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姓名 薛楷勳(Kai-syun Syue)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 生物醫學工程研究所
論文名稱 虛擬實境誘發體感覺事件相關電位P300之動態因果模型研究
(Neuronal correlates of Virtual Reality based sensory P300:A Dynamic Casual Modelling study)
★ 足弓指標參數之比較分析★ 運用腦電波研究中風病人的復健成效 與持續情形
★ 重複間斷性Theta爆發刺激對手部運動之腦波的影響★ Amylose mediated electricity production of Staphylococcus epidermidis for inhibition of Cutibacterium acnes growth
★ 使用虛擬實境系統誘發事件相關電位P300之研究★ 使用GPU提升事件相關電位之動態因果模型的運算效能
★ 基於動態因果模型之老化相關的運動網路研究★ 應用腦電圖預測中風病人復健情況
★ 以益智遊戲進行空間工作記憶訓練在事件相關電位P3上的影響★ 基於虛擬實境復健之中風後運動網路功能性重組研究
★ 應用腦電圖與相關臨床因子預測中風病人復原之研究★ 中風復健後與虛擬實境物理參數 相關的動作網絡重組
★ 以運動指標預測復健成效暨設計復健方針★ 運用時頻轉換分析方法研究 工作記憶訓練之人類大腦可塑性
★ 中風患者在復健後的大腦神經連結的變化★ 運用N-back任務和空間工作記憶訓練分析神經相關性能之ERP和DCM研究
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摘要(中) 事件相關電位P300在認知神經科學上廣泛的被應用,它最常利用新異刺激程序所誘發,儘管現有許多研究於探討P300在大腦中產生的機制,特別在它的神經網路與功能上,但到目前為止仍尚未有定論。
摘要(英) P300, an event-related potential evoked by oddball paradigm, has drawn a lot of attentions in cognitive neuroscience. Many efforts have been put on the study of the generating mechanism underlying P300, in particular, the network architectures and their possible functional roles, yet the conclusion has not been reached.
In this study, we aim to explore the hierarchical network of sensory P300 production by dynamic causal modelling for event-related potential (DCM for ERP) with a VR based novel oddball paradigm. Moreover, we investigate the connection strength changes and causal relationship of this P300 network to address the possible functional roles. Ten healthy right-handed volunteers underwent electroencephalogram recording while performing a catch-ball game using their dominant hand in 3-D Virtual Reality environment. For eliciting sensory P300, the game was designed to comprise two types of tactile stimuli: standard (with force feedback via a haptic feedback system) and target (without force feedback), with the 479 and 121 trials (i.e. 80% and 20%occurring), respectively. 30 channels electroencephalogram (EEG) and 2 channels electrooculography (EOG) were recorded with 250 Hz sampling rate during the task. The data were epoched offline, with a peristimulus window of -500 to1000 ms, filtered with 30 Hz low-pass filter, artefact removal using the fully automated correction method and averaged across artefact-free trials for classical ERP study. In DCM analysis, the time window of interest was set from 0 to 900ms, and the data were reduced to nine key dimensions using principal component analysis for computational expense. We first specify six plausible models, differed in the areas and the input based on three previous literatures, to identify the most likely model hierarchy. Then the target-specific modulation effects in terms of forward, backward and forward-backward were tested based on the winning model.
Classical event-related potentials analysis suggested that the catch-ball game based on 3-D Virtual Reality can be used to elicit the somatosensory P300 components reliably. DCM results show that the parietal-frontal network was the most possible model among models tested to explain the brain activity during this sensory oddball paradigm. In our experiment, the P300 was generated by the network with forward and backward modulations, and the contribution of forward modulations to the generation of P300 was significantly greater than that of backward modulations. The functional role of this forward modulation may involve in the delivery of the sensory information and the automatic detection of difference, the stimulus-driven attentional processes and the memory operation related to context-updating and subsequent memory storage. In contrast, the backward modulation was thought to engage in attention control and motor control, which is absent (i.e. no motor output requested) in our experiment, and leads to a minor contribution to our model.
關鍵字(中) ★ 動態因果模型
★ 體感覺P300
關鍵字(英) ★ Somatosensory P300
★ Dynamic causal modelling
論文目次 摘要 I
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 1
1.3 論文架構 2
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2-1 腦電波圖原理簡介 3
2.1.1 神經電生理與腦電波圖 3
2.1.3 10-20系統 4
2.2 事件相關電位成分P300 5
2.2.1 事件相關電位 5
2.2.2 P300簡介 7
2.2.3 P300的神經來源 9
2.2.4 影響P300的因素 11
2.2.5 P300在臨床上的運用 12
2.3 動態因果模型 13
2.3.1動態因果模型簡介 13
2.3.2 動態因果模型理論 15
第三章 實驗方法與流程 26
3.1 實驗設計 26
3.2 實驗參數 27
3.3 研究工具 28
3.3.1 硬體部分 28
3.3.2 軟體部份 29
3.4 傳統事件相關電位的分析 30
3.5 動態因果模型的分析 33
3.5.1 動態因果模型的建構 34
3.5.2 動態因果模型的選擇 37
3.5.3 動態因果模型的參數 39
第四章 研究結果 40
4.1 接球準確率 40
4.2傳統事件相關電位的分析 41
4.2.1全自動校正法適用與否 41
4.2.2 體感覺誘發電位 45
4.2.3 事件相關電位 P300 50
4.3 動態因果模型的分析 56
4.3.1 模型的選擇 56
4.3.2 模型的連結強度與增益 62
4.3.3 連結增益的統計分析 64
4.3.4 動態因果模型的輸出 65
4.3.5 平均P300大腦網路模型 69
第五章 討論與結論 71
5.1 全自動校正法 71
5.2 體感覺誘發電位 72
5.3 P300的振幅 73
5.4 P300的分布 74
5.5 P300的LATENCY 75
5.5 動態因果模型的輸入 76
5.6 P300大腦網路模型闡述 77
5.7 模型複雜度與結果的相關性 79
5.8 實驗設計 81
5.9 結論 82
第六章 未來展望 83
第七章 參考文獻 84
附錄 90
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指導教授 陳純娟(Chun-chuan Chen) 審核日期 2012-7-26
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