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姓名 黃佳如(Chia-ju Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 環境工程研究所
論文名稱 職業安全衛生績效指標 職業安全衛生績效指標回饋機制探討
(A Study on the Feedback Mechanism of Occupational Safety and Health Performance Indicators )
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★ 職業安全衛生績效管理機制★ 事件樹於職業安全風險評估應用研究
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摘要(中) 績效量測與監督為職安衛管理系統規劃(Plan)、執行(Do)、查核(Check)與矯正(Act)所組成的PDCA架構中不可或缺的一部份。主要功能為藉由績效監測所提供的資訊,協助事業單位評估職安衛計畫執行狀況及目標的達成度,績效量測指標可分為主動式與被動式兩類,量測與監督職安衛管理系統運作績效,有助於評估風險控制的有效性。完善的PDCA管理循環應定期監測職安衛管理系統運作的狀況,包含將績效量測的成功或失敗的資訊,回饋至安全衛生管理系統,但是目前尚缺乏明確改善職安衛管理系統的機制,導致績效量測無法發揮持續改善的功能。
從輸入及輸出轉換的角度而言,職安衛管理系統持續改善的循環機制和化工程序控制系統的基本架構極為類似,本研究參考化工程序控制的回饋與前饋控制的運作模式,建立職安衛績效指標的回饋機制。職安衛管理系統藉由意外事故調查資訊達到回饋控制功能,前饋控制則將主動式績效指標量測結果與設定目標做比較,分析不符合事項造成原因,並擬訂適當改善措施。本研究引用HSE意外事故調查,藉由系統化分析事故發生的根本原因,並連結至OHSAS 18001職安衛管理系統,可協助事業單位更明確地瞭解目前管理系統運作的問題。意外事故調查不僅著重於辨識造成事故發生的原因,更應回歸管理系統層陎,希望藉由本研究建立的績效指標回饋機制,可加強職安衛管理系統的改善。
摘要(英) Performance measurement is an integral part of the PDCA management process. Benefits of performance measurement of an occupational health and safety management system include the provision of information on implementation status, identification of areas needing corrective actions, provision of the basis for continual improvement. Occupational health and safety management systems are measured by a set of reactive, or lagging, performance indicators and positive, or leading, performance indicators.
To complete the full PDCA management cycle, performance measurements must be fed back to the management system. For reactive performance indicators, this is normally accomplished through incident investigation. Although it is widely accepted that the root causes of accidents and incidents are management system failures, but the feedback mechanism from the results of accident investigation to the management system is not straightforward. The same problem exists for the feedback mechanism of positive performance indicators.
From the input-output conversion standpoint, a management process is highly analogous to a chemical process. Hence the fundamental principles of chemical process control, both feedback and feedforward control, are adopted in this study in designing the feedback mechanism of occupational safety and health performance indicators. Feedback control of the occupational safety and health management system is accomplished through incident investigation while feedforward control of the management system is performed through measuring a specific performance indicator, comparing the measurement against its target value and implementing the corrective actions.
HSE’s accident investigation technique is adopted in this study. Underlying and root causes of an incident classified by HSE are control,cooperation, communication, competence, design, implementation and risk assessment. Relationships between these factors and OHSAS 18001 requirements are established. The relationships can then be used to link the underlying and root causes back to the management system. Since most proactive performance indicators are used to measure the progress of occupational safety and health management programs, positive performance indicators can be fed back to their associated management programs directly. The proposed feedback mechanism is validated with a confined space entry program and a fatal accident report issued by the Council of Labor Affairs. It is believed that the proposed feedback mechanism can greatly enhance the effectiveness of occupational safety and health performance measurement.
關鍵字(中) ★ 職安衛管理績效指標
★ 主動式績效指標
★ 被動式績效指標
★ 績效指標回饋機制
★ 意外事故調查
關鍵字(英) ★ Occupational health and safety performance indic
★ Leading performance indicator
★ Lagging performance indicator
★ Performance indicator feedback mechanism
★ Accident Investigation
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 viii
第一章 諸論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究方法與目的 4
1.3 預期成果 6
第二章 文獻回顧 7
2.1 職業安全衛生管理績效量測基本要求 7
2.1.1 HSG 65成功的安全衛生管理指引 7
2.1.2 澳洲/紐西蘭職業安全衛生管理系統標準AS/NZS 4801 9
2.1.3 OHSAS 18001職業衛生安全管理系統-規範 10
2.1.4 OHSAS 18002-執行OHSAS 18001指導綱要 11
2.1.5 ILO-OSH 2001職業安全衛生管理系統指引 12
2.1.6 台灣職業安全衛生管理系統指引 12
2.1.7 BS 18004達成有效的職業安全衛生績效指引 13
2.2 主動式績效量測 14
2.3 被動式績效量測 18
2.4 績效量測方法與回饋機制 23
第三章 績效指標回饋機制 27
3.1 化工程序控制基本原則 27
3.2 職安衛管理系統與化工程序控制整合 28
3.3 建立績效指標回饋機制 30
3.4 主動式績效指標回饋機制 33
3.5 被動式績效指標回饋機制 42
第四章 績效指標回饋案例探討 83
4.1 主動式績效指標回饋機制 83
4.2 被動式績效指標運用案例 93
4.2.1 案例說明 93
4.2.2 事故資料收集 94
4.2.3 事故資料分析 96
4.3 根本原因連結至職安衛管理系統 98
4.4 擬訂改善措施 104
第五章 結論與建議 108
5.1 結論 108
5.2 建議 110
參考文獻 111
參考文獻 1. Health and Safety Executive, HSG 65 Successful Health and Safety Management, 1991.
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指導教授 于樹偉(Shuh -Woei Yu) 審核日期 2012-1-18
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