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姓名 陳揚仁(Yang-Zen Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 基於零相關門檻之全球導航衛星系統快速載波相位求解
(Fast Carrier-Phase Resolution in GNSS Based on ZEro-correlation Transformation/Threshold for Ambiguity-resolution)
★ 利用數個參考站模式化電離層影響量以進行GPS衛星測量★ 白化濾波應用於GPS動態衛星測量之研究
★ 應用數值地型於立體空載SAR影像之分析★ 消去GPS相位模稜OTF相對定位之研究
★ 應用地形物元於衛載SAR影像匹配之研究★ 參數解關聯應用於GPS雙主站相位模稜求解
★ 衛載SAR地塊影像匹配之參數最佳化★ 最小二乘過濾法應用於動態GPS衛星定位平穩性之研究
★ GPS即時動態定位最佳化演算法比較研究★ Radarsat-1 SAR影像最小二乘匹配之研究
★ 方差與協方差分量於Radarsat-1地塊影像匹配之研究★ 率定GPS接收器時間偏差對高程定位精度提升之研究
★ 分塊輻射參數調整應用於不同來源影像之匹配與套合★ 利用多參考站模式化相對對流層天頂向延遲以進行GPS動態定位
★ 應用時間序列分析於GPS多路徑效應之研究★ 研究不同資源衛星影像之匹配與套合
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摘要(中) 高精度全球導航衛星系統運用的關鍵在於如何正確及有效率地求解整數相位模稜。
摘要(英) The key point of accurate and precise application of Global Navigation Satellite Systems is how to obtain integer carrier phase ambiguity correctly and efficiently.
One of the ways to solve the ambiguity resolution problem is ambiguity searching technique with an ambiguity decorrelation technique. Traditionally, an integer-valued limitation of the transformation matrix of decorrelation technique ensures the integer characteristic of candidates existing after the inverse transformation, but it also makes the decorrelation imperfect.
A zero correlation domain or a complete diagonalization covariance matrix could be obtained by the using float transformation matrix. A space in this domain will be used as a threshold, hence the zero correlation domain is called threshold domain. The number of ambiguity candidates based on integer transformation could be reduced through the proposed ZETA method.
ZETA might reject all of candidates and make the ambiguity resolution being no solution. In this research, the partial ambiguity resolution is used to cope with this situation. Partial ambiguity resolution allows some of the resolved of ambiguities to be float-valued ones. A candidate will be easier to pass the threshold with some of ambiguities being solved as float solutions.
The experiments in this paper prove that the method could make the ambiguity resolution become more efficient without decreasing the accuracy. The success rate could also be improved by proposed method.
關鍵字(中) ★ 相位模稜
★ 解相關
★ 零相關
★ 門檻域
★ 部分模稜求解
關鍵字(英) ★ phase ambiguity
★ decorrelation
★ zero correlation
★ threshold domain
★ partial ambiguity resolution
論文目次 List of figures VI
List of tables VIII
List of abbreviations XI
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 2
1.2 Thesis organization 3
Chapter 2 Literature review 4
Chapter 3 Global navigation satellite systems 7
3.1 GNSS projects 7
3.1.1 GPS 7
3.1.2 GLONASS 8
3.2 GNSS observation 9
3.2.3 Pseudorange 10
3.2.4 Carrier phase 12
3.3 Source of errors 14
3.3.1 Satellite 14
3.3.2 Signal propagation 15
3.3.3 Receiver 16
3.4 Differential positioning 17
3.4.1 Single differences 17
3.4.2 Double differences 18
3.5 Linear combinations 20
3.5.1 Wide lane linear combination 20
3.5.2 Ionosphere free linear combination 21
3.6 Atmosphere correction 22
3.6.1 Ionospheric delay correction 22
3.6.2 Tropospheric delay correction 24
3.7 Adjustment model 26
Chapter 4 Ambiguity resolution 28
4.1 Phase ambiguity 28
4.2 Ambiguity function method 29
4.3 Ambiguity searching technique 30
4.4 Fisher test 34
Chapter 5 Integer decorrelation and search domain 36
5.1 Matrix decomposition 38
5.1.1 Crout decomposition 39
5.1.2 Cholesky decomposition 41
5.2 LLL algorithm 42
5.3 Whitening filter 47
Chapter 6 Float transformation and threshold domain 50
6.1 ZETA 50
6.2 Threshold domain 53
6.3 Partial ambiguity resolution 57
Chapter 7 Experiments 60
7.1 Background of data 60
7.2 Results and analyses of experiments 60
7.2.1 Baseline SPP0−MUST 62
7.2.2 Baseline SPP0−TCYU 69
7.2.3 Baseline SPP0−NTPU 75
7.2.4 Baseline SPP0−HSR2 80
7.2.5 Baseline SPP0−CSRF 86
7.2.6 Baseline SPP0−YILN 91
7.2.7 Baseline SPP0−ST55 96
7.3 Summary of experiments 101
Chapter 8 Summary and Conclusions 104
References 107
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指導教授 吳究(Joz Wu) 審核日期 2014-8-14
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