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姓名 佘仲樸(Chung-pur Sher)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 產業經濟研究所在職專班
論文名稱 企業經營績效的影響分析-以台灣醫療器材產業為例
(Impact analysis of business performance - for example in Taiwan medical device industry)
★ 投資者之風險屬性與基金理財績效之實證研究★ 銀行財富管理業務手續費收入影響因素之實證研究
★ 母親的教育程度對兒童醫療利用行為之影響★ 地區醫院的存亡與轉型
★ 教育對健康的影響—臺灣地區老人之實證研究★ 醫院購置高科技醫療儀器與市場結構的關聯
★ 台灣地區醫院最適效率規模的估計-倖存者分析方法應用★ 出口與生產力的關聯 —台灣電子業廠商之實證研究
★ 社會資本與家庭結構對健康及醫療資源利用之影響 —台灣地區老人之實證研究★ 醫療利用可近性—台灣老人之實證研究
★ 父母健康知識與其子女健康狀況之關聯★ 臺灣股市之效率檢定及多因素模型之探討—長期追蹤資料之計量分析
★ 醫療資源與國人健康的關聯★ 青少年菸害的健康風險認知與吸菸行為的關聯─台灣地區的實證研究
★ 醫療資源可近性對個人醫療利用的影響 ――台灣地區的實證研究★ 青少年健康知識對其健康的影響
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摘要(中) 在先進國家人口老化與關發中國家所得遞增的時代趨勢中,醫療器材產業的需求規模與重要性愈來愈受到重視,因為醫療器材產業與國民健康息息相關,是一種協助人類疾病預防、診斷、減緩與治療的民生必需工業,因此較不會因景氣變化而造成需求有大幅度的波動。而台灣醫療儀器產業無論在知識和技術上,正在迎頭趕上許多已開發國家。並且因為醫療器材產業因符合經濟與社會效益,而且我國相當具有發展醫療器材產業的技術能力與基礎,歷年來該產業皆列為我國未來發展的重點產業之一。本文內容除了討論醫療器材產業的產業概況及未來發展方向之外,本文亦分析影響台灣地區醫療器材產業經營績效的關鍵因素。
摘要(英) In the trends of the aging population in advanced countries and the increasing of the gross national income in the underdevelopment countries, the demand scale and the importance of the medical device industry are increasingly concerned. As the medical equipment industry and people’’s health are closely related, it is a essential industry to help humans in disease prevention, diagnosis, mitigation and treatment, therefore it is less significant fluctuations in demand due to the changes on the economy. In terms of knowledge and technology, Taiwan’’s medical device industry is catching up with many developed countries. As the medical device industry in compliance with economic and social’s benefits, and our country has the technical capacity and infrastructure in developing medical device industry, over the years, our government to promote the industry for our country’’s future development of key industries. This paper in addition to discussing the industry overview and the future development direction of this medical device industry, this paper also analyzed the key factors which to impact Taiwan’’s medical device industry in business performance.
Empirical results of this study found that in the impacts of the performance indicators’ for return on equity or earnings per share in Taiwan’’s medical device industry are roughly the same. For three items of market share, chronic disease death rates and the export changed value are all statistically significant level of positive. It shows the market share can affect firms’’ pricing power and thus improve the vendor performance; and chronic disease death rates will affect the government’’s investment in the health care needs, and indirectly affect the profitability of medical device manufacturers; to enhance the export changed value, but also the key point to develop the medical device industry needs to focus on. And the asset sales ratio and fixed asset ratio for return on equity, also reached statistical significance level of negative, it indicates the inefficient use of assets and other issues in medical device manufacturers. The financial crisis variables in the model evaluation results, for the return on equity and earnings per share are presented insignificant relationship. It may be due to Taiwan’’s medical device industry is in a new development stage, and as inexpensive Taiwanese manufacturers of medical device, in the financial crisis factor will lead to a part of an international brand manufacturers turned to cooperate with Taiwan manufacturers, so the impact is small for the medical device .
關鍵字(中) ★ 醫療器材產業
★ 經營績效
關鍵字(英) ★ operating performance
★ Medical device industry
論文目次 第一章 緒論 .................................................................................................... 1
第一節 前言 ...................................................................................... 1
第二節 研究動機與目的 .................................................................. 3
第三節 研究方法與架構 .................................................................. 5
第二章 國際及我國醫療器材產業的發展概況.............................................. 7
第一節 全球醫療器材產業的概況 .................................................. 7
第二節 台灣對於醫療器材的定義 ................................................ 11
第三節 台灣醫療器材產業的概況 ................................................ 13
第三章 文獻回顧 .......................................................................................... 27
第一節 結構-行為-績效(SCP)的分析構架 ............................... 27
第二節 產業經營績效的相關文獻 ................................................ 31
第三節 生技醫療產業的相關文獻.................................................. 35
第四章 研究方法與實證模型說明................................................................ 38
第一節 實證模型 ............................................................................ 38
第二節 資料來源 ............................................................................ 41
第三節 變數說明及研究預期假設 ................................................ 42
第四節 敍述統計分析 ………........................................................ 48
第五章 實證結果 .......................................................................................... 50
第一節 股東權益報酬率(ROE)的實證結果.................................... 50
第二節 每股盈餘(EPS)的實證結果 ............................................... 54
第六章 結論與建議 ...................................................................................... 59
第一節 實證結論 ............................................................................ 59
第二節 未來研究方向與建議 ........................................................ 60
參考文獻.......................................................................................................... 62
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指導教授 蔡偉德(Wei-Der Tsai) 審核日期 2011-12-29
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