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姓名 余威論(Wei-lun Yu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 應用地質研究所
論文名稱 速度-位移相關摩擦係數與巨型山崩運動特性
(Velocity-displacement dependent friction coefficient and the kinematics of giant landslide)
★ 利用GIS進行廣域山區順向坡至逆向坡 之判別與潛勢評估–以北橫地區為例★ 北橫公路復興至巴陵段岩石單壓強度之 初步預估模式
★ 車籠埔斷層北段之地下構造研究★ 以岩體分類探討非構造性控制破壞之 岩坡最陡安全開挖坡度
★ 異向性軟岩邊坡地下水滲流對孔隙水壓分佈影響之探討★ 軟弱沉積岩層滲透異向性之探討
★ 臺地邊緣復發式邊坡滑動之水文地質因素探討-以湖口臺地南緣地滑地為例★ 大型岩崩之潛勢與災害影響範圍之研究
★ 節理岩體滲透係數之先天異向性與應力引致異向性★ 比較集集地震引致紅菜坪地滑及九份二山地滑特性之研究
★ 斷層擴展褶皺之斷層破裂距離與斷層滑移量比值(P/S)力學特性之研究★ 土石流潛勢溪流特性分類
★ 孔隙水壓模式對紅菜坪地滑區穩定性之影響★ 紅菜坪地滑地崩積層-岩盤交界面孔隙水壓變化之監測與分析
★ 沉積岩應力相關之流體特性與沉積盆地之 孔隙水壓異常現象★ 山崩引致之堰塞湖天然壩穩定性之量化分析
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摘要(中) 瞭解滑動面摩擦特性為巨型山崩研究重要課題。本文以1999年草嶺山崩與2009年小林獻肚山山崩為研究對象,利用草嶺山崩高速旋剪試驗建立之速度-位移相關摩擦係數,本研究顯示可透過剛性塊體法分析山崩塊體可能的運移型態。因集集地震期間,臨近草嶺山崩區之強震站完整記錄到草嶺地區地表震動歷程以及山崩塊體可能的撞擊訊號,加上草嶺山崩生還者亦親述滑動與撞擊的過程,本研究得以由草嶺山崩滑動面附近之材料旋剪試驗結果,迴歸建立速度-位移相關摩擦律,引入Newmark位移法,以計算滑動塊體滑動加速度、速度、位移與摩擦係數隨時間之變化,並與地震測站紀錄以及山崩生還者之口述資料進行比較,分析結果證實根據高速旋剪試驗獲得之摩擦律,搭配剛性塊體位移法,可還原塊體滑動的運移過程。高速滑動之塊體於撞擊前之動能高達4.8E+14 J,而摩擦損失之能量約佔位能之三分之一,其他二分之一則轉化為動能。故本研究藉小林獻肚山山崩旋剪試驗樣品,進一步透過微組構觀察,檢視巨型山崩塊體滑移時的摩擦弱化機制,可發現山崩滑動面的弱化機制與其間所發展的剪動裂隙,確實是影響巨型山崩摩擦弱化的機制之一。總攬兩案例山崩滑動面附近取得樣本之高速旋剪試驗結果顯示,經快速、長距的剪動後,摩擦數弱化趨勢可清楚說明巨型山崩高速滑動及遠距離位移的運移機制。
摘要(英) To understand the characteristic of friction on sliding surface is one of the most important issues of giant landslide. The Tsaoling landslide occurred in 1999 and the Siaolin landslide occurred in 1999 are major objects in this study. It can be analyzed the movement course of landslide mass relative to the behavior of frictional mechanism when we use the high velocity rotary-shear test to construct the velocity-displacement dependent friction. There are complete records from the neighbor strong-earthquake station of surface vibration at the Tsaoling area and the possible impact signal from landslide mass during the Chi-Chi earthquake. And there are also the rich information that include the process of sliding and impacting from survivor in addition; hence, we collected the original samples near the sliding surface, and used the experimental results made by high velocity rotary-shear frictional testing apparatus to fit and construct the velocity-displacement dependant friction law, then, we introduced the law into the Newmark sliding block analysis to calculate variation of the mass in sliding acceleration, velocity, displacement and the friction coefficient with course. However, to compare with the records near the strong-earthquake station and the critical verifiable data from survivor, and it verify that the results of combining the friction law constructed by high velocity rotary-shear test and the displacement analysis with rigid body can reconstruct the course of sliding. The study demonstrates the friction coefficient of sliding surface obtains from high velocity rotary-shear test has obvious phenomenon of weakening; moreover, the kinetic energy achieves 4.8E+14 J before the impact, and the loss of energy from friction is the half of kinetic energy. In view of the relationship between the slip surface and the mass movement, we analyze the experimental results in Siaolin case; moreover, to observe the microstructure of the samples that have been done after the high velocity rotary-shear test, and trying to survey the mechanism of frictional weakening while the mass of giant landslide was sliding. Get an overview of the results from two cases; it appears that the phenomena of frictional weakening observed from the result of high velocity rotary-shear test can explain the mechanism for movement of the high velocity slip and large displacement clearly.
關鍵字(中) ★ 高速旋剪試驗
★ 巨型山崩
★ 運動特性
★ 摩擦係數
關鍵字(英) ★ high velocity rotary-shear test
★ giant landslide
★ kinematic
★ friction coefficient
論文目次 摘要 i
序 iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 ix
表目錄 xiii
一、 緒論 1
1–1 研究動機與目的 1
1–2 研究架構 3
1–3 論文內文概述 4
二、 文獻回顧 6
2–1 研究案例介紹 6
2–1–1 草嶺山崩概述 6
2–1–2 小林村獻肚山山崩概述 9
2–2 Newmark位移分析法 12
2–3 滑動面速度-位移相關摩擦律與山崩運移機制 13
三、 研究方法 18
3–1 研究設備 18
3–1–1 高速旋剪試驗儀 18
3–1–2 實驗試體需求與製備方法 19
3–2 實驗樣本 22
3–2–1 草嶺山崩案例樣本 22
3–2–2 小林村獻肚山山崩案例樣本 23
3–3 樣本基本特性試驗 24
3–3–1 樣本粒徑及物性分析 24
3–3–2 X光粉末繞射分析 26
3–3–3 掃描式電子顯微鏡(SEM) 27
3–4 旋剪試驗之實驗參數 28
四、 研究結果 31
4–1 小林案例 31
4–1–1 樣本礦物組成與物性分析結果 31
4–1–2 速度-位移相關摩擦律迴歸 34
4–1–3 旋剪試驗微觀構造觀察 38
4–2 草嶺案例 39
4–2–1 樣本礦物組成 39
4–2–2 速度-位移相關摩擦試驗結果及摩擦律之建立 39
4–2–3 旋剪試驗微觀構造觀察 47
4–2–4 草嶺山崩滑動塊體運動歷程分析 49
五、 綜合討論 58
5–1 山崩滑動面材料之摩擦特性 58
5–1–1 集集地震之草嶺山崩案例 59
5–1–2 小林獻肚山山崩案例 59
5–1–3 摩擦構造中的剪動微裂隙發展 61
5–2 實驗參數變異性對旋剪試驗結果之影響 65
5–2–1 剪動支持圍岩(host rock)之種類 65
5–2–2 樣品含水量 66
5–2–3 樣品材料 68
5–3 草嶺案例塊體運動特性與滑動面摩擦特性 70
5–3–1 塊體運動能量變化 70
5–3–2 重現部分草嶺案例旋剪試驗 70
六、 結論與建議 74
6–1 結論 74
6–2 建議 76
參考文獻 77
附錄1 84
附錄2 88
附錄3 92
附錄4 94
附錄5 95
附錄6 96
附錄7 98
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指導教授 董家鈞(Jia-jyun Dong) 審核日期 2011-7-26
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