博碩士論文 985201005 詳細資訊

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姓名 陳珈妤(Chia-Yu Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 電機工程學系
論文名稱 快速平衡粒子群最佳化方法
(Swiftly balanced particle swarm optimization)
★ 小型化 GSM/GPRS 行動通訊模組之研究★ 語者辨識之研究
★ 應用投影法作受擾動奇異系統之強健性分析★ 利用支撐向量機模型改善對立假設特徵函數之語者確認研究
★ 結合高斯混合超級向量與微分核函數之 語者確認研究★ 敏捷移動粒子群最佳化方法
★ 改良式粒子群方法之無失真影像預測編碼應用★ 粒子群演算法應用於語者模型訓練與調適之研究
★ 粒子群演算法之語者確認系統★ 改良式梅爾倒頻譜係數混合多種語音特徵之研究
★ 利用語者特定背景模型之語者確認系統★ 智慧型遠端監控系統
★ 正向系統輸出回授之穩定度分析與控制器設計★ 混合式區間搜索粒子群演算法
★ 基於深度神經網路的手勢辨識研究★ 人體姿勢矯正項鍊配載影像辨識自動校準及手機接收警告系統
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摘要(中) 快速平衡粒子群最佳化方法(Swiftly balanced particle swarm optimization, SBSPO)是一種改良的粒子最佳化方法(Particle swarm optimization, PSO),利用改變加速係數來平衡個體經驗及群體經驗,改善粒子最佳化方法易落入區域最佳解的缺點。利用粒子群收斂狀況決定加速係數大小,加速係數大小被設定為三段線性直線,一旦得知粒子群收斂狀況,則可求得一組適合的加速係數。因為能利用粒子群收斂狀況快速求得一組加速係數大小,又因這組加速係數能平衡個體經驗與群體經驗,因此名為快速平衡粒子群最佳化方法。本文也將二次內插演算法(Quadratic interpolation)與快速平衡粒子群最佳化方法(SBPSO)做結合,名為SBPSO-QI。另外提出考慮兩個群體最佳解來改良粒子最佳化方法,讓PSO在處理複雜問題時,能跳出區域最佳解,求得全域最佳解,並將此方法與SBPSO做結合,名為SBPSO-2G。並將提出的SBPSO、SBPSO-QI與SBPSO-2G與8種不同的粒子最佳化方法做比較。經模擬結果顯示,提出的方法對於多數的測詴函數均有較優越的表現。本文所提出的快速平衡粒子群最佳化方法保有粒子最佳化方法容易實現的特性,同時改良粒子最佳化方法易落入區域最佳解的缺點。
摘要(英) Swiftly balanced particle swarm optimization (SBPSO) is a new variant of particle swarm optimization which can quickly balanced the personal and social experience. A new strategy of the acceleration coefficients makes SBPSO more effective, because the swarm can efficiently adjust the velocity by changing the acceleration coefficients. The acceleration coefficients of SBPSO are obtained by three segment line dependent on the swarm convergence. The advantage is that SBPSO become more accurate and also easy to implement. The acceleration coefficients of SBPSO can be applied to many variants of PSO. In this paper, incorporating the acceleration coefficients of SBPSO and The quadratic interpolation PSO, named SBPSO-QI. In the result section, compared the proposed SBPSO and SBPSO-QI with standard PSO (SPSO), quadratic interpolation PSO (QIPSO), unified PSO (UPSO), fully informed particle swarm (FIPS), dynamic multi-swarm PSO (DMSPSO), adaptive fuzzy PSO (AFPSO), and PSO with time-varying acceleration coefficients (PSO-TVAC) across sixteen benchmark functions.
關鍵字(中) ★ 粒子群最佳化方法 關鍵字(英) ★ particle swarm optimization
論文目次 中文摘要 ........................................................................................................................... i
英文摘要 ........................................................................................................................... ii
目錄 ................................................................................................................................. iii
圖目錄 ............................................................................................................................... v
表目錄 ............................................................................................................................. vii
一. 動機與架構 ................................................................................................................. 1
1-1 研究動機 ................................................................................................................ 1
1-2 本文架構 ................................................................................................................ 5
二. 簡介計算型智慧 ......................................................................................................... 6
2-1 計算型智慧 ............................................................................................................ 6
2-2 粒子最佳化方法 .................................................................................................... 7
2-3 基因演算法 .......................................................................................................... 11
三. 快速平衡粒子群最佳化方法 ................................................................................... 15
3-1快速平衡粒子群最佳化方法 ............................................................................... 15
3-1-1 訓練加速係數 ............................................................................................. 16
3-1-2 訓練結果 ..................................................................................................... 21
3-1-3快速平衡粒子群最佳化方法流程 .............................................................. 23
3-2快速平衡粒子群最佳化方法參數討論 ............................................................... 23
3-3快速平衡粒子群最佳化方法變形 ....................................................................... 26
3-3-1 SBPSO-QI .................................................................................................... 26
3-3-2 SBPSO-2G ................................................................................................... 28
四. 測詴模擬結果 ........................................................................................................... 32
4-1 測詴函數 .............................................................................................................. 32
4-2 10維測詴結果 ...................................................................................................... 36
4-3 30維測詴結果 ...................................................................................................... 43
五. 快速平衡粒子群最佳化方法應用於資料分群 .......................................................
5-1 K-means ................................................................................................................ 50
5-2 利用粒子群最佳化方法做資料分群 .................................................................. 51
5-3 利用快速平衡粒子群最佳化方法與其變形做資料分群 .................................. 52
5-4 實際模擬結果 ...................................................................................................... 53
六. 總結與未來發展 ....................................................................................................... 57
6-1 總結 ...................................................................................................................... 57
6-2 未來發展 .............................................................................................................. 58
參考文獻 ......................................................................................................................... 59
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指導教授 莊堯棠(Yau-Tang Juang) 審核日期 2011-6-28
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