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姓名 蘇月枝(Yueh-chih Su)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 財務金融學系在職專班
論文名稱 LED產業之經營策略及價值分析-以晶電為例
(LED Industrial Business Strategy and Value Analysis – Take EPISTAR for example)
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★ 銀行在併購風潮下之經營策略─以永豐銀行為例★ 銀行分行屬性差異與績效評核制度之研究- 以個案銀行之消費金融分行為例
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摘要(中) 發光二極體因節能之特性,被廣泛應用於手機背光、交通號誌、汽車車燈及大尺寸背光模組等的應用上,未來最大宗的應用將是全世界的照明,尤其在京都議定書及哥本哈根協議簽訂後,提升能源效率,已為各國政府積極推行的政策,無庸置疑是相當具有發展潛力的產業。而台灣廠商本身完整產業鏈在整合效應利基下,整體產業產值之成長可期,但隨著科技不斷的進步及各國政策推動下,新進入者多,產業競爭激烈,對發光二極體產業產生了極大影響,本研究將探討LED產業及代表廠商所受的衝擊並建議商業模式調整方向。本研究以深入觀察個案為主要研究方法,並佐以歷史文獻及資料整理分析,使研究更具客觀性,並深入了解個案公司現況及面對產業變動的態度。本研究以波特五力分析、8十商業模式要素探悉個案公司的外部環境的機會、威脅及內部條件的優勢、劣勢,並依SWOT分析彙整提出建議。最後以現金流量評價模式,試圖尋找個案公司合理的企業價值及合理股價。
摘要(英) Light-emitting diode is widely applied to mobile phone backlights, traffic lights, automotive headlamps and large-size backlight modules due to its energy-saving character, which its most extensive application in the future will be the lightening in the world. Especially after Kyoto Protocol and agreement of Copenhagen are signed, raising the energy efficiency has become a significant policy that many governments promote actively. Undoubtedly, the LED industry has great potential to develop. Once the manufacturers in Taiwan had the complete industry chain to expand the output value due to their integrated effect; however, with the continuous progress of technology and the governments’ promotion to the energy policy, the entrants become more and has lead to a violent competition, which is greatly influencing on LED industry. This research will probe into the status of LED industry, the impacts on the representative manufacturers, and finally providing suggestions for adjusting the business model. Mainly the research method for this paper uses case study, accompanied by historical literature and document analysis, which makes this research become more objective. Thus, there will be a further view of the company in the case study and realize its attitude to face the challenges in LED industry. This research utilizes Porter Five Forces Analysis to find out the chances and threats of the company in the case study, analyzing their strengths and weaknesses via the four factors in the business model and integrating them as SWOT Analysis to provide appropriate suggestions. Finally, it will apply the DCF valuation model to seek for the proper corporate value and fair share price.
Via the result of this research, Epistar holds its great potential and opportunity to develop in the market because the LED industrial structure in Taiwan is complete and has smooth marketing channels, which lets Epistar have a certain economic and technical scale to expand the market share. Meanwhile, Epistar faces a more and more drastic competition in the market with other manufactures that not only comes from the Eastern countries but also those manufacturers supported by PRC and South Korea. The strengths of Epistar depend on their strong management team, stable technology and high quality, with possessing many business partners; the weaknesses lie in the rising labor cost, the low efficiency in asset turnover…etc, which need to integrate the resources and update their efficiency. From the viewpoint of enterprise evaluation, the most likely value of the stable share price for Epistar possibly fluctuates slightly after April, 2011. Excluding the negative effects from the European Sovereign-debt Crisis that had led to the share price declined below its lower limit.
According to the above research result, here suggests the four methods to raise the competitiveness: Strengthen the R&D ability and the strategic alliance, initiate the blue ocean strategy, increase the management efficiency, lower the cost, expand the economic scale, update the product range, and integrate the resources to raise the competitiveness in cost and management. From the viewpoint of Business Valuation, the Discounted Cash Flow Model has the certain accuracy to predict the share price of the LED industry.
關鍵字(中) ★ 五力分析
★ 商業模式
★ 現金流量評價法
★ 企業評價
關鍵字(英) ★ Business Valuation
★ Business Model
★ Five Forces Analysis
★ Discounted Cash Flow Model
論文目次 中 文 摘 要 I
英 文 摘 要 II
誌 謝……….. IV
目 錄.... V
圖目錄….. VII
表目錄….. VIII
一、 緒 論 1
1-1 研究背景與動機 1
1-2 研究目的 2
1-3 研究流程 3
1-4 論文架構 3
二、 文獻探討 5
2-1 發光二極體產業 5
2-2 產業分析 7
2-2-1 五力分析 7
2-3 商業模式 7
2-3-1 8十商業模式 7
2-4 SWOT 9
2-5 企業評價 10
三、 研究設計 11
3-1 PEST分析 11
3-2 五力分析 12
3-3 商業模式 15
3-3-1 8十商業模式 15
3-4 SWOT分析 16
3-5 企業評價 16
3-5-1 名詞定義 17
3-5-2 評價模式設計 18
四、 產業分析 22
4-1 我國LED產業發展概況 22
4-1-1 LED產品簡介 22
4-1-2 我國LED產業發展概況 23
4-2 LED產業展望 25
4-2-1 應用多元化,產業成長可期 25
4-2-2 LED 產業全球發展趨勢 27
4-3 台灣LED產業PEST分析 28
五、 個案分析 30
5-1 五力分析 30
5-1-1 個案公司之五力分析 30
5-1-2 五力分析小結 32
5-2 商業模式 32
5-2-1 公司概況 32
5-2-2 商業模式分析 37
5-2-3 商業模式小結 39
5-3 SWOT分析 41
5-3-1 優勢 41
5-3-2 劣勢 41
5-3-3 機會 42
5-3-4 威脅 42
5-3-5 建議策略 42
5-4 績效評估 43
5-4-1 前言 43
5-4-2 評價前題分析 44
5-4-3 績效評估小結 54
5-5 評價分析 55
5-5-1 銷售導向DCF評價分析 55
5-5-2 盈餘導向DCF 評價分析 56
5-5-3 綜合評價總結 57
六、 結論與建議 59
參考文獻 61
一、中文文獻 61
二、英文文獻 62
參考文獻 一、中文文獻
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指導教授 鄭漢鐔(Hann-Tarn Jeng) 審核日期 2012-7-8
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