博碩士論文 995202092 詳細資訊

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姓名 黃龍旺(Long-wang HUANG)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 H.264/AVC畫質平穩編碼架構
(A Constant Quality Coding Framework for H.264/AVC)
★ 基於QT之跨平台無線心率分析系統實現★ 網路電話之額外訊息傳輸機制
★ 針對與運動比賽精彩畫面相關串場效果之偵測★ 植基於向量量化之視訊/影像內容驗證技術
★ 植基於串場效果偵測與內容分析之棒球比賽精華擷取系統★ 以視覺特徵擷取為基礎之影像視訊內容認證技術
★ 使用動態背景補償以偵測與追蹤移動監控畫面之前景物★ 應用於H.264/AVC視訊內容認證之適應式數位浮水印
★ 棒球比賽精華片段擷取分類系統★ 利用H.264/AVC特徵之多攝影機即時追蹤系統
★ 利用隱式型態模式之高速公路前車偵測機制★ 基於時間域與空間域特徵擷取之影片複製偵測機制
★ 結合數位浮水印與興趣區域位元率控制之車行視訊編碼★ 應用於數位智權管理之H.264/AVC視訊加解密暨數位浮水印機制
★ 基於文字與主播偵測之新聞視訊分析系統★ 植基於數位浮水印之H.264/AVC視訊內容驗證機制
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摘要(中) 畫質控制在視訊編碼中是一個很重要的議題,本研究提出一個根據畫面內容分析來動態調整編碼參數的方式,讓壓縮視訊達到品質恆定的需求。我們利用了畫面縮放與奇異值分解的方式來判定畫面複雜度,藉由訓練,我們將複雜度相對應至失真模型參數,以便選擇適當的量化參數。我們另也採用較簡單的畫面間預測來協助P畫面中的複雜度計算。我們所提出的架構可以被使用於不同的品質衡量標準,例如PSNR或SSIM。為了獲得更精確的恆定品質畫面,我們使用了兩種編碼,一種是當畫面變動過大時,採用編碼兩次的方式,第一次經由統計模型預估編碼參數,第二次以第一次編碼的結果來更新統計模型進行編碼。另一種則是畫面變動較小時,我們根據之前畫面的編碼結果更新預估編碼參數模型。實驗結果顯示我們提出的方式對於各種不同的影片皆可以達到恆定品質效果。
摘要(英) Quality control is important in video coding, which tries to dynamically adjust the encoder parameters for achieving the target distortion. In this thesis, we propose a quality control framework for the constant quality coding in H.264/AVC. The proposed scheme can assign a suitable Quantization Parameter (QP) to each frame based on the scene complexity. In intra-coded frames, we evaluate the scene complexity based on the quality measurements of the resized and singular value decomposition processed frames. With the proposed model, we can adjust the QP to achieve the target distortion. Our propose framework can use different quality measurements such as Peak Signal to Noise Ratio and Structural Similarity. For inter-coded frames, we employ the additional temporal information by the simple motion estimation to improve the prediction accuracy. We also propose a dynamic encoding mechanism for the model adjustment. When the content has large variations, we may encode the frame twice. Otherwise, we encode it only once. In addition, the effect of scene changes on the model update is also considered to reduce the quality deviation from the target. Experimental results show that our scheme performs well in various test videos.
關鍵字(中) ★ 失真-量化模型
★ 恆定品質
關鍵字(英) ★ D-Q model
★ constant quality coding.
論文目次 中文摘要. i
英文摘要. ii
誌謝 iii
Contents . iv
List of Figure v
List of Table . vii
Chapter1 ─ Introduction . 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Contribution. 3
1.3 The Organization of Thesis 3
Chapter2 ─ Preliminaries 5
2.1 Existing Quality Control Scheme . 5
2.1.1 Methods of VBR Encoding 5
2.1.2 Distortion-Quantization Models. 7
2.2 Review of the Related Works . 9
Chapter3 ─ Proposed Quality Control Scheme . 11
3.1 Overview of Our Proposed Scheme 11
3.2 The Relationship of Distortion and QP . 12
3.2.1 PSNR Quality Metric 12
3.2.2 SSIM Quality Metric 13
3.2.3 The Relation between Distortion and QP 14
3.3 Basic Unit 15
3.4 A Single Parameter D-Q Model . 19
3.5 Pre-processing and Model Parameter Estimation 21
3.5.1 Pre-Processing . 25
3.5.2 Features’’ Modeling. 30
3.6 Encode Processing 33
Chapter4 ─ Experimental Results . 40
4.1 Experimental Settings 40
4.2 Constant Quality Control. 41
4.2.1 Key Frame Control Accuracy 41
4.2.2 Di erent coding structure of Constant Quality Con-
trol . 44
4.3 Comparisons. 51
Chapter5 ─ Conclusion 53
Reference 54
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指導教授 蘇柏齊(Po-chyi Su) 審核日期 2012-8-27
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