★ 非週期性晶格極化反轉鈮酸鋰作為有效率的二倍頻和模態轉換器之研究
★ 積體式週期與非週期極性反轉鈮酸鋰光電與雷射元件★ 退火式質子交換波導PPLN電光調制TM模態轉輻射偏振態之研究
★ 高效率雙Nd:YVO4 雷射和頻黃光產生系統★ 以串級式電光週期性晶格極化反轉鈮酸鋰達成三波長主動式Q-調制Nd:YVO4雷射
★ 以單塊二維週期性晶格極化反轉鈮酸鋰同時作為Nd:YVO4雷射之電光Q調制器和腔內光參量振盪器★ 綠光準相位匹配二倍頻質子交換鎂摻雜鈮酸鋰波導的製程研究
★ 以單晶片串級式週期性準相位匹配波長轉換器與非週期性準相位匹配電光偏振模態轉換器達成主動式調制窄頻輸出光參量振盪器之研究★ 單片非週期性晶疇極化反轉鈮酸鋰同時作為Nd:YVO4雷射Q-調制和腔內光參量產生之研究
★ 準相位匹配二倍頻軟質子交換鎂摻雜鈮酸鋰波導研究★ 以雙體積全像布拉格光柵及二維週期性晶疇極化反轉鈮酸鋰於Nd:YVO4雷射內達成脈衝式窄頻光參量振盪器之研究
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摘要(中) 雷射科技已經廣泛地運用在各式領域中,如光通訊、生醫、顯示技術、遙測和環境檢測;而這些應用所需要的特定波段和光源特性大都可利用獨特且可設計的非線性光子晶體之準相位匹配技術和電光調制能力來達成。延續過往的研究成果,本論文展示了在鈮酸鋰晶體上製作出一維或二維且週期性乃至非週期性結構,配合該晶體優良的非線性波長轉換和電光調制的能力,作為有效率地積體化多功的主動式雷射元件。



摘要(英) Laser technology has been widely implemented into many fields, such as light communication, bio-medicine, display technology, remote sensing, environmental detection. Compact, multi-functional yet efficient optical devices are desired in many photonics and laser systems and applications. In this dissertation, those requirements can be potentially fulfilled by introduced one-dimensional (1D) or two-dimensional (2D) periodic or aperiodic photonic devices with the high integration of the electro-optical (EO) modulation, the nonlinear wavelength conversion, and the laser gain medium doping.

In the very first two chapters, the research motivation and background will be introduced, and the theories of the electro-optic effect of lithium niobate crystal will be basically discussed. In the chapter three, 2D nonlinear phtonic devices are demonstrated to perform laser Q-switch as well as optical parametric gain medium (OPGM) simultaneously. Continuous wavelength tuning of the IOPO signal in the eye-safe region via the temperature control of the 2D PPLN and 2D Nd:MgO:PPLN were also achieved. The introduction and description of the desired active laser devices designed by aperiodic optic superlattice (AOS) and optimized by simulated annealing (SA) method will follow. The 1D-/ 2D-NPC based on the developed algorithm with multiple functionalities, including EO Q-switch, EO polarization mode converter (PMC), intracavity second-harmonic generator (ISHG), intracavity sum frequency generator (ISFG), intracavity optical parametric oscillator (IOPO), for variety applications are be reported.

In the chapter four, we demonstrate an electro-optically spectrum tailorable IOPO basked on a novel APPLN device working simultaneously as an multi- wavelength OPDC and an EO PMC (an active wavelength filter) in a diode-pumped Nd:YVO$_4$ laser. A calculation model has been developed to construct the domain structure of the APPLN and to predict the output spectrum of the built EOST IOPO. The measured output signal spectrum of the EOST IOPO producing two narrowed spectral peaks when operated at E$_y$= 150 V/mm at a diode pump power of 4.7 W. Both spectral bandwidths of the two signals were below 0.06 nm (which reaches the resolution limit of the OSA). According to the simulation, not only the signal spectrum but also the idler spectrum can be electro-optically tailored, leading the system to generate narrowed multiple signals and idlers at near- and mid-IR regions, respectively.

Other than forming a spatial structure by the conventional 1D or 2D grating, in the fifth chapter, we design and construct a unique horn-shaped-fan-out-double-prism domain (or ramped duty-cycle) PPLN crystal that integrates the functionalities of an EO beam deflector and an OPDC to work in a compact diode-pumped, 1064-nm Nd:YVO$_4$ laser to realize an efficient EO tunable pulsed IOPG/IOPO. The horn-shaped-fan-out-DPD PPLN crystal can work as an EO beam deflector with a normalized deflection sensitivity of 0.36$^o$/kV-cm and can simultaneously work as a QPM wavelength converter for performing the 1064 nm pumped optical parametric down converter in a range of 1863 - 1929 (by applying -750 V to 750 V). The signal wavelength tuning of the IOPG/IOPO via the electric-field control of the horn-shaped-fan-out-DPD PPLN could be demonstrated in the Mid-IR band.
關鍵字(中) ★ 準相位匹配
★ Q調制器
★ 電光調控器
★ 波長轉換器
★ 光參量振盪器
★ 鈮酸鋰
關鍵字(英) ★ QPM
★ Q-switch
★ EO
★ Lithium Niobate
論文目次 中文摘要 ... i
English abstract ...iii
Acknowledgements ...v
Content ...vii
List of figures ...ix
List of tables ...xxi
Chapter 1 Introduction ...1
Chapter 2 Working Principles ...7
Chapter 3 The Versatile Laser Devices and Design ...27
Chapter 4 Electro-optical Spectrum Tailorable Aperiodically Poled Lithium Niobate OPOs ...77
Chapter 5 Horn-shaped-fan-out-DPD PPLN for simultaneouly laser Q-switching and OPG/OPO in Nd:YVO4 laser ...89
Chapter 6 Conclusion ...103
References ...107
List of Publication ...115
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指導教授 陳彥宏(Yen-Hung Chen) 審核日期 2015-7-24
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