博碩士論文 993204040 詳細資訊

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姓名 江佳蓉(Chia-Jung Chiang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 化學工程與材料工程學系
論文名稱 核殼結構奈米貴金屬/二氧化鈦之合成及其在光催化反應之應用
(M@TiO2 (M= Pd, Au, Ag) catalysts with core/shell structure and application on photocatalytic destruction of dye.)
★ 在低溫下以四氯化鈦製備高濃度二氧化鈦結晶覆膜液★ 水熱法合成細顆粒鈦酸鋇
★ 合成均一粒徑球形二氧化鈦★ 共沉澱法合成細顆粒鈦酸鋇
★ 中孔型沸石的晶體形狀之研究★ 含釩或鎵金屬之中孔型分子篩的合成與鑑定
★ 奈米級二氧化鈦及鈦酸鋇之合成與鑑定★ 汽機車尾氣在富氧條件下NOx之去除
★ 耐高溫燃燒觸媒的配製及鑑定★ 高效率醋酸乙酯生產製程研究
★ 製備參數對水熱法製備球形奈米鈦酸鋇粉體之影響研究★ Au/FexOy 奈米材料之製備 及CO 氧化的應用
★ 非晶態奈米鐵之製備與催化性質研究★ 奈米含銀二氧化鈦光觸媒之製備與應用
★ 非晶形奈米鎳合金觸媒的製備及其 在對-氯硝基苯液相選擇性氫化反應之研究★ 奈米金/氧化鈰觸媒之製備及在氧化反應之應用
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摘要(中) 本研究之目的在於發展高效率催化活性之核殼結構光觸媒,並將其應用於有機汙染物之分解。利用摻雜貴金屬改質二氧化鈦表面以提高光催化效率,由於金屬在表面形成電子活性點以促進界面電荷轉移。此種觸媒結構雖然活性好,但容易造成暴露在外的金屬與其他表面介質產生作用,使金屬容易溶解或腐蝕,導致觸媒活性衰退。核殼結構可以克服此缺點,將貴金屬置於內核,而二氧化鈦當作殼層。本研究係利用膠體凝膠法合成貴金屬/二氧化鈦核殼結構光觸媒,並利用不同製備條件(貴金屬前驅物濃度與水熱時間)來達到控制貴金屬擔載量以及二氧化鈦的結晶性。觸媒鑑定方面,主要是以X光繞射儀、穿透式電子顯微鏡、紫外可見光漫反射光譜儀與X光電子能譜儀進行鑑定與分析。並以兩支8w波長為254 nm的紫外燈管與250 w的鹵素燈為光源進行亞甲基藍的光催化反應測試,光降解樣品取樣利用紫外可見光光譜儀分析濃度,進行光反應活性之鑑定。第一部分為合成不同的貴金屬(鈀、銀、金)作為內核,二氧化鈦為外殼,並探討結構,表面組成與活性之間的關係。由TEM圖中顯示其金屬核的顆粒大小約為3-12nm,殼層之二氧化鈦厚度約為6-20nm。在X光繞射分析顯示金屬核為鈀的觸媒其二氧化鈦具有較高的結晶性。光反應活性之鑑定以10 ppm亞甲基藍水溶液為光反應標準物,以兩支8 w 波長為254 nm 的紫外光燈管與250w的鹵素燈當作光源。結果顯示鈀/二氧化鈦在上述兩種光源中都具有較高的活性。其主要的因素為二氧化鈦的結晶性,晶型結構明顯的二氧化鈦,可以增加光子進入內核的量子效率。而在可見光的活性測定中,其主要的因素為較低的能隙與在可見光中具有較高的吸收。第二部分以貴金屬擔載量與水熱時間作為變因並探討與活性之間的關係, 光反應活性之鑑定以10 ppm亞甲基藍水溶液為光反應標準物以兩支8 w 波長為254 nm 的紫外光燈管當作光源。在Pd@TiO2 ,Ag@TiO2與Au@TiO2中最適化的金屬擔載量分別為0.5wt.%,0.5wt.% 及 1.0wt%。水熱時間以18小時最佳。此外光催化活性也與二氧化鈦結晶性成正相關。總結結果,在metal@TiO2核殼型光觸媒中,貴金屬核的大小並不是影響活性的主要因素,而是與二氧化鈦殼層的結晶性、貴金屬的種類、擔載量與氫氧基含量有關。
摘要(英) The purpose of this study was to develop a catalyst with high efficiency photocatalytic activity and had core/shell structure. It could be applied to the degradation of organic pollutants under UV light illumination. The literature shows that doping noble metal on the surface of titanium dioxide can enhance the photocatalytic activity because noble metal can form active sites to promote the electronic charge transfer in the interface of metal and titanium dioxide. Although the activity of this kind of structure is high, the exposed metal is easy to dissolve or corrosive, leading to catalyst decay. Core/shell structure can be used to overcome this shortcoming, noble metals located in the core, while titanium dioxide is in the shell. In this study, M@TiO2 (M = Pd, Ag, Au) catalysts with core/shell structure were synthesized by sol-gel method with hydrothermal treatment with different preparation parameters. These catalysts were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), UV-vis diffuse reflectance spectra (UV-vis DRS), and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The photoreaction was carried out in a 10 ppm methylene blue solution with two 8w 254 nm UV light and 250W halogen lamp as the light source. The concentration of MB in the degradation samples were measured by UV-vis spectrometer (UV-vis). This thesis is divided into two parts, the first part is on the preparation of M@TiO2 (M = Pd, Ag, Au) with core/shell structure and its photocatalystic activity. The TEM micrographs results show that the particle size of metal cores was about 3-12nm, and the shell thickness of titanium dioxide was about 6-20nm. The XRD pattern results show that Pd@TiO2 has highest crystallinity. The photoreaction was carried out in a 10 ppm methylene blue solution with two 8w 254 nm UV light and 250W halogen lamp as the light source. Pd@TiO2 had the highest activity under UV light and halogen lamp illumination. Because Pd@TiO2 had higher crysallinity, lower band gap energy, and higher absorption at visible region. The second part is on discussion different preparation parameters: metals loading amount, and hytrothermal time, and found the relationship with the photocatalystic activity by methylene blue degradation under the UV light illumination. The optimal amounts of Pd, Ag, and Au loading were 0.5 wt. %, 0.5 wt. %, 1.0 wt. %.The optimal hytrothermal time was 18 hours. Furthermore, the sample for 18 hour had the highest activity due to the highest crystallinity. From these results, the photocatalytic activity of M@TiO2 (M = Pd, Ag, Au) catalyst mainly depended on the crystallinity of TiO2, the kind of metals, the amount of noble metal loading and the OH group contents.
Keywords: titanium dioxide, core/shell structure, photocatalyst, palladium, silver, gold, sol-gel method, hydrothermal method, methylene degradation.
關鍵字(中) ★ 水熱法
★ 奈米銀
★ 奈米金
★ 核殼結構
★ 奈米鈀
★ 光觸媒
★ 二氧化鈦
關鍵字(英) ★ hydrothermal method
★ gold
★ silver
★ palladium
★ titanium dioxide
★ photocatalyst
★ core/shell structure
論文目次 中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
Table of Contents iv
List of Tables viii
List of Figures x
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Literature Review 4
2.1 Properties of titanium dioxide 4
2.2 Modified titanium dioxide 7
2.2.1 Composite TiO2 8
2.2.2 Transition metal doping 10
2.2.3 Anion doping 13
2.2.4 Noble metal doping 13
2.2.5 Synthesis of core-shell structure 17
2.3 Titanium dioxide nanoparticle by liquid phase synthesis method 18
2.3.1 Sol-gel method 19
2.3.2 Hydrothermal method 21
2.3.3 Co-precipitation 21
2.3.4 Electrochemical method 22
2.3.5 Combustion method 22
2.3.6 Microemulsion method 22
2.4 Application of photocatalyst 23
2.5 Photoactivity test by Methylene blue destruction 26
Chapter 3. Experimental 31
3.1 Materials 31
3.2 Preparation of Pd@TiO2 nanoparticles 31
3.2.1 Different Pd loading amount 32
3.2.2 Different hydrothermal treatment 32
3.3 Preparation of Ag@TiO2 and Au@TiO2 nanoparticles 33
3.3.1 Ag@TiO2 nanoparticle 33
3.3.2 Au@TiO2 nanoparticles 33
3.4 Characterization 35
3.4.1 XRD 35
3.4.2 TEM 36
3.4.3 XPS 36
3.4.4 UV-Vis 36
3.4.5 UV-vis DRS 37
3.5 Photoactivity test by methylene blue degradation 37
3.5.1 Apparatus of liquid phase reaction 37
3.5.2 Concentration calculation 38
Chapter 4. Photocatalytic Destruction of Methylene Blue : Effect of different metal cores 40
4.1 Introduction 40
4.2 Effect of different metals of the core 42
4.2.1 XRD 43
4.2.2 TEM 45
4.2.3 UV-vis DRS 47
4.2.4 XPS 49
4.2.5 Photoactivity test by methylene blue destruction 54
4.3 Summary 58
Chapter 5. Photocatalytic Destruction of Methylene Blue : Effect of Metal Loading Amounts and Hydrothermal Treatment 60
5.1 Introduction 60
5.2 Effect of various Au loading amount 62
5.2.1 XRD 62
5.2.2 TEM 64
5.2.3 XPS 66
5.2.4 Photoactivity test by methylene blue destruction 71
5.3 Effect of various Ag loading amount 73
5.3.1 XRD 73
5.3.2 TEM 76
5.3.3 XPS 78
5.3.4 Photoactivity test by methylene blue destruction 83
5.4 Effect of various Pd loading amount 85
5.4.1 XRD 85
5.4.2 TEM 88
5.4.3 XPS 90
5.4.4 Photoactivity test by methylene blue destruction 94
5.5 Effect of Hydrothermal treatment 96
5.5.1 XRD 96
5.5.2 TEM 99
5.5.3 XPS 101
5.5.4 Photoactivity test by methylene blue destruction 105
5.6 Summary 107
Chapter 6. Conclusion 109
Reference 111
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指導教授 陳郁文(Yu-Wen Chen) 審核日期 2012-6-19
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