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姓名 彭子彥(Tzuyen Peng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 全身性振動暴露對於乘坐舒適性與職業性脊椎損傷之影響研究
★ 三次元量床之虛擬儀器教學與訓練系統之設計與開發★ 駕駛模擬器技術開發及其在駕駛行為研究之應用
★ 電源模組老化因子與加速試驗模型之研究★ 應用駕駛模擬器探討語音防撞警示系統 對駕駛行為之影響
★ 遠距健康監測與復健系統之開發與研究★ 藥柱低週疲勞特性與壽限評估模式之研究
★ 非接觸式電子經緯儀電腦模擬教學系統之研究★ 適應性巡航控制系統對於駕駛績效影響之研究
★ 車輛零組件路況模擬系統之開發研究★ 應用殘障駕駛模擬器探討失衡路況對人體重心影響之研究
★ 聚縮醛(POM)機械性質之射出成型條件最佳化研究★ 駕駛模擬儀之開發驗證及應用於駕駛疲勞之研究
★ 即時眼部狀態偵測系統之研究★ 短玻璃纖維強化聚縮醛射出成型條件最佳化與機械性質之研究
★ 手推輪椅虛擬實境系統開發之研究★ 應用駕駛績效預測車輛碰撞風險之研究
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摘要(中) 在脊髓損傷者的復健醫療評估,是以傷者是否能重新回到職場作為復健成功的指標。在台灣,脊髓損傷患者最常使用的交通工具是改裝後的機車,然而相較於正常駕駛人,病患對於突發狀況或外在因素干擾時所應採取的車輛操控或身體姿態應變能力較差,尤其在駕駛過程中常會面臨到顛簸路面或大坑洞路面等的隨機因素所引發瞬間短暫激振的高加速度及峰值壓力,不僅易造成不舒服感覺、眩暈或嘔吐外,更可能對頸椎產生鞭甩作用,導致嚴重的扭曲損傷,加重脊髓損傷患者的生理傷害。
本研究將以電動車為研究對象,主要目標在探討全身性振動暴露對於乘坐舒適性與脊椎損傷的影響,並找出職業性脊椎損傷之最佳化預防策略。研究內容將整合SolidWorks/Simulation軟體與ISO 2631-5規範,開發出生物脊椎力學分析技術,並深入評估人(行駛車速、乘員載重、乘坐姿態)、車(駕駛座墊)、以及路(道路型態)等多種因素下,腰椎L4/L5的脊椎損傷評估。同時,本研究並將以路況模擬系統進行實車測試,以驗證分析結果。
摘要(英) The recovery assessment of spinal cord injury is based on whether patients can go back workplace. In Taiwan, most of patients with spinal cord injury use modified motorcycle for their transportation. However, the ability of control machine and body of patients is worse than normal person when they are in sudden circumstance or interference. Especially the sudden shock is caused by the bumpy road in the drive not only result in discomfort and dizziness but also critical damage with fling the cervical vertebra.
The main of this study is discussing the influence of whole body vibration on comfort and spinal cord injury by using electric motorcycle and finding the best precaution against professional spinal cord injury. The study combine SolidWorks/Simulation with ISO 2631-5 and develop the technology of biomechanical analysis and evaluate damage on lumbar L4/L5 by anthropogenic factors (speed, load and posture), a vehicle factor (cushion), and a road factor (road type). Meanwhile, the study take vehicle tests using road simulation testing system and verify the result.
The result is found that the slower speed, the smoother road and the heavier load, less vibration and damage of spine is. In addition, the cushion can reduce damage effectively, and the reclining 10 degree makes the smallest damage. The study not only prove that the posture make the most influence for spinal cord injury but also that the strain on the zygapophyseal joint is one of the most important points. I believe that this study is a benefit to the vehicle design.
關鍵字(中) ★ 乘坐舒適性
★ 動態響應
★ 生物力學
★ 脊椎損傷
★ 電動車
關鍵字(英) ★ riding comfort
★ dynamic response
★ biomechanics
★ spinal cord injury
★ electric motorcycle
論文目次 摘要................................................................i
第一章 緖論.........................................................1
1.1. 研究動機.....................................................1
1.2. 研究目的.....................................................2
1.3. 論文架構.....................................................3
第二章 文獻回顧.....................................................4
2.1. ISO 2631乘坐舒適性..........................................4
2.1.1. ISO 2361-1振動規範......................................4
2.1.2. ISO 2361-5振動規範.....................................10
2.2. 生物脊椎模型................................................12
2.2.1. 脊椎構造簡介............................................12
2.2.2. 生物脊椎力學模型應用研究................................16
2.3. 駕駛振動與職業性脊椎損傷之關聯研究..........................17
2.4. 路況模擬系統簡介............................................19
第三章 研究方法....................................................23
3.1. 實驗設計....................................................23
3.2. 實驗設備....................................................27
3.3. 研究流程....................................................38
3.4. 數據擷取與分析..............................................39
第四章 結果與討論..................................................41
4.1. 生物脊椎模型驗證............................................41
4.2. 不同因子對於乘適性和脊椎損傷之影響..........................43
4.3. 職業性脊椎損傷之最佳化預防策略..............................57
第五章 結論與未來展望..............................................59
5.1. 結論........................................................59
5.2. 未來展望....................................................59
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指導教授 黃俊仁(Jiun-ren Hwang) 審核日期 2011-8-24
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