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姓名 林明儀(Ming-yi Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 LOCOST:個人科學文件管理系統
(LOCOST: A Personal Scientific Document Management System)
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摘要(中) 隨著科學文件發行量大增以及網路數位圖書館的便利,為了讓使用者可以找到與目標相關的研究文獻,如何能結構化及有效地索引科學文件是多數研究探討的議題,但卻少有研究針對個人科學文件管理提出解決方案,研究人員所下載儲存於個人硬碟的文件量與日俱增,階層式瀏覽檢索個人科學文件的方式不再如以往有效且缺乏效率,本研究即為提出一套新的個人科學文件管理系統LOCOST (Local Content Summary Tool),可自動擷取處理科學文件中的文字,並設計使用者介面讓使用者搜尋科學文件,於搜尋結果中提供文件內容彙總,以供使用者於衡量文件重要性時一項決策參考,此外提供推薦關鍵字功能協助使用者尋找相關領域科學文件。
摘要(英) Since the rate of publishing scientific literature grows each year, the size of published work available online is increasing rapidly, and several web-based (digital library) systems were implemented. Related researches are focused on providing several useful methods for efficiently and effectively browsing and searching relevant scientific documents, but less on the issue how to manage personal scientific documents. On the other hand, researchers download scientific documents into their specific personal hard disk where they can categorize documents with hierarchical folders according to publication years, research topics, etc. for future retrieval. However, this turns into a critical issue of personal scientific document management that deals with how to effectively index and efficiently search personal scientific documents when her or his personal archive is inevitably getting larger and larger day by day.
LOCOST proposed in this paper can automatically processes the local sections of each document for term feature extraction. Therefore, users do not need to spend any time and effort to manually construct and maintain an organization system to manage their personal scientific documents. Moreover, LOCOST provides a useful interface for users to easily search important and/or relevant scientific document(s) from their archives. Particularly, the interface of LOCOST can display the content summaries of the retrieved documents that allow users to better understand the content of these documents and thus enable them to judge the level of importance and relevance of the retrieved documents to a given query. Consequently, LOCOST achieves ease of reusing personal scientific documents.
LOCOST is not developed to compete with related prototype systems, but it can be used to complement with each other since LOCOST provides unique functionalities for managing personal scientific documents. In addition, when the location-based finding strategy (or navigation) fails to achieve the users’ information needs, LOCOST is suitable at this time for the logical finding strategy.
關鍵字(中) ★ 詞頻
★ 個人資訊管理
★ 介面
★ 科學文件
★ 內容彙總
關鍵字(英) ★ content summary
★ term frequency
★ personal information management
★ graphical user interface
★ information retrieval
★ scientific document
論文目次 第一章 緒論......1
1-1 研究背景...1
1-2 研究動機...2
1-3 研究目的...3
1-4 論文架構...4
第二章 文獻探討...5
2-1 科學文件擷取 (Scientific Document Retrieval)....5
2-2 個人資訊管理 (Personal Information Management)....6
2-3 相關介面系統 (Related Interface Systems)....9
2-4 文獻探討總結.......11
第三章 研究方法與系統架構...12
3-1 系統架構 (System Architecture)....12
3-2 索引 (Indexing)..13
3-3 搜尋 (Searching)..21
3-4 系統介面設計 (Interface Design)....23
第四章 實驗結果與討論....28
4-1 實驗設計....29
4-2 實驗程序步驟.......31
4-3 實驗受測者........32
4-4 實驗科學文件......34
4-5 查詢情境設計......35
4-6 問卷設計 37
4-7 實驗結果與探討 38
第五章 結論與未來研究方向 62
5-1 研究結論與探討 62
5-2 研究限制..........66
5-3 未來發展與應用.....67
附錄1 問卷......73
附錄 1-1 User經驗調查問卷.....73
附錄 1-2 系統功能情境任務比較問卷.....75
附錄 1-3 LOCOST功能滿意度問卷.......78
附錄 1-4 LOCOST整體評價問卷 ........81
附錄2 質性訪談記錄........82
附錄 2-1 質性訪談記錄:封閉式測驗A組 (1號受訪者)........82
附錄 2-2 質性訪談記錄:封閉式測驗A組 (2號受訪者)........85
附錄 2-3 質性訪談記錄:封閉式測驗B組 (3號受訪者)........87
附錄 2-4 質性訪談記錄:封閉式測驗B組 (4號受訪者)........89
附錄 2-5 質性訪談記錄:開放式測驗 (5號受訪者)..........91
附錄 2-6 質性訪談記錄:開放式測驗 (6號受訪者)..........94
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指導教授 蔡志豐(Chih-fong Tsai) 審核日期 2011-7-7
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