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姓名 劉自強(Tzu-Chiang Liu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 高階主管企管碩士班
論文名稱 發展一品質導向的新產品開發管理系統
(Developing a Quality-Oriented New Product Development Management System)
★ 以整合性產品開發系統創新設計netbook PC★ 電子產業能源管理系統之分析與設計
★ 大型寵物連鎖店進入中國市場的供應鏈可行性分析★ 應用SCOR模型規劃筆電供應鏈以因應中國產業西移趨勢
★ 以運行參考模型SCOR探討焊材產業供應鏈★ 以統包方式導入薄膜式太陽能發電模組供應鏈研究
★ 因應產業高度競爭的管理對策--以銅箔基板為例★ 建構一新產品之協同開發管理體系
★ 兩岸光學影像產業的競爭與合作★ 產業發展模式與競爭策略之研究─以防水連接器產業為例
★ 應用限制理論建構中小型企業之經營策略★ 第四方物流業之商業模式及流程的分析與設計
★ 工業機器人產品在中國之發展經營策略─以D公司為例★ 發展一跨國製造業之品管與品質資訊系統之個案研究
★ 背光模組產業的協同設計與供應★ 以運行參考模型SCOR探討網通產業供應鏈
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摘要(中) 創新與研發是企業永續發展的重要動力與能力,在全球化的趨勢下,產業技術標準與產品規格戰爭日趨白熱化,產品研發除了品質與成本之考量外,上市速度已躍居企業獲利不可或缺的主要成功因素之一。
企業面對快速變遷的商業環境與激烈競爭,除須掌握產業特性並瞭解與善用企業本身的既有優勢外,尤應持續檢視與優化企業内部與外部的價值流程,創造一個有利於創新的環境,將創新管理、品質管理、知識管理與產品投資組合管理系統以設計植入( Design in )的方式有效整合到企業的設計鏈活動中,連結企業策略與新產品策略以強化企業在新產品研發方面的競爭能力。
本研究嘗試以策略分析的途徑切入探討設計鏈的活動,並以Stage Gate流程方法論以及設計鏈作業參考模式( Design Chain Operations Reference Model, DCOR Model )為基礎,結合產業實務經驗,發展一個結構化與系統化的管理模式來協助企業進行設計鏈新產品研發系統的管理以及新產品研發績效指標的建構。
1.0 設計鏈品質系統之協同架構設計及其實施要點。
2.0 新產品開發作業參考模式的建構。
3.0 新產品研發績效指標的設計。
摘要(英) Innovation, research and development are the very important motivator and ability for the sustained operation of enterprise. Under the trend of globalization, leads the industry-wide technical standard and product specification war intensified increasingly. In addition to quality and cost considerations, the launch speed has already become one of the major indispensable success factors, for enterprises to gain marketing share and profit.
Now enterprises are facing rapidly changeful business environment and fierce competition, except to control industry characteristic, fully understand and use the best advantage of enterprise itself, enterprises should continuously review and optimize the internal and external value process, to create a favorable innovation environment, that helps to design in the innovation management, quality management, knowledge management and product portfolio management effectively integrated into the activity of design chain, to connect with enterprise strategic and new product strategic so as to strengthen the competitive ability in the new products design field of enterprises.
This research tries to use a way of strategic analysis to review the activities of design chain, based on the process methodology of Stage Gate & Design Chain Operations Reference Model ( DCOR Model ), moreover, combined with the industrial practice experiences, to develop a structured and systematic management model, then to help enterprises proceeding the management of new product development system, also build the new product design performance indices, as well.
In a summary, this research gives a conclusion by three developed categories for new product development management system.
1.0 Design a collaborative framework of design chain quality system, also
its practice essential.
2.0 Establishing the new product development operations reference model.
Dividing by five major levels to describe the framework of new products development operations reference model, also their practice essentials.
3.0 Building the performance indices for new product research and
To combine DCOR, new product’s role and green design,…etc.,
constitute into seven major performances attributes, then according to these definition of performances attributes to develop the corresponding performance indices, those can be regarded as the choice basis of enterprises while measuring the new products research and development performance.
關鍵字(中) ★ 品質管理
★ 新產品開發
★ 協同設計
★ 研發績效
關鍵字(英) ★ Collaborative Design
★ New Product Development
★ Quality Management
★ New Product Design Performance
論文目次 第一章 緒論 ...........................................................................................1
1.1 研究動機 ………………………………………………………1
1.2 研究範圍與目的 ………………………………………………3
1.3 研究架構 ………………………………………………………4
第二章 文獻探討 …………………………………………………………….6
2.1 新產品開發 ……………………………………………………6
2.1.1 新產品的定義與類型 ………………………………….6
2.1.2 新產品開發流程 ……………………………………….9
2.1.3 新產品開發之成功因素 ……………………………...13
2.1.4 新產品開發之績效衡量 ……………………………...14
2.2 知識與組織的創新 …………………………………………..16
2.2.1 知識的重要性與定義 ………………………………...17
2.2.2 創新的定義 …………………………………………...23
2.2.3 創新的認知屬性與創新的接受決策過程 …………...23
2.2.4 創新領域接受者的五大類別 ………………………...25
2.2.5 組織創新的探討 ……………………………………...25
2.3 設計鏈作業參考模式( DCOR ) ..........................................28
2.3.2 DCOR簡介..................................................28
2.3.3設計鏈作業參考模式的基本流程 ............................29
2.3.4設計鏈作業參考模式的結構與類型 ....................31
2.4 模型建構方法論 ( IDEF0 ) ...............................................34
2.4.1 IDEF0 簡介 ...........................................................34
2.4.2 IDEF0之介面結構與階層展開模式..........................34
第三章 個案探討與分析 ( As Is ) ..........................................................36
3.1 個案企業簡介 ...................................................................36
3.2 個案企業的發展沿革 ........................................................36
3.3 個案企業的主要產品 ........................................................37
3.4 個案企業主要產品所屬的終端產業環境分析 ....................37
3.5 個案企業的商業模式 ........................................................40
第四章 個案企業之設計鏈策略分析 .....................................................41
4.1目前事業策略的形貌 .........................................................42
4.2目前的研究發展政策與組織方式 .......................................43
4.4目前策略形態在過去可行或成功的前提 ............................47
4.5目前可行或成功前提的變化 ..............................................47
4.6未來新產品開發策略的形貌 ..............................................47
4.7未來新產品開發策略形貌可行或成功的前提 .....................48
4.8在未來新產品開發策略形貌下的企業資源與條件分析 ......48
4.9未來的行動計劃 ................................................................49
第五章 新產品開發最佳實務( Best Practice )的探討 ............................51
5.1 OEM / ODM營運模式之新產品開發作業系統 ...................51
5.2 OBM營運模式之新產品開發作業系統 ..............................54
第六章 新產品開發管理系統的發展 ( To Be ) .......................................65
6.1 協同設計與知識管理的重要性 ..........................................65
6.2 個案企業設計鏈協同架構之優化 ......................................66
6.3 新產品開發作業參考模式的建構 ......................................81
6.4 新產品研發績效指標的設計 .............................................85
6.5 新產品成熟度的評量 ........................................................89
第七章 結論與建議 ..............................................................................91
7.1 研究結論與發現 ...............................................................91
7.2 研究貢獻 ..........................................................................95
7.3 建議 .................................................................................96
參考文獻 ..............................................................................................97
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指導教授 高信培 審核日期 2011-6-1
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