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姓名 林昆池(Kun-chih Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 環境工程研究所在職專班
論文名稱 雙冷凝器電冰箱節能探討
(The Study of Energy Conservation on A Novel Double-condenser Refrigerator)
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摘要(中) 地球蘊藏資源有限,但人類生活進步與人口增加,使得能源的耗用量逐年升高。家用電器的使用改善生活舒適度,但電器的使用需消耗電力,如能減少家用電器的用電量便能減少發電量,本研究提出一個創新雙冷凝器電冰箱並評估其節省的能源。
如果以23.8 °C為夏天或冬天模態切換溫度,研究結果指出:在夏季模態,室外冷凝器可使用強制氣流幫助冷卻,因而比只使用室內冷凝器的原有電冰箱提高了機殼散熱效率。經由實驗,相同用電量,有輔助散熱風扇比無輔助散熱風扇多降溫2.22 °C,這也顯示雙冷凝器電冰箱有助於提升電冰箱能源因素值。此外,室外冷凝器能降低夏季室內空調負荷,以市售性能係數值1.86平均每日使用2.2度電的電冰箱為例,夏季模式一天可節省2.09度冷氣機用電,這對於高雄市每月用電701度以上家庭,每年最高可節省1,436元冷氣機電費。冬季模式是啟動室內冷凝器,電冰箱運作產生的熱與電冰箱洩漏的冷互抵後還有剩餘。如果這個多出熱量可用來代替電熱器的使用,每使用一度電相當節省電熱器一度電,每日使用2.2度電的電冰箱能節省相同電量,台北一年需開電熱器日數估計有121日,一年可節省266.2度,對於每月用電701度以上家庭,每年便可節省1,198元電費。
摘要(英) The reserved resources in the Earth are limited. However, the energy consumption is increased due to the rise of human living standard and the increase of population year by year. The usage of household appliances improves life comfort but consumes electrical power. Power generation can be reduced if power consumption is lowered. This study proposed a novel double-condenser refrigerator and assessed the energy conserved from this idea.
The studied double-condenser refrigerator is composed of an original refrigerator, an added outdoor condenser, and a detached outdoor compressor. In summer, the reduced power consumption of an indoor air conditioner can be assessed using the outdoor condenser for heat dissipation, while that of an indoor heater is evaluated through the usage of an indoor condenser in winter.
The assessments were made by adopting 23.8 0C as the switching temperature for the summer and winter modes, respectively. The results indicated that the outdoor condenser could employ a forced airflow help cooling and was thus with higher heat dissipation efficiency than just using the indoor condenser in the original refrigerator for the summer mode. By applying the same electrical power to both systems, the experimental results showed that the temperature was cooled down for an extra 2.22 0C with the help of an auxiliary fan as compared with no auxiliary fan. This also implies that the double-condenser refrigerator can increase the value of energy factor in a refrigerator. In addition, the outdoor condenser is capable of lowering the loading of the indoor air conditioner in summer. Take the commercialized refrigerator with a coefficient of performance at 1.86 and a daily power-consumption average at 2.2 kWh for an example, a saving of 2.09 kWh was found in a day. The greatest amount of money saved for the electrical bill of the air conditioner was estimated to achieve 1,436 NT dollars for the family with monthly power consumption exceeding 701 kWh in the summer mode. In the winter mode, the indoor condenser was opened; the produced heat could offset the leaked cold air from the refrigerator and still left with extra heat in the room. If the extra heat can be used to substitute the usage of an electrical heater, one kWh of the power consumption by the refrigerator will substitute for one kWh power from the electrical heater. For the refrigerator with a daily average of power consumption at 2.2 kWh, the same amount of power can be saved. The annual power consumption saved from the usage of the electrical heater will be 266.2 kWh as 121 days per year are estimated in need to turn on the electrical heater in Taipei. Consequently, the power cost saved for the family with monthly power consumption exceeding 701 kWh will be 1,198 NT dollars.
關鍵字(中) ★ 節能
★ 一個創新電冰箱
★ 雙冷凝器
★ 輔助風扇
關鍵字(英) ★ Energy conservation
★ Auxiliary Fan
★ A novel refrigerator
★ Double condensers
論文目次 摘要.................................................i
第一章 前言.........................................1
第二章 文獻回顧.....................................3
2.1 家電銷售與用電量...............................3
2.2 電冰箱節能技術.................................5
2.3 冷凍研究相關技術...............................6
2.3.1 電冰箱、熱泵機、電熱器及冷暖空調介紹.......6
2.3.2 廢熱產生..................................12
2.4 電冰箱噪音....................................15
2.5 電冰箱室外冷凝器裝置及使用問題................17
2.6 雙冷凝器電冰箱與節能標章......................18
第三章 研究方法....................................19
3.1 雙冷凝器電冰箱架構............................20
3.2 實驗方法與過程................................21
3.2.1 廢熱量測實驗方法與過程....................21
3.2.2 冷凝器風扇輔助散熱實驗方法與過程..........26
3.2.3 減少噪音實驗方法與過程....................30
3.3 預期結果......................................37
第四章 結果與討論..................................38
4.1 電冰箱廢熱量..................................39
4.1.1 數據計算..................................39
4.1.2 實驗結果..................................42
4.2 冷凝器風扇輔助散熱............................43
4.2.1 機殼冷凝器溫度............................43
4.2.2 電冰箱內部溫度變化差異及總耗電量..........45
4.3 電冰箱壓縮機裝置室外減少噪音..................48
4.4 節省空調用電..................................50
4.4.1 電冰箱雙冷凝器最佳切換溫度................50
4.4.2 電冰箱冷凝器外置降低空調負荷..............52
4.4.3 節省耗能量預估............................56
4.4.4 節省冷氣機電費............................60
4.4.5 節省電熱器電費............................62
第五章 結論與建議..................................63
5.1 結論..........................................63
5.2 建議..........................................64
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指導教授 李崇德(Chung-Te Lee) 審核日期 2012-7-26
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