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姓名 黃士偉(Shih-wai Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 高階主管企管碩士班
論文名稱 以模糊層級分析法建構永續消費產品評選模式─以太陽能發電系統為例
★ 應用模糊層級分析法探討我國電動車電池技術之發展策略★ 影響證券業客戶財富管理需求因子之分析-以元大寶來、凱基為例
★ 以計劃行為理論來研究濕式敷料購買行為★ 公司治理推展導入過程之探討─以A公司為例
★ 台灣證券業財富管理業務之競爭優勢分析★ DRAM產業競爭分析─以台灣、韓國、美國為例
★ 影響消費者購買油電車因素之研究★ 個人退休理財規劃─以勞工為例
★ 顯示器設備業之客製化模組導入策略─以M公司為例★ 跨境電商物流系統風險分析
★ 商銀分行之零售策略分析─以S商銀-S分行為例★ 資源基礎觀點之持續性競爭優勢研究─以S醫療器材公司為例
★ 影響消費者購買快時尚商品因素之研究★ 企業客戶信用政策與應收帳款管理之探討
★ 台灣矽晶太陽能產業競爭策略其技術創新發展因素之探討-應用模糊層級分析法★ 電力供給與產業發展之關係探討─經濟成長觀點
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摘要(中) 2005年起聯合國環境規劃署便著手推動永續能源、平衡經濟與綠能產業的發展,力求全球各國皆得以公平的方式對地球的生態與環境保護得以永續發展。台灣為推動再生能源祭出高價補貼、簡化法規,放寬限制與油電雙漲等政策,本研究提供不同於技術觀點研究,利用模糊層級分析法由消費者端對於太陽能供電產品之採購評選進行永續消費行為模式的分析,提供政府作為制定永續能源與永續消費政策之參考。研究結果顯示,消費者最重視經濟利益性的考量,其次為價值觀。另外,以經濟考量構面來看,架設效益高低為消費者心中最重要之評選準則。但經由消費者根據選擇方案在各評估準則中評選,顯示消費者認為台灣太陽能供電系統最重要的永續產品動機要素依序為市電並聯型,獨立型及混合型陽光屋頂。相關研究結果可提供政府、業者使其瞭解消費者的期望與行為外,更可作為政策擬訂推動永續消費策略參考。
摘要(英) UNEP start hand-out the sustainable energy, Balanced economic and develop green-energy industry at 2005, Also strive to make nations on the earth who can adopting fair ways to preserve this plant sustainably develop at an ecological and pro-environmental approaches. Also leading out nation’s emissions reductions schedule. There are plenty different categories renewable energy, but most are focus on Wind turbulence, Hydropower and Solar energy these huge resources. Taiwanese government persuade the sustainable energy who follow the UNEP, release lots high potential incentives also simplify and enlarge the regulations for those who wish to deploy the Sustainable energy. Since the price of utility and Gasoline usage are cheapest around the Asia, the power electricity bill might block people invest the sustainable energy willing that government base on the world price demand to adjust the price base on market price policies been executed, Still the sustainable energy installation still cannot match the goal.

That this research which provides different aspects at behavior point and use Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process, A method who developed the estimate criteria and choices for Sustainable energy such as solar power generate system. Attempt adopt FAHP method to find out the Key-decision elements will effecting consumers choose which solar power generate system want to install at their own properties, Also wishing to provide these approaches to decision-making that can look different fields while develop the sustainable energy policy. From the research results that Consumers focus the economic potential are the most. Than Value aspect is the second, even the Taiwanese people culture status are dislike the other nation such as US or EU, but the basic of Consumer behavior and habit at the bottom inside our brain were similar.

Also from the Economical phase that consumer most wanted are the efficiency of Power generate system and payback period are reasonable or not are important than incentive of government policy providing. From the Questionnaires after the FAHP sampling equation calculated found the On-grid solar power generate system is the consumer best choice, since the knowledge and expertise level of Questionnaires are the expert from the industry or similar industry with high technology such as graduate students and computer design engineers.

Finally, this research who can provide to policy-making and industry researcher to understand the consumer are the core of the sustainable consumption and research the green-energy road maps who developing internal for the trend and business directions.
關鍵字(中) ★ 太陽能供電系統
★ 永續消費
★ 因素評選
★ 消費行為
★ 模糊層級分析法
關鍵字(英) ★ Solar power installation system
★ Sustainable Consumption
★ factors Selection
★ Consumer Behavior
★ Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP)
論文目次 第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究流程 4
第二章 個人與家用太陽能供電系統概況與介紹 8
第一節 系統概況 8
第二節 系統介紹 22
第三章 文獻探討 30
第一節 消費模式 30
第二節 永續消費模式 40
第三節 層級分析法/模糊集合理論之應用 42
第四章 研究設計與方法 47
第一節 研究架構 47
第二節 問卷設計及資料蒐集 49
第五章 實證結果與分析 50
第一節 受測者樣本結構 50
第二節 裝置太陽能供電系統動機要素評選權重結果 51
第三節 動機要素方案結果分析 58
第四節 研究結論 59
第五節 研究建議 62
第六節 研究限制 64
參考文獻 66
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指導教授 洪秀婉 審核日期 2014-11-25
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