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姓名 陳俊名(Chen Chun-Ming)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 保留髖關節置換手術之生物力學研究
(The Biomechanical Investigations for Preserving Hip System Replacement)
★ 高彎曲度之人工膝關節多軸向動態磨耗試驗機開發★ 人工髖關節雙軸向動態磨耗試驗平台開發
★ 以擠製冷卻成型法結合相分離法製作神經再生用多孔性導管★ 大型犬人工髖關節之應力分析
★ 人體膝關節之高度彎曲電腦動態實體模型的建立★ 足型與足壓電腦輔助分析系統開發
★ 超低溫液態氮生物試片儲存槽的研發★ 腰椎人工椎間盤之運動軌跡分析
★ 表面置換型人工臏股骨關節的設計與分析★ 二維及三維足型的應用與高跟鞋足壓的量測分析
★ 心血管支架塑性成形的有限元素分析★ 靜態穿椎弓足內固定器之剛性對腰椎受力之影響
★ 腰椎內固定器之動態型式的生物力學評估★ 超低溫高安全性生物試片儲存槽與即時監管理系統之開發
★ 超低溫液態氮生物試片儲存系統的硬體研發★ 拇趾外翻足的鞋內矯正器之設計與評估
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摘要(中) 全髖關節置換手術(THR)是髖關節炎最常見的治療方式,儘管此類的有柄式植入物(stemmed)無論在外型、材質、或表面塗布上已有相當成熟的發展,但對於應力遮蔽、植體鬆動及骨溶解等問題依然無法解決。因此,為解決有柄式植入物在手術過程中需切除整顆球頭、鋸除全部股骨頸及掏空骨髓腔等步驟,便衍生出無柄式植入物(non-stemmed)的設計,以求保留髖關節大部分的骨質。而現已發行的無柄式植入物僅由中心柱或骨釘與股骨頸固定,臨床上常發生中心柱斷裂,或罩杯晃動滑脫而未能達到治療目的。
摘要(英) Total hip replacement (THR) is the most common treatment modality in hip osteoarthritis. Despite improvements in shape, material, and coating for hip stem, both stress shielding and aseptic loosening have been the major drawbacks of stemmed hip arthroplasty. Some non-stemmed systems were developed to avoid rasping off the intramedullary canal and evacuating the bone marrow due to stem insertion. At present, the non-stemmed design resulted in cup loosening and central bar fracturing in clinically because it was insufficient in the restriction.
In this study, many cup systems with minimal removal of the healthy neck were investigated to evaluate their biomechanical effects on the proximal femur and implants. The finite-element models of one intact, stemmed, resurfacing, cylinder, parallel, cross and nail femora were developed. The resurfacing and cylinder were selected as the representative of the ready-made implants. The parallel, cross and nail systems were selected as the representative of the custom-made implants. The stress distribution and interface micromotion were selected as the comparison indices. The biomechanical experiment were using cylinder, parallel and cross models to compare stability on the cup design and two screw constructions. The finite element analysis results showed that both stress distribution of all non-stemmed femora are consistently more similar to the intact femur than the stemmed one. Around the proximal femur, the stem definitely induces the stress-shielding phenomenon. The custom-made system with the anatomy-shaped cup can make intimate contact with the neck cortex and reduce the bone-cup micromotion and the implant stress. Comparatively, the reamed femoral head provides weaker support to the resurfacing cup causing higher interfacial micromotion. All the screws of the non-stemmed systems were highly stressed to serve as the potential for the failure of plastic yielding or fatigue cracking. The biomechanical experiment results showed that the stiffness of the custom-made cup and assisted screw with the cortical bone were better than the contrapositions.
In conclusion, the reserved femoral neck could act as the load-transferring medium from the acetabular cup, femoral neck to the diaphysial bone, thus depressing the stress-shielding effect below the neck region. If the hip-cup construct can be definitely stabilized, the non-stemmed design could be an alternative of hip arthroplasty for the younger or the specific patients with the disease limited only to the femoral head.
關鍵字(中) ★ 人工髖關節
★ 無柄式髖關節
★ 力學測試
★ 有限元素分析
論文目次 目錄
1-1 前言...............................................................................................................................1
1-2 髖關節介紹...................................................................................................................3
1-2-1 髖關節解剖學 ..........................................................................................................3
1-2-2 髖關節運動學 ..........................................................................................................9
1-2-3 髖關節病理學 ........................................................................................................10
1-2-4 髖關節生物力學 ....................................................................................................13
1-2-5 骨結構與材料性質................................................................................................15
1-2-6 骨質重塑現象 ........................................................................................................17
1-3 退化性髖關節炎治療方式.........................................................................................19
1-3-1 藥物與物理治療 ....................................................................................................19
1-3-2 髖關節微型手術 ....................................................................................................20
1-3-3 人工髖關節置換術................................................................................................21
1-4 研究目的與方法.........................................................................................................23
1-4-1 研究動機與目的 ....................................................................................................23
1-4-2 研究方法 ................................................................................................................24
1-5 論文架構.....................................................................................................................25
2-1 股骨頸原始角度定義.................................................................................................26
2-2 無柄式髖關節之臨床表現及設計概念.....................................................................29
2-2-1 表面置換型無柄式植入物....................................................................................29
2-2-2 股骨頸保護型植入物............................................................................................32
2-3 髖關節之有限元素分析.............................................................................................36
2-4 髖關節之生物力學測試.............................................................................................41
2-5 應力遮蔽效應.............................................................................................................45
3-1 植入物與手術器械設計.............................................................................................47
3-1-1 三維骨頭模型重建................................................................................................48
3-1-2 客製化解剖型植入物設計....................................................................................50
3-1-3 手術器械設計 ........................................................................................................57
3-1-4 手術流程規劃 ........................................................................................................61
3-1-5 三維列印加工技術................................................................................................67
3-2 髖關節植入物有限元素力學分析.............................................................................68
3-2-1 前言與目的 ............................................................................................................68
3-2-2 分析模型建立 ........................................................................................................70
3-2-3 模型材質設定 ........................................................................................................76
3-2-4 模型負載、邊界與介面設定................................................................................77
3-3-5 有限元素網格化 ....................................................................................................81
3-2-6 有限元素分析後處理探討參數介紹....................................................................84
3-2-7 有限元素分析模型驗證........................................................................................86
3-3 髖關節生物力學測試.................................................................................................87
3-3-1 前言與目的 ............................................................................................................87
3-3-2 測試模型 ................................................................................................................89
3-3-3 髖關節測試夾治具設計........................................................................................90
3-3-4 測試負載與失效標準............................................................................................92
3-3-5 測試結果處理探討參數介紹................................................................................93
4-1 解剖無柄式髖關節植入物與器械快速成形結果.....................................................95
4-1-1 植入物與器械之 3D 列印結果 .............................................................................95
4-1-2 手術流程模擬結果................................................................................................96
4-1-3 器械模擬流程結果討論......................................................................................100
4-2 無柄式髖關節有限元素力學分析結果...................................................................101
4-2-1 有限元素模型驗證..............................................................................................101
4-2-2 無柄式與有柄式力學結果比較..........................................................................102
4-2-3 無柄式髖關節外型結果比較..............................................................................108
4-2-4 不同骨釘鎖入方向結果比較..............................................................................113
4-2-5 兩種三角結構結果比較......................................................................................117
4-2-6 骨釘斷裂與手術不貼合結果比較......................................................................123
4-2-7 不同無柄式設計綜合結果比較..........................................................................130
4-3 無柄式髖關節力學測試結果討論...........................................................................131
4-3-1 骨頭外型切削結果..............................................................................................131
4-3-2 植入物打樣結果 ..................................................................................................132
4-3-3 夾治具打樣結果 ..................................................................................................134
4-3-4 三組模型的負載-位移測試結果.........................................................................135
4-3-5 三組模型的罩杯與骨頭分離結果.......................................................................139
4-3-6 三組模型的骨釘擴孔結果...................................................................................140
4-3-7 植入物的外型差異性討論..................................................................................141
4-3-8 不同的骨釘鎖入方向對結構影響討論..............................................................144
4-3-9 生物力學測試結果綜合討論..............................................................................146
5-1 結論.............................................................................................................................148
5-2 未來展望.....................................................................................................................149
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指導教授 曾清秀、林上智 審核日期 2015-7-7
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