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姓名 林義雄(Yi-Hsiung Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 財務金融學系在職專班
論文名稱 金融業環社風險管理:企業授信角度
(Financial Industry Environmental and Socil Risks Managment:Business Credit Point)
★ 以資料包絡線分析法評估 國內金融機構之經營效率★ 我國企業員工行為守則分析--以新光金控為例
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摘要(中) 企業社會責任議題近年來受到全球普遍的重視,產業部門產生自願性的規範與倡議,透過經濟、環境、社會等三面向撰寫永續性報告書呈現企業永續經營的地圖。金融業身為企業資金的供應者,如何避免在資金貸放後受環境、社會風險的影響,造成資產損失及影響永續經營。金融業的環社風險管理儼然成為不容忽視的一環,而從企業授信的角度來看,赤道原則為規避環社風險的最佳倡議。
摘要(英) Corporate Social Responsibility has paid much attention to the issue of enterprise’s social responsibility over recent years. The industrial sector generated volunteer regulation and proposal to design sustainable development map through the aspects of economy, environment and society. As the supplier of funds for enterprise, financing business must avoid assets loss caused by conditional and social risks, which may affect sustainable operation, after loaning the funds. Therefore, the risk management becomes an issue that can’t be ignored. From the standpoint of credit granting, the equator principle is the best recommendation to avoid the environmental and social risks.
This study discusses from the meaning of Corporate Social Responsibility, exploring the developing background, trend and regulations of such risk management, thereby analyzing the role the equator rule plays and the importance it is, in the field of credit granting. Through the analysis of current conditions of banks in Europe, U.S.A., and Japan and international projects, to examine local situations and the difference between traditional approaches and risk filtering with respect to the specific auditing for financing. The research outcome tells local banking runners are unlikely to perceive the risk management and understand the equator rule very well. Their short-term cost may increase after the adopting the equator principle, other negative effects include the confined scale, more strict regulation and monitor, more complex business procedure etc; however, the long-run effect will be positive. Ultimately, it recommends local banking runners to pay more attention to risk management, and to use equator rule as soon as possible, so as to link to the global community, promote their global competitiveness, ultimately to fully fulfill their social responsibility.
關鍵字(中) ★ 專案融資
★ 企業授信
★ 赤道原則
★ 企業社會責任
關鍵字(英) ★ Equator Principle
★ Projcet Financing
★ Corporate Social Responsibility
★ environmental and social risks
論文目次 中文提要 i
英文提要 ii
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 vii
一、 緒論 1
二、 金融業環社風險管理發展背景、趨勢與規範 7
2-1 金融業環社風險管理發展背景 7
2-2 金融業環社風險管理趨勢 13
2-3 金融業環社風險管理規範 18
三、 專案融資與赤道原則 23
3-1 專案融資 23
3-2 赤道原則 27
3-3 歐美銀行界的應用現況 34
四、 傳統方法與環社風險篩選的比較:從專案審核來看 42
4-1 傳統方法的篩選 42
4-2 環社風險的篩選 43
4-3 國際案例實踐 48
五、 結論 52
六、 建議 57
參考文獻 63
參考文獻 1. 林宜諄,《CSR企業社會責任入門手冊》天下遠見出版股份有限公司,2009年。
5.煙台財經網,銀行的綠色宣言 興業銀行率先加入,2009.08.27,
7. 玉山金控網站,http://www.esunfhc.com.tw
8. 富邦金控網站,http://www.fubon.com
11.豆丁網, 赤道原則的國際實踐與啟示,http://www.docin.com.
14.道客巴巴網,Project Financing-吉林大學,http://www.doc88.com
17.Osamu Odawara,《赤道原则》:管理項目融資中社會和環境風險的框架,新的供資方與環境,2008 年。
20.Carbon Principles Home Page, http://carbonprinciples.org
21.Equator Principles, http://www.equatorprinciples.com
22.IFC Standards and Guidelines,http://www.ifc.org
23.Principles for Responsible Investment,http://www.unpri.org
24.Citigroup,“Citi’s Annual Citizenship Report 2009”
25.Citigroup,“Citi’s Annual Citizenship Report 2010”
26.《Standard Chartered Bank Annual Citizenship Report 2008》
27.《 Standard Chartered Bank Annual Citizenship Report 2010》
指導教授 邱慈觀(Tzu-Kuam Chiu) 審核日期 2011-7-19
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