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姓名 魏健宇(Chein-yu Wei)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 小齒數比之錐形齒輪對設計、分析與應用
(Conical Gear Drives with Small Gear Ratio: Design, Analysis and Application.)
★ LED封裝點膠系統創新設計之研究★ 夾治具概念設計方法之研究
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摘要(中) 鉋切錐形齒輪對之組合為正齒輪與錐形齒輪,因組裝精度要求較低,而且藉由模具方式製作粉末冶金齒輪方式,更有低成本的優勢,因此在大軸交角傳動之應用場合具有取代傘齒輪之潛力。目前鉋切錐形齒輪多應用於大減速比之場合,但對小減速比之錐形齒輪傳動,因受尖齒與根切之限制而使有效齒面寬不足,另一方面在以鉋齒刀少齒差之小齒輪組合所形成之點接觸設計,亦會因接觸點的位置幾乎靠近錐形齒輪小端,易造成邊緣接觸,因而在應用上受到限制。因此本研究之目的即在提出一錐形齒輪對非標準設計方法,並對容許之組裝誤差、接觸應力與承載能力加以分析與驗證。
摘要(英) Conical gear drives, composed of a spur gear and a shaped conical gear, has the potential to replace the bevel gear for the transmission with a large shaft angle, because of lower required assembly accuracy and low-cost advantage (especially manufactured by powder metallurgy). Conical gear drives have been used most in transmission with a large gear ratio. But in the case of the conical drives with a small gear ratio (smaller than 2), the effective face-width of the conical gear is not enough due to the geometrical limit of tooth pointing and undercutting. On the other hand, the bearing contact between the pinion and the conical gear is localized by selecting the tooth number of the spur gear less than that of the shaper. In such a design, edge contact ocurrs likely due to the contact point locates nearby the undercut limit. Those problems restrict the application of conical gear drives with a small gear ratio in the practice. The purpose of this paper is thus to propose a nonstandard design approach and also to analyze and to validate the assembly error, contact stress and load capacity for the mentioned conical gear drives.
At first some concepts are developed for designing conical gears. The face-width of the conical gear is enlarged by using nonstandard basic rack and the location of the contact point is adjustable by using the concept of the unequal module/unequal pressure angle to design the pinion and the corresponding shaper. Under consideration of the complex relations of the design parameters between the conical gear, the pinion and the shape, design charts are constructed in this paper to obtain a larger effective face-width of the conical gear, and to adjust the location of the contact point near the middle of the face-width. For the purpose of manufacturing on CNC-milling machine, 3D solid models of the conical gearing are generated by using Inventor API program based on the mathematical equations of the tooth surface derived from relations of gear geometry. The generated 3D model are also applied to simulate the location of loaded contact points of conical gear pairs influenced by assembly errors by using interference analysis option of the CAD program. The influence analysis of assembly errors on the location of contact points is also carried out experimentally, and the results validate the feasibility of CAD simulation. The results of analysis showed that the greater the difference of the tooth number between the shaper and the pinion is, the lower the assembly sensitivity is. Moreover, the contact pattern will be much closer to the type of point contact.
To confirm the load capacity of the designed conical gear drive, tooth contact stress is analyzed by using influence coefficient method. The change of contact stress during gear meshing and the distribution of contact stress of engaged teeth at the position of contact begin and conatc end, respectively, are investigated. The analysis results showed that the contact stress is concentrated at the position of contact end and contact begin. Besides, pinions with tip rounding, short linear tip relief and smooth short linear tip relief, respectively, are also considered for loaded tooth contact analysis in the paper. From the analysis results stress concentration can be found at the begin of profile modification of the pinion with tip rounding and short linear tip relief. The pinion with smooth short linear tip relief can reduce the stress concentration, but non-Hertz contact occurs still in the contact region of profile modification. Therefore, the concentrated contact stress can be improved only by applying the tip relief on the conical gear.
Finally, a set of powder metallurgy conical gear pair is mounted it in a gearbox of mower for running test according to the design approach proposed in the paper. The working condition of the mower is simulated by using trimmer line to beat a POM rod. The total load cycle is 106. It is explored from the experiment results that the tooth surfaces of both gears have only slight polishing wear under such a strict load conditions. It can be thus concluded that the proposed design approach for conical gear drives with a small gear ratio can meet the requirements of application for power transmission.
關鍵字(中) ★ 小齒數比
★ 鉋切錐形齒輪
★ 影響係數法
★ 受載齒面接觸分析
★ 組裝誤差
★ 割草機
★ 粉末冶金
關鍵字(英) ★ Small gear ratio
★ Shaped conical gear
★ Influence coefficient method
★ Loaded tooth contact analysis
★ Assembly errors
★ Powder metallurgy
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract iii
謝誌 v
目錄 vi
圖目錄 ix
表目錄 xiii
符號說明 xiv
第1章 前言 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 文獻回顧 2
1.3 研究目標與方向 3
第2章 理論基礎 5
2.1 錐形齒輪對齒面數學模式 5
2.1.1 鉋齒刀與小齒輪齒面數學方程式 5
2.1.2 錐形齒輪 7
2.2 錐形齒輪幾何設計特點 10
2.2.1 根切 10
2.2.2 尖齒限 11
2.2.3 齒頂干涉 12
2.3 錐形齒輪對形成點接觸方法 12
2.4 正齒輪對之嚙合條件 14
2.4.1 基本嚙合條件 14
2.4.2 零背隙關係 15
2.5 錐形齒輪對接觸率計算 17
2.6 齒輪對受負載接觸模型 18
2.6.1 單齒對接觸模型 18
2.6.2 多齒對接觸模型 21
第3章 錐形齒輪對創新設計方法 22
3.1 齒輪參數探討 22
3.1.1 鉋齒刀-錐形齒輪參數定性分析 23
3.1.2 鉋齒刀-小齒輪參數定性分析 24
3.1.3 小齒輪-錐形齒輪參數定性分析 24
3.1.4 參數關係定性分析 25
3.2 錐形齒輪-鉋齒刀參數定量分析 27
3.3 錐形齒輪-小齒輪參數定量分析 30
3.3.1 小齒輪參數設計 30
3.3.2 接觸位置之設計 32
第4章 錐形齒輪對CAD模型生成與製造 35
4.1 小齒輪CAD模型 35
4.1.1 模型生成方法 35
4.1.2 齒厚調整 39
4.2 錐形齒輪CAD模型 40
4.2.1 模型生成方法 40
4.2.2 齒根圓角設計 42
第5章 組裝誤差影響分析與驗證 47
5.1 CAD模擬方法 47
5.2 實驗方法 50
5.3 模擬與實驗驗證 53
5.3.1 軸向偏差 53
5.3.2 角度偏差與偏位 54
5.3.3 小結 55
第6章 錐形齒輪對受負載接觸分析 59
6.1 接觸分析 59
6.1.1 接觸位置 59
6.1.2 無修整齒面間距 62
6.1.3 齒面定義域 65
6.2 有限元素分析 67
6.3 無修整齒輪對受負載接觸分析 70
6.4 具齒頂圓角小齒輪之錐形齒輪對受負載接觸分析 74
6.4.1 齒面間距 74
6.4.2 應力分析 76
6.5 短齒頂/齒根修整小齒輪之錐形齒輪對受負載接觸分析 78
6.5.1 短齒頂/齒根修整定義 78
6.5.2 應力分析 80
6.6 平滑化短齒頂齒根修整小齒輪之錐形齒輪對受負載接觸分析 85
6.6.1 平滑化短齒頂齿根修整定義 85
6.6.2 應力分析 87
6.7 綜合討論 91
第7章 實例:割草機應用 92
7.1 齒輪製造 93
7.2 實驗設計與規劃 95
7.3 實驗結果與討論 97
第8章 結論與未來展望 104
8.1 結論 104
8.2 未來展望 105
參考文獻 107
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指導教授 蔡錫錚(Shyi-jeng Tsai) 審核日期 2013-3-19
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