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姓名 李健銘(Jian-ming LI)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 生命科學系
論文名稱 單一核甘酸差異來研究MIG1調控表現的機制
(The Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Controlling Gene Expression of MIG1)
★ 探討resveratrol和osajin對鼻咽癌之抗腫瘤作用及機制★ 臺灣及鄰近地區澤蛙的地理親源演化關係
★ 白藜蘆醇對鼻咽癌中基因的異常甲基化及細胞移動的影響★ 調控酵母菌MIG1基因表達的轉錄因子
★ 利用粒腺體全基因體DNA 序列瞭解 台灣小雨蛙與近親種的演化及親源關係★ Influences of habitat adaptation and geological events on Asian Common Toad (Duttaphrynus melanostictus) distribution pattern
★ 東亞及東南亞地區貢德氏赤蛙之親緣地理關係研究★ 利用粒腺體基因(16S rRNA & ND4) 和細胞核基因(7IβFIB & 3ITBP) 研究亞洲蝮蛇在印尼地區的地理親緣演化
★ Microhyla fissipes及其近親種在東亞及東南亞的地理親緣關係★ 面天樹蛙全粒線體基因組序列與其親緣關係
★ 爪哇特有種Microhyla achatina粒線基因體完整序列及其親緣遣傳演化★ 台灣東部澤蛙(Fejervarya limnocharis)完整粒線體基因組序列及其親緣演化之探討
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摘要(中) 酵母菌在生長時會優先利用葡萄糖當作碳源進行發酵作用以供生長,當環境中的葡萄糖開始被消耗殆盡時,酵母菌細胞內的Mig1蛋白質會改變新陳代謝的作用,而使用其他的碳源,經由非發酵作用產生能量供自己生長。但有關於調節MIG1基因表現至今仍不清楚。先前的研究指出在MIG1基因的啟動區可能存在著4個核甘酸調控著MIG1基因的表現,這4個位置分別是-151、-152、-174和-498,其中-498的位置有可能扮演著調控MIG1基因表現的關鍵腳色位置。因此,我們藉由基因置換的方式建構-498單一核甘酸突變,來了解-498是否為調控MIG1基因的表現的唯一關鍵位置。
在本次實驗的結果發現,GYL43-1在第9個小時(T9)以及GYL43-2、GYL43-3在第13個小時(T13)為diuxic shift發生的時間點,發現MIG1基因在表現量上發生了變化,然而GYL43-3的MIG1基因表現卻與其他實驗組完全相反的結果,造成原因可能是因為在調配YPAD培養基時adenine比例上的誤差導致的結果。
摘要(英) Yeasts preferentially use glucose as their carbon source via fermentation for growth. When glucose in the environment is exhausted, yeasts will adjust their metabolisms though Mig1 in order to use other carbon sources via non-fermentation processes for growth. However, the regulation of MIG1 expression remains unclear. Previous studies have indicated that four nucleotides, at positions -151, -152, -174 and -498, in the promoter region might control MIG1 expression levels, and the nucleotide located at -498 may play a key role in regulating MIG1 expressions. Therefore, we constructed a single nucleotide mutant strain by swapping to determine whether the nucleotide at position -498 is the only key regulatory.
Based on our results, we found out that GYL43-1 at the ninth hour(T9) and GYL43-2、GYL43-3 at the thirteenth hour(T13) time point were diuxic shift. But the MIG1 expression of GYL43-3 was opposite to the previous study results, and we inferred that our adenine concentrations were highly variable in YPAD media.
Based our pyrosequencing results, we found out that gDNA ratios (BY:RM) were not 1:1 in the experimental group, GYL49. The ratios of GYL49 gDNA were 1:2 to 1:2.5, therefore we could not compare the gene expression levels with the wild-type group, GYL43, to determine whether the nucleotide at position -498 is the only key regulatory. We inferred when we changed the promoter sequence after the first swapping, making the MIG1 expression level lower than normal, and during the second swapping, the BY strain inserted the wild-type RM strain`s MIG1 gene fragments into the chromosome at other sites. Therefore the MIG1 gene expression level of RM was higher than the one of BY in the experimental group, GYL49.
關鍵字(中) ★ 單一核甘酸 關鍵字(英) ★ MIG1
★ Single Nucleotide
★ Polymorphism
★ Gene Expression
論文目次 一、緒論 1
1-1 酵母菌 1
1-2 酵母菌的生長能量來源 1
1-3 MIG1基因的發現 2
1-4 Mig1蛋白質(Mig1p)的作用 2
1-5 基因調控因子的分類 3
1-6 如何判定基因表現量的差異是主要由哪類因子所影響 3
1-7 控制MIG1表現的因子 4
二、實驗目的 6
三、方法與材料 7
3-1 大腸桿菌(Escherichia coli﹔ E. coli)培養及質體(Plasmid)萃取 7
3-2 啤酒酵母菌(Saccharomyces cerevisiae) 7
3-3 細胞培養(Cell culture)和生長曲線(Growth curve) 8
3-4 聚合酶連鎖反應放大(PCR Amplification)和DNA片段定序(Sequencing of DNA Segments) 8
3-5 基因置換(Gene swapping) 8
3-5-1 第一次基因置換 9
3-5-2 第二次基因置換 10
3-6 雜交作用(Hybridization) 10
3-7 光環測試(Halo assay) 11
3-8 gDNA萃取(DNA extraction) 11
3-9 total RNA萃取(Total RNA extraction) 12
3-10 mRNA反轉錄(mRNA reverse-transcription PCR) 13
3-11 葡萄糖測試(Glucose assay) 13
3-12 焦磷酸測序(Pyrosequencing) 13
3-13 統計分析 14
四、實驗結果 15
4-1 第一次基因置換(The 1st swapping) 15
4-2 第二次基因置換(The 2nd swapping) 15
4-3 GYL48定序 15
4-4 GYL48光環測試 16
4-5 轉殖雜交株建立及染色體套數確認 16
4-6 GYL49菌株定序 16
4-7 細胞生長曲線與葡萄糖消耗曲線 16
4-8 焦磷酸根測序 17
五、討論 18
六、參考文獻 20
七、圖形 22
八、表 33
九、附錄 41
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指導教授 劉阜果(Fu-Guo Robert Liu) 審核日期 2014-8-18
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