摘要(英) |
Growing smartphone market has changed Telecomunicaiton industry, and Operating System (OS) owners is the leader in techonolgy and business model innovation. By extensively collaborated with partners, the OS can be utilized in various hardware and software products. To illustrate this complex interactoins cross industries, the research uses Business Ecosystem to analysis Keystone company in developing OS and business model.
The result found that the core technology and keystone strategy are major impact in driving ecosystem growth. The collective health of ecosystem affacts the development of niche players, and the power of influence to keystone company. The case company, Apple and Nokia, develop belonged ecosystem and their contribution to ecosystem is different. Keystone company should grow a mutually beneficial technology and business model when trying to enlarge their influence. A stable and flourishing ecosystem can retain niche players to create value and keystone company can keep their competitive advantage within.
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