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姓名 陳宗誠(Zong-cheng Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 內容關聯廣告利用廣告標籤
(Contextual Advertising using Ad Tag Relevance)
★ 零售業商業智慧之探討★ 有線電話通話異常偵測系統之建置
★ 資料探勘技術運用於在學成績與學測成果分析 -以高職餐飲管理科為例★ 利用資料採礦技術提昇財富管理效益 -以個案銀行為主
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摘要(中) 近年來,網路廣告已成為最常用使用的市場通路。「搜尋贊助廣告」和「內容關聯廣告」是兩種最主要網路廣告類型。我們的研究主要針對「內容關聯廣告」類型。根據之前的文獻指出,「內容關聯廣告」面臨著是同義詞、多媒體內容、廣告中的文字數量有限,和顯示特性等四大問題。我們主要的研究目的是想要去提出一個新的「內容關聯廣告」的工具用來媒合廣告與網頁。我們提出的計畫工具主要的優點在於可以避免多媒體內容和文字數量有限問題。
摘要(英) In recent years, web advertising has become one of the most commonly-used marketing channels. Sponsored search and contextual advertising are the two main categories of text-based web advertising. Our research focuses on the contextual advertising. As indicated in the literature, the contextual advertising suffers from the four major problems, including synonyms, multimedia content, limited amount of text in advertisement, and display characteristics. In this work, our aim is to propose a new contextual advertising method to match ads and web pages. The advantages of our proposed method are that it can avoid the problems caused by multimedia content and limited amount of text problems.
  In the literature, the methods to match ads and web pages can be categorized into two main categories, which are vector space model and keyword based model. Both approaches have their own different weaknesses. For vector space model approach, it is difficult to build vectors for non-text-based ads because these ads include mainly multimedia material and have only very limited text; for keyword based model approach, most information in the web page is not used since we only select few keywords rather than a full vector to represent a web page.
  Since advertisers understand their ads well, this work assumes that the multimedia ads would be associated with keyword tags provided by their advertisers, based on which we propose a new approach to recommend ads to web pages. In our approach, we combine the two traditional approaches and represent a web page by a term vector and represent an ad by the keyword tags proposed by its advertiser. Then, a matching mechanism is developed to compute the similarities between the vectors and keywords tags. An experiment and evaluation are carried out to demonstrate the performance of the proposed method. The results show that it performs better than traditional information-retrieval methods.
關鍵字(中) ★ 推薦
★ 多媒體廣告
★ 資料探勘
★ 標籤
★ 內容關聯廣告
關鍵字(英) ★ tag
★ contextual advertising
★ recommend
★ data mining
★ multimedia ad
論文目次 Abstract  i
摘要  ii
致謝  iii
Contents  iv
List of Figures  vi
List of Tables  vii
Chapter 1 Introduction  1
1.1 Background of Web advertising  1
1.2 Contextual Advertising problem  2
1.3 Existing Approach  3
1.4 Motivation  4
1.5 Our Approach  4
Chapter 2 Related Works  6
2.1 Advertising  6
2.2 Sponsored Search  6
2.3 Contextual Advertising  7
2.4 Contextual Advertising problem  7
2.5 Advertising Pricing  8
2.6 Existing Approach  8
2.7 Summarization  10
Chapter 3 Research Design  11
3.1 Ad tags adding phase  11
3.2 Vector transforming phase  12
3.2.1 Preprocessing steps in Vector transforming phase  12
3.2.2 Feature Selection  14
3.3 Similarity matching phase  15
3.3.1 Step 1. Term of Ad Vector transforming  17
3.3.2 Step 2. Ad Vector aggregation  19
3.3.3 Step 3. Similarity between web page and ad  19
3.4 The Recommend Tags Method  20
Chapter 4 Experiments  23
4.1 Experiment 1 setting  23
4.2 Experiment 2 setting  25
4.3 Experiment 1 result  28
4.4 Experiment 2 result  38
4.5 Experiments Summary  44
Chapter 5 Conclusions and Future Works  46
Reference  47
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指導教授 陳彥良(Yen-liang Chen) 審核日期 2012-7-2
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