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姓名 黃惠萍(Hui-ping Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 藝術學研究所
論文名稱 孟克的《生命的飾帶》女性圖像研究
(The Images of Woman in Edvard Munch′s The Frieze of Life)
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摘要(中) 孟克(Edvard Munch, 1863-1944)是挪威有名的藝術家,他以油畫、粉彩、素描等媒材創作,也使用攝影以及版畫,運用各種不同的媒材表達他的創作概念,而在他的作品中總是讓人感受到他投注在作品中的情感。《生命的飾帶》(The Frieze of Life)系列作品是孟克花費他一生的時間思考並且創作,也是他最重要的系列作品。在此系列中,女性圖像的描繪佔據一半以上,女性在他的作品中被描繪為許多不同的角色,但是他並非以寫生的方式描繪女性,而是藉由女性來象徵其性慾、情感等。本論文選取孟克的《聲音》、《青春期》以及《女性三階段》為主要論述作品,透過青春期女性以及《女性三階段》中的女性多面的形象,了解孟克創作其作品中對於女性的觀點。


摘要(英) Edvard Munch (1863-1944) is the famous artist in Norway. He painted in oil, pastel, drawing and other media, and used photography and print, to express his creative concept, and he always conveys emotions in his works. The Frieze of Life sums up his lifetime thinking and creation, and also is his most important work. More than half of the series is devoted to female images and women are portrayed in many different roles, symbolizing their sexuality, emotions and so on. In this study, Munch’s paintings The Voice, Puberty, and The Three Stages of Woman are the main focus. Through the depiction of adolescent girls as well as multiple roles of women in The Three Stages of Woman, one can understand Munch’s complex attitude toward Munch women.

Chapter One mainly discusses Munch’s diary and biography, in order to understand his life experience, and to learn his views of the creation of The Frieze of Life. In Chapter Two I discuss The Voice and Puberty, pointing out the sexual awakening in adolescent girls in Munch’s imagery and the girls’ desire and fear to enter the next stage of life through the symbols. Chapter Three focuses on The Three Stages of Woman, also named Sphinx in 1894 Stockholm exhibition. This work belongs to the cycle Love. Compared with the traditional mythological works of the Sphinx, and the Three Fates, we can understand the meanings of The Three Stages of Woman. Finally, The Three Stages of Woman is compared with other pictures of the same subject of the late nineteenth century.

This study will explicate Munch’s relationships with and women, and his creative ideas of the female images in The Frieze of Life. The late nineteenth century saw different types of female images produced by many artists. It is important to compare the female images of The Frieze of Life with other contemporary works.
關鍵字(中) ★ 孟克
★ 《生命的飾帶》
★ 青春期
★ 《女性三階段》
★ 十九世紀末
★ 女性圖像
★ 象徵主義
論文目次 目錄 i
緒論 1
研究動機與問題意識 1
文獻回顧 3
章節架構 7
第一章 孟克與《生命的飾帶》 9
第一節 孟克的風格養成及創作歷程 9
小結 16
第二節 《生命的飾帶》系列作品的形成 17
小結 23
第二章 青少女的焦慮與慾望 24
第一節 女性慾望與象徵 24
小結 31
第二節《青春期》與少女形象 32
小結 39
第三章 女性三階段:神話與現代性 40
第一節 謎與命運 40
一. 斯芬克斯的圖像 41
二. 命運三女神 43
三. 女性象徵意義與男性之間的關連 44
小結 47
第二節 十九世紀末的女性圖像與《女性三階段》 48
一. 文學迴響 48
二. 十九世紀末性別觀念與孟克作品的女性 50
三. 其他藝術家的女性圖像 53
小結 55
結論 56
參考資料 60
圖版 64
附錄 82
參考文獻 西文書目
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http://oxforddictionaries.com/definition/american_english/monism http://oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/frieze?q=frieze
指導教授 曾少千 審核日期 2014-7-8
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