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(Effects of Self-directed Learning in Mathematics Classes)
★ 探索電玩遊戲頻率對於視覺注意力表現能力的效應★ 代理表現學習模式—以動物同伴為例
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★ 英文單字樂園:學生自創字卡搭配複習機制強化英文字彙學習之系統設計及學習成效初探★ 設計與實作明日寫作系統增進國小學生寫作表現
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摘要(中) 隨著科技的發展,個人電腦的價格下降及可靠性增加,為我們的教育帶來轉變的機會。根據Bloom所提出之2-sigma問題(Bloom, 1984)——相較傳統的教學,一對一教室提供顯著的學習成效。因此,透過科技的支援,在正規教學中應用一對一學習可能是未來教育的目標。所以,此研究探索在台灣的數學教室內實行一對一自我進度學習(Self-directed Learning, SDL)的可行性及其經驗。為此,本研究描述一個三元件設計,包括習得數學知識、學習協議及反思和教師監控。本研究的設計目的是探索在一對一學習支援下,數學科的自我引導學習可行性;其中,學生對自己與老師共同訂定的學習協議負責,並相較於教師為中心的環境中被動獲得知識,學生將以自我引導的方式來學習學科內容。研究結果發現學生在學年結束時增加43%的平均學習進度,以及76.69%的平均正確率;本研究也透過訪談,探討教師的觀感。除此以外,本研究亦進行了一個個案研究,探討不同目標學生在學習成效、動機及學習策略上的差異。個案研究的結果說明,內在目標的學生與外在目標的學生雖然完成類似的學習任務,但內在目標的學生比外在目標的學生花費更少的時間完成他們的學習任務。相較一般的課程進度,本研究的貢獻在於發現學生的平均進度有所增加,而本研究亦探討教師在實行上的不同觀感及教室管理策略。此外,本研究也透過個案研究來探討內、外在目標學生在自我進度學習上的差異。
摘要(英) With the advance of technology, the price-drops and the increasing reliance of personal computers showed possibilities and opportunities in transforming our current education. As mentioned in Bloom’s 2-sigma problem (Bloom, 1984), one-to-one classroom learning provided a significant learning outcome compared to the conventional. Therefore, with the support of technology, applying one-to-one learning in the regular practice might be the goal for future education. In this study, we explored the feasibility and experiences for one-to-one self-directed learning (SDL) on mathematics in Taiwan. To this end, this study describes a three-component design, including mathematics knowledge acquisition, learning contracts and reflection, and teacher’s monitoring. The three-components seeks to identify the feasibility of one-to-one in mathematics to support self-directed learning pedagogy, where students are responsible for their learning contracts with the classroom teachers, and they are also self-directed rather than passively received instructions in a teacher-centered environment. As a result, students demonstrated an increase of 43% pace with 76.69% of accuracy in average, while teachers’ perceptions are also identified with interviews. Moreover, a case study regarding the differences on goals are also examined in terms of learning outcomes, motivation, and learning strategies in this study, in which students with intrinsic goals finished similar tasks but they spent less time than those with extrinsic goals. Compared to the normal curriculum commonly used, the main contributions of this study are that student’s average pace is increased, and. Moreover, a case study that examines the differences between students with intrinsic goals and those with extrinsic goals in SDL is also discussed in this study.
關鍵字(中) ★ 自我進度
★ 自我進度學習
★ 數學學習
★ 一對一
關鍵字(英) ★ self-paced
★ self-directed learning
★ mathematics learning
★ one-to-one
論文目次 1. Introduction 1
1.1. Research Questions 5
2. Literature Review 7
2.1. The Definitions of Self-directed Learning (SDL) 13
2.2. Self-directed Learning in Different School Levels 15
2.3. Elements in Self-directed Learning 16
2.4. Self-directed Learning (SDL) and Self-regulated Learning (SRL) 19
3. The Self-directed Learning Environment in Mathematics 20
3.1. Mathematical Knowledge Acquisition 22
3.2. Learning Contracts and Students’ Reflection 24
3.3. Teacher’s Support and Monitoring 29
4. Method 30
4.1. Participants 30
4.2. Instruments 31
4.2.1. Curriculum Data 32
4.2.2. Interviews 34
4.2.3. Task Sheet 35
4.2.4. Basic Test 35
4.2.5. Advanced Test 35
4.2.6. Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ) 36
4.3. Procedure 39
4.4. Data Analyses 41
4.4.1. Assessing Students’ Pace and Accuracy 41
4.4.2. Understanding teachers’ perception through interviews 41
4.4.3. Assessing Students’ Learning Outcome, Motivation, and Learning Strategies with regards to Intrinsic and Extrinsic Goals 42
5. Results 45
5.1. The Pace and Accuracy in the SDL Environment 45
5.2. Teacher’s Perception from Interviews 47
5.2.1. Statistical Differences among Classes 47
5.3. The Difference between Students with Intrinsic and Extrinsic Goals 51
5.3.1. Learning Outcome 51
5.3.2. Learning Progress 53
5.3.3. Learning Perception 55
6. Discussion 58
6.1. The Effects of Learning Pace with SDL and Technology 58
6.2. The Relationship between Teachers’ Perception and Students’ Learning Pace 59
6.3. The Effects of Learning Perceptions on the Outcome of Basic Test 60
6.4. The Effects of Learning Perceptions on the Outcome of Advanced Test 61
6.5. The Effects of Learning Perceptions on the Learning Progress 61
7. Implication 64
8. Conclusion and Future Work 67
References 70
Appendix 1: Questions for Intrinsic Goals and Extrinsic Goals (Selected from MSLQ) (Pintrich, Smith, García, & McKeachie, 1991) 76
Appendix 2: The Interview Result of Teachers Using SDL 77
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指導教授 陳德懷(Tak-Wai Chan) 審核日期 2018-1-22
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