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姓名 鄭祥龍(Siang-long Jheng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 化學工程與材料工程學系
論文名稱 老鼠免疫球蛋白IgG2a之位向性固定法—Fc區域的親和性配體設計
(Peptide Ligand Design for Oriented Immobilization of Mouse IgG2a through Its Fc Region)
★ 量子點表面改質與動物細胞標定★ 以螢光光譜觀測蛋白質吸附於疏水表面後之構型變化與吸附位向
★ 利用雙功能吸附基材進行蛋白復性-蛋白吸附狀態對復性的影響★ 界面聚合之奈米過濾膜的抗氯性研究
★ 以螢光光譜探討Indolicidin及其類似物與微脂粒之交互作用★ 負電性奈米過濾膜之排鹽特性
★ 金奈米粒子親水化及與DNA一對一鍵結之探討★ 以雙重電性表面改質方式製作抗生物吸附之超過濾與奈米過濾膜
★ 以表面修飾之材料控制間葉幹細胞貼附及對其往軟骨分化之影響★ 金奈米粒子與DNA一對一鍵結及其在檢測單一核苷酸變異的應用
★ 以三聚氰氯為單體的抗氯型奈米過濾膜★ 鹼性胜肽抗生素indolicidin及其類似物之溶血作用機制探討
★ 蛋白質特定方向固定化-以α-amylase為例★ Indolicidin及其類似物與微脂粒交互作用之熱力學研究
★ 位向性固定化葡萄糖氧化酶之新方法★ Indolicidin 及其類似物與微脂粒交互作用之焓測 量
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摘要(中) 免疫生物感測器是藉由偵測在生物晶片表面上抗體(antibody)與抗原
我們提出一個策略設計與抗體 Fc 區域有高結合親和力(binding affinity)的
胜肽配體(peptide ligand)。結合分子嵌合及分子動態模擬(molecular dynamics
simulation,MD simulation)成功地設計、篩選出一條與Fc 區域有高親和力
面電漿共振儀(surface plasmon resonance,SPR)量測Mouse IgG2a 在金片表面
的吸附量,以及PSA 與Mouse IgG2a 的二抗(secondary antibody,2nd Ab)被
辨識到的量,經計算後可得到Mouse IgG2a 的抗原辨識效率及位向因子。根

摘要(英) Immunosensors utilize specific bio-affinity interaction between antibody and
antigen to detect toxicants, pathogens, or specific markers in complex mixtures.
Antibodies need to be immobilized on the detection surface before targeted
antigen can be captured. The recognition sensitivity depends on the sensitivity of
signal sensing mechanism, the amount of immobilized antibody, and the
orientation of antibody immobilized. Signal can be significantly reduced due to
the random orientation of antibody on chip surface. Therefore, the methods for
oriented immobilization of antibody were studied by many research groups in
order to improve the recognition efficiency.
We propose a strategy to design a small peptide ligand which has high binding
affinity to the Fc region of antibody. It is expected that antibodies can be
oriented immobilized on surface through the affinity between the desired Fc
region and peptide ligand. Human prostate specific antigen (PSA) and PSA
specific antibody derived from Mouse IgG2a are selected as the targeted antigen
and antibody in this study. A peptide with a high Fc binding affinity is
successfully designed and selected by combining the molecular docking and MD
simulation. The recognition efficiency and orientation factor are measured by
the adsorption amounts of PSA and the secondary antibody of Mouse IgG2a
through the help of surface plasmon resonance (SPR). Our approach provided a
new strategy for oriented immobilization of antibody by small ligands, which
can significantly improve the recognition efficiency.
關鍵字(中) ★ 表面電漿共振
★ 分子動態模擬
★ 分子嵌合
★ 位向性固定
★ 抗體
關鍵字(英) ★ SPR
★ MD simulation
★ molecular docking
★ antibody
★ oriented immobilization
論文目次 摘要 I
Abstract III
誌謝 V
目錄 VI
圖目錄 IX
表目錄 XIII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究動機 1
1.2研究目的 3
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2.1蛋白質固定化 4
2.1.1共價鍵結(Covalent coupling) 6
2.1.2生物親和性(Bio-affinity) 10
2.1.3物理吸附(Physical adsorption) 18
2.2分子嵌合(Molecular docking) 20
2.2.1分子嵌合介紹 20
2.2.2 AutoDock 22
2.3分子動態模擬 (Molecular Dynamic Simulations) 25
2.3.1分子動態模擬計算方法 26
2.3.2 CHARMM力場(force field) 28
2.4表面電漿共振 (Surface Plasmon Resonance,SPR ) 29
2.4.1表面電漿共振原理 29
2.4.2表面電漿共振生物感測器(SPR-based biosensor) 32
第三章 實驗藥品、儀器、方法 35
3.1實驗藥品 35
3.2實驗儀器 37
3.3實驗方法 38
3.3.1抗體位向性固定化之策略 38
3.3.2抗體表面性質分析 39
3.3.3 Peptide Ligand之設計與篩選 40
3.3.4 SPR金片表面改質 41
3.3.5負電荷表面鑑定 44
3.3.6 EDC/NHS表面改質鑑定 46
3.3.7正電荷表面電性鑑定 47
3.3.8表面電漿共振(surface plasmon resonance,SPR)實驗 48
第四章 結果與討論 51
4.1抗體表面性質分析 51
4.1.1 Fc區域表面疏水性質分析 53
4.1.2 Ligand可能結合位置分析 55
4.2 Peptide Ligand之設計 57
4.3 Peptide Ligand之篩選 58
4.4 RRGW於Fc區域底部結合之專一性 66
4.5 SPR金片改質(Mixed SAM) 69
4.5.1負電荷表面鑑定 69
4.5.2 EDC/NHS表面改質鑑定 73
4.6正電荷表面電性鑑定 74
4.7表面電漿共振(surface plasmon resonance,SPR)實驗 75
4.7.1 Mouse IgG2a辨識抗原能力分析 77
4.7.2 Mouse IgG2a於表面之位向性分析 86
第五章 結論 93
第六章 參考文獻 95
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指導教授 阮若屈(Ruoh-chyu Ruaan) 審核日期 2012-7-31
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