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姓名 沈舉三(Chu-san Shen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 台灣創投事業投資歷程之探索性研究─資通訊產業變遷下之多重個案分析
(An Exploratory Investigation on the Investment Process ofthe Venture Capital Business in Taiwan -- A Multi-case Study in the Context of the Transforming ICT Industry)
★ 製藥業的成本會計評估研究─ 一個ABC成本制度的應用★ 一個保險業的資料採擷應用--業務員的薪酬制度分析
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★ 企業資訊系統委外研究-以個案銀行為例★ DRAM月平均價格變動分析
★ 定期航運產業運價及運送時間對經營績效影響之研究-以某外商海運公司在台灣經營為例★ 以交通儲值卡作為電子支付工具的營運模式及可行性分析
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摘要(中) 台灣地區創投事業發展已有三十年的歷史並且成功帶動台灣半導體及資訊電子產業的發展與興盛。受到近年資通訊科技快速進步與網路經濟興起影響,相關產業界線日趨模糊,也促成了全球價值鏈的重新分工,對以資通訊產品製造為主的台灣產業影響甚巨,連帶台灣創投事業的佈局與運作也受到結構性的衝擊。


摘要(英) Taiwan stands out as a success story in developing a venture capital (VC) industry in the past three decades. The phenomenon boasts the flourishing semiconductor, information technology and electronic industries which are closely associated with the VC sector in Taiwan. However, the rapid transforming of the ICT industry resulted in a paradigm shift, both in the context and structure of the industry, which in turn has changed the shape of ICT manufacturing strength of Taiwan as well as the investment processes and development strategies of Taiwanese VCs.

This research employed a multi-case, qualitative, narrative approach to investigate and explore the impacts on the investment process of Taiwanese venture capital business during the global ICT industry transforming period. In depth interview data are collected from six Taiwanese venture capital firms and tells a collective story of how recent ICT industry transform affects their investment process, shapes their actions, and engenders outcomes for them and their future investment strategies. A framework is developed to illustrate different knowledge components that focus specifically on the responses to the impact on the ICT industry transformation and intellectual capital view of venture capital firm respectively.

Findings and propositions are developed in relation to the following knowledge components: (1) the operation path and corporate inertia will affect the degree of complexities of the VC’s future development strategy, (2) the organization gene (DNA) of VC firm will affect the pattern of its investment portfolio selection, (3) the track record and experience of VC firm will affect the subsequent ICT investment expansion movement.
關鍵字(中) ★ 創業投資
★ 資通訊產業
★ 投資評估準則
★ 營運模式
關鍵字(英) ★ Venture capital
★ ICT industry
★ Investment criteria
★ Business model
論文目次 中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 vii

1.緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的 4
1.3 研究範圍及進行程序 6

2.議題分析與文獻探討 10
2.1 資通訊產業發展變遷及影響 11
2.2 創投事業及其投資評估準則 16
2.3 台灣創業投資產業環境 21
2.4 智慧資本觀點下的創投事業組織能耐 27
2.5 企業發展軌跡與組織惰性 29
2.6 企業組織基因 (DNA) 組合 31

3. 研究方法....................................33
3.1 研究途徑...........................................................................................................33
3.2 研究主體及分析架構.......................................................................................35
3.3 研究設計...........................................................................................................38
4. 個案分析與討論......................................................................................................44
4.1 個案創投事業說明...........................................................................................44
4.2 研究個案分析...................................................................................................52
4.3 資料歸納與研究命題分析...............................................................................78
5. 結論與建議..............................................................................................................87
5.1 研究發現...........................................................................................................87
5.2 管理及實務意涵...............................................................................................92
5.3 研究限制與後續研究建議...............................................................................96
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指導教授 范錚強(C. K. Farn) 審核日期 2015-1-22
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